It is indeed a little disappointing at this moment,

Because in the beginning,

He was more cautious about Grat, after all, the other party was a special level chaos spirit,

It is the top combat power currently known in this world, and it is not said that it bears the template of the Five Enlightenments,

Nature knows,

In the world of Spells in which Gojo Goku is located, once you reach the special level,

Then it is possible to learn a skill – “field”. In the original world,

Once you have learned the “field”, then within the scope of the “field”,

The attack of the “realm” expander will reach 100% hit, that is,

If this world is similar to the world of Spells, then it is possible for the Gluttonous Sect Grat to master the “realm” as a special level chaos spirit.

And once he develops the “field”,

Then the attack within the “realm” range will hit this attribute 100% of the time, and it will be very restrained when it comes to the strongest defense that it has now.

There is no lower limit of the stopping force.

Although the “field” can be covered by a stronger “field”, thus invalidating the 100% hit effect of the weaker side,

But it goes without saying that the “field” has not yet been learned. So as long as Gratt unfolds the “field”,

Then he could directly attack the body that was silent, making his situation troublesome.

Therefore, in order to test whether the other party has mastered the skill of “field”, he directly began to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the other party without saying a word.

Even took the initiative to turn off the stop force,

In order to let himself feel more realistically, what kind of level of special grade in this world is, he is even ready to be injured.

After all, Shi Wuyan has now mastered the “Reversal Technique Primary”, as long as the injury is not particularly serious,

Then they can all recover from themselves. But the result of the test is,

The other party does not seem to have skills similar to “fields” at all, and although Grat’s power is indeed extremely large,

But it is still a far cry from what was envisioned at the time. But strangely enough,

This kind of discovery in favor of their own side, but did not surprise Shi Buyan,

On the contrary, there is some slight disappointment.

That’s why he uttered the words that made Gratt thunderous, “Is this the power of the special class?” ”


Gratt now had a look of horror on his face,

The reason why he has not regarded Shi Wuyan as a real opponent is because on the night of Shi Wuyi’s awakening,

He’s on the spot, that is,

It was he who watched the awakening, from that day to the present,

A full dozen counts do not exceed a week’s time.

“How can a newcomer who has been in the ranks of the supernatural for less than a week overcome himself?”

That’s what Gratt thought, but this is the new man.

Now he was so humiliated as to beat him into the ground! Anger appeared in Gratt’s eyes,

The red light in the pupil was sharp, and the next moment,

In the middle of his parched abdomen, a large opening suddenly opened,

The ribs on both sides rapidly become thicker and longer,

Like the fangs of a beast, it stabbed out like a terrifying mouth,

Swallow the whole person without saying a word! The bone is a prison, as a cage,

Shi Yi was locked up in this bone cage at this moment! The people who saw this scene,

My heart tightened,

A touch of shock and grief appeared on his face, and he did not say anything stronger,

After all, can’t it defeat the special level chaos spirit?! Gratt looked at the body attached to himself,

The cage formed by countless wrist-thick bone teeth was now vibrating and striking from within,

A loud burst of laughter erupted from his mouth,

“Useless, these bone teeth are so hard that no one has ever escaped from the inside in a closed state!” ”

This is exactly what he did as the gluttonous teacher,

And one of the powers given by the Lord – the bone cage! Its own bones can grow out of the body,

Become a giant mouth that can swallow everything!

Feeling the shock in the bone cage gradually disappear, a thick smile appeared on Gratt’s face,

The corners of his mouth flowed with greedy saliva, and he began to look forward to it,

Such a delicious time is not to say that when he eats it, it is a wonderful experience that has reached the pinnacle!

As long as the prey is wrapped in his bone cage,

Then it will immediately secrete a strongly corrosive liquid, instantly covering the food,

Completely melt it and turn it into a rich essence,

Thus being swallowed up by oneself. In Gratt’s view,

After all, he is still just a newcomer, although the strength is terrifying and frightening,

But the combat experience is still weak after all, I don’t know if a mountain is still a mountain high,

Being swallowed by himself unexpectedly must have surprised him,

Presumably, before he died, there was no reaction!

It’s a pity that I can’t see the shock in his eyes! Gratt’s mood at this moment is extremely happy,

The next second, however,

But his laughter suddenly disappeared, and he found that although it had passed a little,

But in the cage of bones formed by the ribs, there was no energy essence that he was familiar with, and Grat’s face showed a look of doubt.

But before he could figure out what was going on, his look suddenly changed dramatically.

The pupils fluttered violently, and at this moment,

The crowd saw that above the cage of bones that was wrapped in silence, it was slowly trembling that was visible to the naked eye,

Then the bone teeth on both sides gradually began to expand outwards, as if at this moment,

There is a huge force inside it trying to break free! soon

The white hair that was not spoken for a moment appeared from the gap in the bone cage and appeared in the sight of everyone!

Gratt was confused, and his eyes flashed,

“Time goes on, you don’t think!”

His body glowed red,

A huge amount of spiritual power instantly poured into the bone teeth, making the white bones all glow red, and the power of the bone teeth to close suddenly increased.

Let the bone cage, which had been half open, begin to close again, but there was a faint tremor on it,

Let people can clearly imagine,

How powerful are the two forces that are fighting at this moment! In the panicked bone teeth rubbing sound,

After all, the bone cage was slowly closed, and Shi Wuxian was locked into it again!


Just when Gratt was just breathing a sigh of relief,

But he suddenly saw that in the gap formed by the bone teeth, a dark red light suddenly appeared!

The next moment, an incomparably huge repulsive force erupted from it, only to hear countless dense clicks,

It’s like putting a bunch of firecrackers,

The hard bone teeth that were as thick as a wrist suddenly broke into two pieces from the bend!

And that very conspicuous white-haired figure,

It was in everyone’s sight again! Gratt was shocked to find out at this time,

The digestive juices produced in his bone cage that can corrode everything have not even touched the body without saying a word.

At this moment, all the drops fell at the feet of the unspoken, forming a deep circular gully!

“A cage made of bones… It’s funny. ”

A smile appeared on Shi Wuyi’s face,

The voice had a hint of laziness. then

He crossed his hands and ten fingers together, and raised them above his head to stretch out,

Then he stepped out, eyebrows bent, and looked at Gratt, “Then it’s my turn to turn next.” ”

Between words,

His figure disappeared in place,

In an instant, he appeared in front of Gratt’s face, which looked extremely frightened and painful because of the broken bone teeth,

“You seem to like the smell of spells… Then try more! ”

The voice has not fallen,

Without saying a word, it is a punch,

The fist is wrapped in a thick layer of spell red, with the sound of whistling wind,

It slammed into Grat’s face. Bang!

Gratt’s miserable white face was instantly deformed and distorted, and the front teeth in his mouth were broken and flew out on the spot, and the whole person flew out at a very fast speed as if he had been hit by a speeding train!

After breaking several stone pillars, the castration is still unabated,

Until it hit the foot of the huge cocoon mountain, the whole person broke through countless unhatched butterfly cocoons and smashed out a huge crater,

The figure is submerged in it,


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