Elder Lin’s brow furrowed at this moment,

A sharp light suddenly burst from his cloudy eyes, and the next moment,

The huge body of Duomu directly took off into the air and flew into the darkness next to it,

The sixteen guards looked at Elder Lin with a look of admiration in their expressions, without touching the body of the multi-eyed,

Let that huge body like a hill just move away! Worthy of being the top spiritual power of the Sixteen Guards!

And then the next moment,

Then they heard the sound of Luo Ruxuan’s mouth inhaling cool air, and the crowd turned their heads to look,

The pupils shrank violently!

At this moment, the road in front of them, blocked by many eyes, appeared, only in front of them,

There are countless wreckage of white-rimmed butterflies scattered on the ground, densely packed,

It almost sprinkled on the entire huge open space in front of them, even on the surrounding walls,

There are still a lot of broken butterfly wings!

The vast majority of their bodies have disappeared, but only the rest of their bodies.

Rough estimates,

At least the number of thousands of heads!

That was a fourth-level chaotic spirit that was three meters long after opening its wings! Luo Ruxuan’s gaze became more and more solemn,

She knows,

The white-sided butterfly that appeared in this disaster,

The most threatening thing is not that they directly attack the human mouthpiece, but that the scales that fall from their wings.

She just thought about it.

If you are in this underground confined space, facing these scales,

Then your situation will become extremely difficult! But just now those members of the Spirit Hunting Team,

But even the clothes were not torn! How the hell did they do it?! Luo Ruxuan was a little difficult to understand.

The people of the Spirit Hunting Team had also come here at this moment, and they walked to Elder Lin’s side without saying a word.

“Elder Lin, if it’s all right, why don’t we lose it back?”

Elder Lin slowly turned his head at this moment,

Eyes flickering,

“You’ve just come here?”

“Yeah, just kill them and get ready to go back, and you’re coming.”

Time does not say a word,


Elder Lin suddenly appeared a trace of anger in his unspoken eyes when he looked at it, and then disappeared again.


Elder Lin sighed heavily, “What’s wrong?” ”

I don’t know when I don’t understand,

“You have made such a big fuss here, the two old priests of the old division must have already run away.”

Elder Lin looked at the wreckage all over his feet, and his heart was a little disappointed,

The priest of the old division has been lurking in the world,

Hidden traces are planning various disaster events, and the Sixteen Guards have always been intent on destroying them.

But they have been struggling to find their hiding place, and this time they accidentally got the location information of the priest, and at one time it was two whole people.

It was hard to have a chance to eliminate them, but they were frightened by the grass without saying a word, but the matter had come to an end.

Elder Lin has always valued Shi Shi without saying a word, reluctant to scold him,

I couldn’t help but sigh. Luo Ruxuan looked frozen at this moment, along with Elder Lin’s words,

She realized that she had just been immersed in this terrifying number of white-sided butterfly corpses, and forgot that the most important purpose of their coming this time was not the white-sided butterfly.

It’s to destroy those two evil old priests! That’s now being confused by the time of the word,

Isn’t it hard to find such a good opportunity?! At this time, Lu Chengqi came over,

“Elder Lin, if you want to find those two Grade Chaos Spirits… Now, not far from you. ”

Saying that the landing is a trick to stretch out the onion finger,

Pointing to the ground on the side of the multitude,

“The fly wing was from the gluttonous priest Grat, and the severed serpent’s tail was the lustful priest Raich.”

A strange look appeared on Lu Chengqi’s face, the kind of expression that wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

“They did not flee, but were already wiped out!”

With Lu Chengqi’s words,

The exclamations of the crowd in the audience gradually disappeared until the last words were spoken,

The scene had turned into a dead silence, and Elder Lin’s eyes were extremely solemn, “Si Yu! ”

Si Yu on the side will immediately understand, although wearing an eye mask,

But she still walked accurately to the two pieces of wreckage that Lu Chengqi said, and she crouched down and sniffed it gently.

Then he stood up and looked a little shocked, “It is indeed the corpses of the two priests of the old days.” ”

The voice just dropped,

The scene that had just died suddenly boiled over!



“Wouldn’t you!!!!!”

Countless exclamations suddenly sounded,

The faces of the sixteen guards who had just arrived here were suddenly shocked, and they appeared extremely shocked.

Two Grade Chaos Spirits are dead???!!!

“Who… How did you do that?! ”

Elder Lin’s wrinkled face, the skin kept trembling,

Although he is trying to control,

But the words spoken were slightly trembling, and he wanted to ask who did it.

But reason told him,

Now the highest level is only the first-level superhuman spirit hunting team,

No one could kill two Premium Chaos Spirits alone! He looked at the members of the Spirit Hunting Team behind him,

I wanted to know how they had worked together to kill the two Grade Chaos Spirits. But his eyes suddenly narrowed,

Only to see that everyone in the Spirit Hunting Team actually fell on Shi Wuyi’s body in unison!

“You killed it alone?!!!”

Elder Lin asked in disbelief, “Well, I killed you.” ”

Shi did not say a word and nodded calmly. Hiss!

Suddenly there was a loud inhalation sound in the middle of the field,

The sixteen guards who had just arrived at the scene all looked at each other without saying a word,

I had long heard that the new vice-captain was an extremely talented man, but I did not expect that,

How could he be so genius!!! Although their rank is not high,

I haven’t seen the strength of the Special Chaos Spirit, but along the way,

Naturally, I know that the three captains who took the lead have always been mentally tense, with a solemn look of imminent fierce battle.

Even the captains had a serious expression like a great enemy, which showed that they were facing the special level chaos spirit,

How strong is the strength!

But the white-haired teenager in front of him actually said lightly, “Well, I killed him.” ”

Please, big brother!

Why don’t you be a person!!!

Can you not say such a terrible thing in such an ordinary tone like killing a fish!!!!

You’re going to make us feel like we’re a piece of shit!!! Even Luo Ruxuan’s forehead oozed a fine layer of cold sweat, didn’t this guy just wake up?!

How could he possibly kill two Super-Grade Chaos Spirits alone?! And the body is actually clean and spotless,

It’s like not having fought!!!

Wait a minute…… He killed two special ranks… Doesn’t that mean… He is also a special??!!!

At this moment,

Luo Ruxuan suddenly looked at it without saying a word,

She suddenly realized,

What it means to have a special level fighter in a combat team! If nothing else,

Shi Wuyan will become the first captain of the combat team in all these years!!! The combat team at that time,

It will become the veritable strongest combat power in the sixteen guards! And at the moment,

Elder Lin looked at him in a daze and stood in front of him, with a calm face that did not say anything,

There was a thick color of shock in his eyes, and his lips trembled slightly,

“Paint the smoke…”

These two words are weak mosquito groaning,

Even when standing very close to him, he did not hear Elder Lin’s chatter, and Elder Lin has always been very appreciative of Shi Wu.

From the first time we met,

Elder Lin saw a familiar breath in this unusual young man,

Tough and wanton!

When in the monitoring room of the garrison,

Seeing that Shi Wuyi killed Raiki’s body and headed towards the nest, the anger he showed at that time,

It is that he thinks that this boy is too foolish, and he is afraid that he will not say anything because of chaos,

Too confident in their own strength,

Causing such a genius figure to fall directly into the hands of the remnants of the old Hiji…

This kind of genius-type figure who holds the talent and prides himself and falls, in Lin Lao’s long life,

I’ve seen too much, too much.

So he hurried over, but he didn’t expect to know now,

This kid actually killed even the Special Grade Chaos Spirit directly! Still so relaxed, completely inappropriate expression,

At the moment when he answered him without saying a word, his dusty memory suddenly flipped over,

An equally amazing and brilliant face appeared in his mind, and he was as proud as the man at the time.

No, the arrogance that is not spoken of from time to time is even deeper into the bone marrow! After a few moments, Elder Lin’s face gradually calmed down, “Check to see if there are any remaining Chaos Spirits.” ”

“Yes, Elder Lin!”

The crowd obeyed,

I began to examine this huge space, and it was not long before I could

“The search has been completed, and no remnants of the Chaos Spirit have been found!”

Elder Lin nodded,

Looking at the unspoken eyes with a hint of undisguised appreciation, “Since the matter is over, let’s throw it back.” ”

“Yes, Elder Lin!”

After a few moments,

A group of people came out of the nest and came outside the Tokugawa Tunnel. Ding-ding-ding!

The sound of the communicator suddenly sounded, and Lu Chengqi connected to the communication,

“Hey, I’m Lu Chengqi, what’s the matter?”

A surprised young man’s voice sounded on the other end of the communicator,

“Captain Road?! Finally connected! It’s great that you’re all right! ”


From the side of the communicator came the voice of Wen Chengye, “Is Elder Lin with you?” ”

“I’m here, what’s the matter with Captain Wen?”

Because the communicator is external,

Therefore, Elder Lin was naturally able to hear.

“Elder Lin, just now I don’t know what happened, all the criminals and chaos spirits in the watch world are suddenly like the evil spirits, all of them are screaming and losing their combat effectiveness, and our people have completely controlled them!”

The sound of Chengye in the communicator seemed to be very pleasantly surprised,

“Elder Lin, I can come to support you at any time!”

“No, Captain Wen, this disaster has been completely resolved without saying a word.”

Elder Lin said with a smile,

“Completely solved? Silence?!!! ”

At the end of the communicator, there was a frightened voice from the mouth…

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