Inside the world, Sixteen Guards headquarters.


A member of the Sixteenth Guard in a Mickey uniform stood at the door of the inspection room, and Elder Lin nodded and signaled his subordinates to come in.

“The road captain of the second team has gone to the table world to pick up the deputy captain, and the captains of the various guards of the sixteenth guard have also been notified in place, except for the tenth guard medical rescue team, the fourteenth guard technology development team, and the fifteenth guard field team, the rest of the captains will arrive in the first conference room in half an hour.”

Although the young subordinates stood straight,

But the hand on the side of the body is a little trembling,

More than half of the captains of the entire Sixteen Guards will gather together for a while, which is an extremely rare thing in the Sixteen Guards!

And the purpose of their meeting,

It was said that it was for the recognition ceremony of the vice captain who had just taken office!

It is said that the event of the great disaster that began the day before yesterday involved the entire city of Kaihara in the table world,

It was only after Shi Buyan sank into the tiger’s den and killed the two former priests that the whole incident was put to rest.

After Elder Lin returned last night with a large army,

Then they began to report on this disaster overnight, and the entire Sixteenth Guard was brightly lit last night.

Almost everyone was busy until three or four o’clock in the middle of the night before going to rest. And this news is in the midst of constant inquiry,

I don’t know who passed it on,

In a few moments, they were driven crazy directly in the entire sixteenth guard, and the young girls’ eyes were full of peach hearts.

The young boys are agitated,

Imagining that I can one day become the peak of the strong man who does not say it,

And this subordinate is one of them.

“Well, I see, go down.”

Elder Lin looked down at the document in his hand and said lightly.

After a few moments,

After Elder Lin finished correcting the document on the table, there was a trace of melancholy between his brows.

Some tired leaned back on the chair behind them, but,

He is not physically exhausted, although he is old,

And I haven’t slept since last night, but as the top strong person in the spiritual department,

This amount of work intensity is nothing to him.

What he is bothering now is another thing,

That was in the early hours of this morning.

He went to the general with Si Yu, the captain of the prison team, and after reporting the beginning and end of the whole incident,

The Admiral then made her deal with the time without saying – let the time be in “purgatory” for three days!

That is to say, the meeting that will be later,

It was not just a meeting held in recognition of the time, but also to inform everyone of the decision made by the general! In the early hours of this morning,

The inquiries of the members of the Spirit Hunting Team who had entered the nest were all over, and Elder Lin and Si Yu came together to a courtyard in the headquarters. It was already four o’clock in the morning,

It should have been the time to fall asleep,

But Elder Lin found that there was a faint light in the courtyard, and he was first frightened.

“The Admiral hasn’t slept yet?” Then knock on the door and enter,

I saw a woman dressed in plain clothes sitting quietly at a stone table in the courtyard.

The eyebrows are picturesque, and the temperament is dusty.

At this moment she had just put down a teapot in her hand, “Here you are. ”

As she spoke, she pushed the tea cup on the table forward slightly, “Try it.” Si Yu, you turn. ”

Si Yu on the side looked at the three cups of tea on the table, and first exhaled softly,

Apparently the Admiral knew that they would come tonight, so he deliberately waited for them here.

And it is not yet foreclear that the prophet has brewed tea, no more, no less,

Just three people and one lamp,

Then he sat down with some excitement, and then took a sip of tea.

The next moment,

Her face showed a very comfortable look, “It’s so delicious~”

The plain-clothed woman looked at Si Yu’s expression,

The indifferent look on her face suddenly became softer, and she held out her hand between Si Yu’s eyebrows.

Si Yu subconsciously dodged for a moment, and then stopped moving.

Let the plain-clothed woman take off her purple blindfold, and at the moment when the blindfold is removed,

A pair of extremely moving amber eyes appeared in front of the eyes, full of charm,

Such as with the stars,

Only at this moment, her pupils suddenly and unconsciously, a faint red light bloomed,

That gaze is extremely demonic,

Even people will be captured in the instant they see it! Elder Lin lowered his head,

Don’t dare to look into Si Yu’s eyes,

Although he will not be taken out of his mind,

But he will also have a slight gaffe under this gaze, but the plain-clothed woman did not hesitate for a moment.

There was no change in the expression on his face,

As if Si Yu’s temptation did not have the slightest effect on her, her hand gently caressed Si Yu’s face,

There was a hint of softness in his voice, “All these years, you have worked hard. ”

Si Yu’s look at this moment also became different from before, and the charm disappeared.

Instead, it was a kind of spontaneity and innocence like a daughter meeting her mother.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m used to it, and it’s pretty comfortable to wear.”


She looked at the purple blindfold on the table,

It was given to her by the general in front of her. The plain-clothed woman looked at Si Yu in front of her and looked soft. One night twenty years ago,

The Sixteen Guards suddenly sounded the alarm,

It is said that it is the original stable passage of the surface world,

I don’t know why there were several collapses at the same time, so she left the headquarters to repair it.

But when she came back with a steady passage,

However, it was found that the gate of the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters had suddenly opened, and the guards at the door had already spilled blood on the spot.

Enemy attack?! She was immediately shocked,

Suddenly, he flashed into the headquarters,

Only to find out that this enemy attack was the work of the remnants of the old days who had thought that they had already put an end to the banner.

Among the troops of this attack,

Not only were there thousands of cultivators and low-level Chaos Spirits, but there were also three old priests,

And all three teachers are of special level! At the time,

Except for the fifty-two-year-old Lin Xinzhi who was a special level extraordinary, the entire sixteen guards did not have a special rank strongman.

Therefore, under the strong strength of the old Japanese division, the people of the Sixteen Guards could only support themselves bitterly, but they were still defeated.

The plain-clothed woman was immediately furious,

An extremely terrifying aura erupted from his body, instantly enveloping the entire sixteen guards.

A moment later, the offensive of the old Japanese division was completely disintegrated,

That one Erotic Priest was killed on the spot! However, when counting the battlefield,

But she found a nine-year-old little girl, covered by a faint black fog,

Standing in the midst of a severed limb,

She smiled in a seductive voice that didn’t even correspond to her age, and it looked extremely eerie!

The plain-clothed woman fixed her eyes on it,

I saw a red animal pattern appear on the little girl’s forehead, which was the symbol represented by the priest of lust – the snake!

And her pupils were glowing red, making people’s hearts full of evil thoughts in the instant they looked! She became an evolutionary!

Once she becomes an evolutionary, the evil thoughts in her body are triggered, and the extraordinary power is transformed into spiritual power.

Then she will change from a human being to a chaotic spirit dominated by desire, and she will not realize whether what she is doing is good or evil, and thus commit all kinds of unforgivable crimes.

The point is, once you become an evolutionary,

It is no longer possible to become an ordinary person or an extraordinary person again, and the process is irreversible!

The plain-clothed woman originally wanted to destroy the little girl together, but when her palm was about to touch the girl’s throat, she suddenly found that the girl’s enchanting eyes,

A trace of extremely strong struggle appeared, and even a little tear appeared in the corner of her eyes, and the woman’s hand shook slightly,

Just in the face of thousands of remnants of the old days, she has behaved extremely decisively,

At this moment, a little intolerance suddenly arose in my heart, this nine-year-old girl,

She didn’t give up!

She was aware of her own change!

She was trying to fight that evil thought in her body! The plain-clothed woman looked slightly shaken,

Then the sleeve was waved and the little girl was taken away.

And use her ability to completely cut off the connection on the pattern on her body, this animal pattern engraved on her body,

In the mouths of the old priests it is called the “seal of the gods”,

It can communicate with one’s superiors and can transform evil thoughts into spiritual power.

And it can also absorb or release evil thoughts through it, in addition to that,

It also has a very important use,

That is, the priests of the old Japanese division can achieve a kind of spiritual control over their subordinates through the connection between the patterns!

Evolutionists are certainly among them!

So the plain-clothed woman cleared the spiritual connection on it,

Let the little girl not be controlled by the old Japanese from now on, but it is impossible to erase the animal pattern itself,

It has already triggered the evil thoughts in the human body, and there is no way to reverse it.

The only way is to use your own spiritual strength to fight against this evil thought that you have generated by yourself.

However, this requires me to have a strong willpower.

“Next, you’re going to work on your own.”

She said to the girl whose face was still slightly panicked, and the girl seemed to understand and nodded.


The woman took a purple blindfold from her body and handed it to the little girl in front of her,

“You need to cover your eyes.”

The girl didn’t quite understand what the plain-clothed woman meant, but she obediently took the blindfold and brought it up.

The next moment, her amber eyes were obscured, and the red light emitted from them disappeared, “What’s your name?” ”

The plain-clothed woman touched the girl’s head,

“I don’t have a name, and I’ve only just been caught here by a bad guy.”

The girl shook her head,

The plain-clothed woman let out a soft sigh, pondered slightly, and then said,

“Then from this day forward, you will be called Tongyu.”

“Take your own destiny and give hope to yourself.”

The girl couldn’t understand the meaning of the woman’s last sentence, but her eyebrows were bent and she nodded her head heavily…

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