Since then,

Si Yu began to live in the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards, constantly exercising hard.

Although when I first put on the eye mask, I was extremely uncomfortable,

Because I can’t see things,

Often wrestling and falling, but as the days passed, she slowly adapted to such a life, and her vision was blocked.

Then she relies on the perception of hearing, touch, smell, and supernatural power and spiritual power.

to observe the situation in the outside world, and when she grows up, she will know,

In those own eyes,

There is a hint of power in the hands of the Priest of Lust, and all other creatures see her gaze,

Then it will directly lead to her own innermost desires, even to herself,

The movements and demeanor of the whole person,

Will be uncontrollably brought with a natural flattery, which is the great influence of the power of lust and ecclesiastical power,

Even after so many years, it cannot be eliminated. And I’m also a sixteen-back,

The only one who became an evolutionary and was not killed, but was carefully cared for,

So Si Yu took the initiative to ask to enter the prison team and face those vicious prisoners all day.

The reason for this decision,

It was because Si Yu felt that this could not only exercise his own strength, but also those strong evil thoughts contained in them,

It can also help you suppress your own evil thoughts, and the same is true.

After entering the prison team,

Her strength is increasing rapidly,

Even in the first two years, it has reached the top level of the Extraordinary Extraordinary! Then he naturally became the captain of the prison team!

In the midst of this major disaster in Haiyuan City, Si Yu was also under the arrangement of the general,

Together with Elder Lin, they went to the underground nest to carry out the extermination operation, “Then talk about it, report on this matter.” ”

The plain-clothed woman took up the tea cup and gently blew her breath,

Lin Laodang will briefly tell the ins and outs of this disaster event,

And when it comes to killing two special level chaos spirits without saying a word,

It is a little bit of pride,

And the plain-clothed woman also flashed her eyes, with a faint surprise in her tone, “Oh ~ his progress is so fast? ”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect this boy to be so powerful, and it seems that he still looks like he has the second calendar.”

Elder Lin had a strong smile on his face and took the tea and drank it.

“Is there anything else besides that?”

The plain-clothed woman then asked,

“Some there are,”

Si Yu, who was next to him, said,

“I smelled a special fragrance on his body, like the smell of a demon, Si Yu’s look was a little strange,”

She tilted her head to look a little confused,

“But I remember you told me before, except for the person you know, that didn’t the smell of the body just appear?”

As an evolutionary persecuted by the previous Erotic Sect, of course, she knew what the smell of Shi Buyan’s body was.

It is a wonderful taste that has a strong attraction to all creatures that carry spiritual powers,

Even if Si Yu had gone through a full twenty years of mental tempering, he had basically been able to suppress this evil thought in his heart.

But when he smelled the fragrance of Shi Wuyan’s body in the nest, there was also a trace of evil thoughts in his heart for a moment, and the tea cup in the hands of the plain-clothed woman suddenly stopped.

She looked carefully into Si Yu’s eyes.




Si Yu nodded very seriously and let out a loud roar,

The tea cup in the hands of the plain-clothed woman directly shattered into slag, and the tea in the cup suddenly spilled on the tabletop, and Si Yu was a little puzzled.

I don’t know why she was so angry, but Lin Xinzhi got up at this moment,

He glanced at the tea cup on the table that the woman usually cherished, and sighed heavily in his heart.

On the way here,

He has been thinking about this problem, how to solve it,

But I haven’t figured it out, but it’s over.

He could only say with a hard scalp,

“General, don’t be impatient, perhaps… Maybe Si Yu misjudged her, not necessarily. ”

“Lin Xinzhi, you know this is impossible!”

The plain-clothed woman was extremely angry at this moment,

Even at this moment, he did not call “Lin Team”, but directly called his name,

Lin Xinzhi’s eyelids jumped,

The woman in front of him he knows, looks plain and indifferent on weekdays, drinks tea and admires flowers every day,

But in fact, it is an extremely strong woman, just for so many years,

Nothing had ever made her move like now, Lin Xinzhi felt a chill in her heart, and quickly said,

“Admiral, when it is not said that he is a very good child, he will not become like a painter…”

It’s just that the voice just dropped,

And he cried in his heart that it was not good,

How anxious to say the man’s name for a while. really

The plain-clothed woman stood up at once, and her body erupted with an extremely frightening momentum, and even a little breath that escaped out,

All of them let the stone ground under their feet have a crack of silk, and the plain-clothed woman’s beautiful eyes are round,

Look straight at Lin Xinzhi.

“Lin Xinzhi, what credentials do you have?!”

Lin Xinzhi secretly cried bitterly in his heart,

The woman he called a cigarette painter was a woman,

She was the one who fought against the general in front of her in Kaiyuan City many years ago, causing the entire world to collapse!

Before the Great War took place,

She and the Admiral are extremely good friends,

The two agreed to guard this peaceful world together,

But later, Paint Smoke was thrown into the Chaos Spirit Lineup and became the leader of the Old Sect Cult!

This betrayal between the two sides made it extremely difficult for the general to accept. And the one who painted the smoke,

I also have the same smell on my body as Shi Buyan,

The dark red aura that has a fatal attraction to all Chaos Spirits! Although things have passed many years,

But Lin Xinzhi knew that this had always been an unsolvable knot in the general’s heart, and at this moment, there was a very similar moment.

How can you make the woman’s heart in front of you not shake it?! Lin Xinzhi’s mind turned sharply, and he immediately opened his mouth,

“The breath on Shi Buyan’s body is indeed very similar to that of painting cigarettes, but since he woke up, I have been paying attention to him, although he acts eclectically and arbitrarily, but in his bones he is an extremely arrogant person, he will never do things against his own ideas, nor will he say things against his will, he is not a person who hides his thoughts, he has always had the character of speaking straight, so I am sure that he will not become a person like painting cigarettes.” 」

After speaking, Lin Xinzhi looked at the plain-clothed woman in front of him again,

See her eyes flicker,

Seems to be thinking about something,

Lin Xinzhi simply felt fierce and said again,

“General, the sword can become a weapon of killing, but also can become the foundation of the protection of the country, and now the old division has made a comeback, although it has eliminated two old priests, but the remnants are not exhausted, Haiyuan City is facing a huge crisis, we can’t lose a tough general because of the past!”

Having said that,

Lin Xinzhi clasped his fists in both hands and bowed to the plain-clothed woman,

“Think twice about the general!”


There was silence all around, and Si Yu looked at the two people,

I don’t know what they are talking about, but feeling the momentum of this sword, I can only look at it in a daze.

Don’t dare to say a word. After a few moments,

The momentum on the plain-clothed woman gradually dissipated, and she looked at Lin Xinzhi,

“Then I will believe it first, and you will continue to look at him.”

Lin Xinzhi was overjoyed,

Just as he was about to open his mouth,

Then I heard the woman speak faintly again,

“However, I have to let Shi go to ‘purgatory’ for three days.”

Lin Xinzhi’s pupils shrunk,

The so-called “purgatory”,

That is, the place where Si Yu is a prison team, and it is the place where the prisoners are guarded in the Sixteen Guards.

At the same time, there are countless worldly evils imprisoned, even in it,

There is also the wreckage from the demons of hell!

“General, if you believe me, why do you want to let Shi Wu go to the third floor of “Purgatory”, where the greedy priest of the old Japanese division is imprisoned…”

“You just killed two Grade Chaos Spirits without saying a word.”

The plain-clothed woman interrupted Lin Xinzhi’s words and opened her mouth lightly.


“Since this is the case, then he has also reached the strength level of a special level of supernatural beings, and if he wants to become a true special level, he must first examine his mental nature.”

Lin Xinzhi was speechless for a moment, the rules are indeed so, among the sixteen guards,

The assessment of the special level extraordinary person is different from the promotion assessment of the previous level, except for the necessary strength assessment.

It is also necessary to conduct a mental assessment, after all, once it becomes a special grade,

Then it means that his strength has reached an extremely strong level, if such a person’s heart is unstable,

If you are seduced by the evil people of the old days, the result will be extremely serious,

It was tantamount to putting a very large bomb inside the Sixteen Guards that could explode at any time!

So become a person who wants to be promoted to a special level of supernatural,

Then the necessary first step is to pass the mental examination of the sixteen guards to make sure that they will not be seduced by evil thoughts.

The way of assessment varies from person to person,

But at most, it was only a moment with the greedy teacher of the old priest,

But now he wanted to let Shi go straight to the evil man for three full days!

Didn’t he take it?! Lin Xinzhi’s mind turned sharply,

“General, is the three-day period too long?”

“Not long, just right.”

The plain-clothed woman has a flat tone,

“To become the captain of the combat team, this is the only way.”

Then she walked slowly to the edge of the flower bed in the courtyard,

“That’s it for today, I’m a little tired.”

Hearing this,

Lin Xinzhi knew that the general was issuing an eviction order, and the matter had already been decided.

There is no room for maneuver, but it is good,

The main purpose of his coming today is to apply for the position of captain of the General Commander for Shi Wuyi.

Since the general said so,

Then it means that she has agreed to this matter, and it is not a worthwhile trip.

So he surrendered again,

Leaving the courtyard with Si Yu, who put on the blindfold again…

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