“Well, Captain Wen, do you have any spare staff over there?”

Elder Lin asked,

“Yes, Elder Lin.”

“Then you send some team members to deal with it, just underground on this side of the Tokugawa Tunnel.”

“Yes, Elder Lin!”

Watching Elder Lin hang up the phone,

At this moment, everyone was standing on the river where the moon was hanging high, and they only felt that their mood was extremely relaxed.

Who would have thought that under an abandoned tunnel by the river would be an old lair of the old Hiji,

Who would have thought that this old nest would now be destroyed by a teenager in a very dramatic way.

Without saying a word, I took two steps forward,

“If it’s all right, I’ll go back first.”

He waved at the crowd behind him, then turned and prepared to leave. Today is another big battle,

Even if he mastered the Reversal Technique Primary, he could repair his own lost spiritual power, and he also ate the sugar given by Jiang Yi’er.

Still feeling slightly tired, he wanted to go back and rest first.

“Vice Captain, please wait a minute.”

Luo Ruxuan’s voice with a mature voice sounded,

At this moment, her attitude towards the time has changed slightly,

It is very different from the previous speech with that kind of arrogance, and even the word “please” is used.

“Is there anything else?”

Without saying a word, he turned around, with a slight smile on his face,

Looking at Luo Ruxuan, who was wearing a capable OL professional suit in front of him,

“Today’s disaster is too severe, in order to avoid a similar situation in the future,”

Luo Ruxuan did not know why,

She felt that the unspoken smile made her heart a little hairy, but it was because of the duty of the captain of the intelligence team,

She continued to speak with a hard scalp,

“Therefore, we need to interrogate all those who participated in this incident to record the details and abnormalities in the battle, so that we can better understand the enemy’s feelings.”

Without saying a word,

Then he turned around directly. He waved his hand at Luo Ruxuan,

“Tomorrow, Miss Lowe, I’ll go back to sleep.”

“Time is silent!”

Luo Ruxuan’s expression immediately stagnated, and his high heels stomped on the ground,

Instinctively want to catch up,

This is the first time she has been rejected directly in person! And she was known as Miss Lowe!


The corners of Si Yu’s mouth curled up and he let out a squealing laugh.

“It’s really fun.”

“Captain Lowe, forget it, just let him go.”

Elder Lin was smiling lightly at the moment,

“This incident has such a large scope, is it not enough for you to be busy?” There is no rush to let the time go without saying a word to inquire first. ”

Luo Ruxuan saw it,

He also gave up the idea of catching up,

On the contrary, at this moment, she was slightly relieved in her heart, she was just really unsure,

If you really catch up, that one has special strength,

But the guy with the very bad personality will not fight directly with himself! The point is,

I probably can’t beat him! yes

In Luo Ruxuan’s heart at this moment,

It is to think that Shi Buyan is a person with a bad personality.

“All right, let’s go, go back to headquarters.”

Elder Lin opened his mouth lightly, and the next moment, the blue light above the coin flashed,

A circular passage appeared in front of the crowd. Then the crowd stepped in one by one,

The North River was calm again.

When it was time to wake up again, it was already early the next morning,

After a simple wash,

Shi Wuyan made himself a more hearty breakfast, two sweetheart poached eggs and a glass of milk!

If Lu Chengqi is here,

Will be absolutely surprised to cry out,

Not to mention that this guy is really lazy, although the cooking is very good,

But usually only one egg can be boiled at most, but today I actually added one!


If it were normal, he would not have done so, but his mood is very good now,

For last night’s continuous fighting was the fiercest battle so far since he woke up.

Even the special level chaos spirit destroyed two at once, then the corresponding,

The rewards given by the system will definitely be better! So after breakfast,

The system panel was opened with great anticipation.

“The host was detected to have punished the worldly crime, and the crime – violent reward the host with 3 points of integration.”

“The host was detected to have punished the sins of the world, and the crime, the greedy reward, is 3 points of integration.”

“The host was detected to have punished the crime of the world, and the crime – color rewards the host with 5 points of fusion.”

“The host was detected to have punished the crime of the world, and the crime – violent reward the host with 8 points of fusion.”

“The host was detected to have punished the crime of the world, and the crime – color rewards the host with 8 points of fusion.”

“The current Fusion of Gojo Goku templates – 58%.”

“Unlock Spell Operation: Reversal Technique, Intermediate Level.”

“Unlock a new skill: “Black Flash”.”

“Hint: The strength of the Black Flash is calculated to the 2.5th power based on the strength of the spell and the strength of the flesh.”

“Currently Mastering skills:

1. Six eyes.

2. Unlimited Technique – “Stop Force”.

3. Divine Gymnastics.

4. Unlimited Spell – Spell “Cang”.

5. Reversal – Spell “He”.

6. “Black Flash.”


Shi did not say a word of joy in his heart, watching this series of convictions and punishments,

The large amount of fusion that is rewarded makes the template fusion progress of the time self-evident, directly jump from the previous 31% to the current 58%!

This time the battle,

That’s a whole lot more than 27 points of fusion!

And not only has a new spell operation been unlocked, the Reverse Spell Technique, Intermediate Level

And also unlocked a new skill – Black Flash!

Two rewards at a time,

This is the first time that Shi Buyan has this kind of treatment, which makes Shi Buyan feel a little excited in his heart.

Reversal style of intermediate order, when it is not said to know,

This is the advanced version of his reversal technique before the beginner, although the system does not give a clear progression,

But I can probably guess it.

As long as you master the middle level, the next level should be the high level, and once you master the high-level reversal technique, then at that time,

The reverse operation of one’s own mantra force will reach a state of extreme skill,

By that time,

As long as you are not directly beaten into slag in an instant,

Then his reversal technique can instantly recover from his own injuries, that is, to reach the legend,

As long as there is a breath, it will not die!

Then coupled with the stopping force that can stop all objects from approaching, then you can almost say that you have reached a truly invincible position! then

Without saying a word, my mind turned,

Put your left hand in front of you, and squeeze your left hand into a fist,

Swinging at the mid-air in front of him, at the same time, the dark red spell power in his body surged together, and the next moment,

Just listen to a nourishing sound,

Above the silent fist appeared one after another flashing black lightning!

Although the silent fist only hit the air and did not touch any entity,

But above the wall not far in front of him, a thin crack suddenly appeared! It’s not called a bull fight.

But it is said that the power of this punch is so great that the breath that is set off vibrates,

All the fine marks on the walls! As you can imagine,

If this punch is strong and strong on the human body,

Then what a huge impact that person will suffer in that instant! Without saying a word, he looked at his left hand,

The color of the eyes flashed…………

This is the powerful power that is known as an absolute critical strike in the world of “Spells”!

The so-called black flash, the orthodox interpretation is,

Space warps that occur when the error between the physical strike and the spell impact is within 0.000001 seconds.

The power it triggers averages to the usual 2.5 power.

Because of its external manifestation as a flashing black spark, it is named Black Flash.

In other words, in general,

In the world of Spells, the spellcaster’s attack and spell power are emitted at the same time.

Just like what I did before,

Cover the spell over your fist or leg so that when it hits the enemy’s body,

The strengthened flesh and spell force will hit the enemy’s body at the same time, resulting in huge power.

And black flash is different,

It is two consecutive extremely tight critical hits issued in succession, first the flesh erupts with a powerful force in an instant, and then within 0.000001 of this instant, its own spell power also has to explode.

It is equivalent to doing two bursts of operation, and the time between them is extremely short,

Therefore, their external performance is that they will be reflected in a superimposed state, resulting in a strong force that reaches 2.5 times their own power!

And whether this force is strong or not,

It also directly depends on the power you have, for example, if you have the power of 1, then under the black flash, 2.5 times the power is still 1, if the power you have reaches 2,

Then the 2.5 power is followed by a value of 5.6, and if the base is 10,

So under the eruption of black flashes,

The final power value will reach a terrifying 316.2! A full 31x increase in terror power!

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