And the captains of the four reserve teams at this moment,

It is also a red-eyed look that does not say a word, and the eyes are full of envy,

At the Sixteen Guards,

With the higher the rank of the extraordinary, the better the treatment will be, the monthly salary of the fourth-level supernatural is 5w, the third-level is 8w, the quasi-second-level is 15w, the second-level is 30w, and the quasi-first-level is 50w,

And to Lu Chengqi Xiao Yueqing, a first-class strongman, the monthly salary is reached the point of millions.

In addition to this, after each mission,

You will also get different amounts of additional bonuses depending on the difficulty of performing the task and your performance in the task.

So this is also the reason why He Persuasion is only 20 years old, he can drink wine every day and drive a luxury car, and once he reaches the special level,

Although the monthly salary is still millions, but after reaching this level,

Money has no meaning for them anymore, many things they don’t even have to spend money to buy, just need to open their mouths,

Naturally, someone will deliver it directly to his door,

And unlike other transcendents, they need to buy it themselves. Among the four captains of the reserve,

The highest rank is the second level, and even the third level of the extraordinary, and the time is only nineteen years old,

He reached the strength of the Extraordinary Extraordinary, and once he passed the examination,

Then he will not worry about money at all in this life, and…

The four of them invariably looked at Lu Chengqi, who was sitting on the side without saying a word, with a happy face, and was extremely moving.

Their eyelids kept beating, especially if they were richer than us!

And such a beautiful beauty on the side!!! Cough.

With a slight coughing sound, Elder Lin smiled again and opened his mouth,

“There’s one more thing next – about Shi Bu Yan becoming the new Battle Captain.”

As soon as these words came out,

There were many people in the field who showed a look of doubt in their faces, especially the captains of the four reserve teams.

A few glances at each other,

There was a puzzled look on his face,

Is it time to say that you want to become the captain of the reserve? That’s not right.

Even if the strength of the time is terrifying, the battle achievements are outstanding, and the current captain position is not vacant.

“Elder Lin, what, is there a captain in the combat team that needs to be replaced?”

Lu Chengqi also had some doubts,

I don’t know what Elder Lin meant, but Xiao Yueqing was slightly moving at the moment.

Without a trace, she glanced in the direction of the unspoken direction, and she knew that the highlight of the meeting was coming.


Just listen to Lin Lao Hehe smile,

“Captain Lu, it is not to replace who becomes the new captain, but to become the captain of the third to ninth guard, the clan only the captain of the Expeditionary Team.”

As soon as this statement came out,

The whispers in the conference room suddenly disappeared, except for a few people who knew the inside story,

At this moment, their pupils were wide open, and Qi Brush did not say a word when he looked at them, “Captain of the Battle Team? ”

Someone murmured.

Although they had not heard of the post,

But it also derives a surprising meaning from its literal meaning.

“That is to say, in the future, the entire seven teams of the Spirit Hunting Team and the Reserve Team will return to the time without saying anything?!”

A captain of the reserve stood up and asked in disbelief,

“But Elder Lin, how come I’ve never heard of this before?”

This news is really amazing,

Let his tone of voice can’t help but raise a little. Elder Lin stretched out his hand and gently pressed down, signaling him to sit down,

“It’s normal that you haven’t heard of it, because it’s been fifty-two years since the death of the previous squad leader.”

“Fifty-two years!”

Wen Chengye was shocked, he was still strange before,

Why have you been in the Sixteen Guards for many years,

I have never heard that the combat team has a captain, and now I listen to what Elder Lin said,

Only to know that at that time,

He himself wasn’t even born yet! And then his pupils narrowed,

A thing came to mind that had only been heard of before.

“Sacrifice? Is it that it was the time of that heavenly war… The crowd in the room seemed to remember something, too.”

All of them looked intently in the direction of Elder Lin,

And Elder Lin did not have any change in expression, before today’s meeting,

He then foresaw what might happen in the meeting, a habit he had ingrained in for many years.

He nodded, then slowly opened his mouth,

“In that great war fifty-two years ago, both sides were extremely strong,”

The momentum is also extremely powerful, in order to destroy those evil chaos spirits and the evil disciples of the old days,

Many of the Sixteen Guards were killed in this battle,

This also included the previous Captain of the Combat Team, “The whole room,

At this moment, only a heavy gasp remained, in Elder Lin’s story,

It was as if they had seen the scene of the day reappear before their eyes. Then, Elder Lin sighed heavily,

“Since this battle, there has been no more special strong people in the combat team, and the position of the commander of the combat team has been vacant, and to this day, it has been a full fifty-two years.”

Then he looked at it without saying a word,

“Time is silent, as long as you pass the test,”

Then you will become the second captain of this combat team,” said Lin Lao, “Speaking of which, Lin Lao paused.”

“At that time, the authority you have in the entire Sixteen Guards will be second only to mine, are you willing to accept this promotion assessment?”

At this moment, in the conference room,

All eyes were focused on the body of Shi Wuyi, with a hint of heat and shock in his look,

The news that he had jumped to become a super strong person in a row before was shocking enough, but the information that Elder Lin said later was even more shocking!

In the Sixteen Guards, the authority is only for Lin Lao? What’s that concept?

All the people present know it,

In the Sixteen Guards, the first person to speak was the General,

The second person is Elder Lin, if he does not nod his head in agreement,

Then he will sit in the third chair of the entire Sixteen Guards! Who is the general,

That was the founder of the Sixteen-Wei system today, and Elder Lin is now seventy-two years old.

In the sixteen guards have worked diligently for decades to reach such a position, but the time does not say him,

I’m only nineteen years old! Compared to this,

What special honors and awards were before them were not worth mentioning at all!!!

Lu Chengqi’s eyes were filled with strong anticipation, and he didn’t say a word when he looked,

Nodding his head non-stop, signaling him to agree to come down,

And Xiao Yueqing was also looking at the direction of the unspoken when his eyes were burning. However, just when everyone was expecting Shi Wuyi’s answer, Shi Wuyi smiled slightly,

“What about the content of the assessment, Elder Lin, you just said that becoming a special grade requires assessment is that the eyes of the people who want to penetrate are suddenly a little delayed.”

There was a touch of admiration in the unspoken look when he looked at it, and Chai An on the side narrowed his eyes slightly.

Even what he had just heard Elder Lin say, he was overwhelmed.

I even forgot that I needed to be assessed to become a special grade, but when I didn’t say it, I didn’t change my look.

Completely unattracted by the great temptation thrown by Elder Lin, at this moment,

Although Elder Lin’s face was still smiling, his heart suddenly jumped, before the meeting began,

He had already predicted everyone’s possible reactions in the process, but he didn’t say anything.

Elder Lin couldn’t think of how he would react at all, and even in his opinion,

What money, permissions, third words people,

It is an insignificant thing for Shi Wu, and what he worries about is that Shi Shi does not accept this matter,

That’s why he was smiling from the beginning of the meeting, trying to increase the acceptance of this matter for some time.

“To become a special level extraordinary, in addition to the strength test, you also need to conduct a mental assessment, and the mental assessment of becoming the captain of the combat team is to enter the “refinement, and stay with the greedy teacher for three days.”

Having said that,

Elder Lin’s eyes looked straight at him without saying a word,

Now comes the most critical place of this meeting.

After all, if I don’t want to,

Then it would be impossible to force him to become the captain of this combat team. And as soon as Elder Lin’s words came out,

Except for Si Yu, who already knew about this matter, all the people became uneasy.

“No, it won’t! Such a pervert! ”

Someone exclaimed,

Luo Ruxuan was constantly twitching at the corners of his eyes, as the captain of the intelligence team,

Almost all the big and small things in the sixteen guards can’t hide from her, such as the super strong Chai An who is now around,


This one has always been wearing a green hat,

The lewd uncle with the beard is one of the special strong men in the sixteen guards! After his strength level reaches the special level,

There was also a mental examination, but that time,

His assessment content is,

In the case of inability to use capacity,

Stayed with the greedy priest for half an hour, and waited until half an hour later.

When Chai An came out, his eyes were gloomy, and his face was full of vicious colors,

Later, after emergency treatment by the medical rescue team, it recovered as before,

And now Shi Yan actually has to go to that horrible guy for three hours together!

Chai An’s look also changed drastically at this moment,

Elder Lin’s words had obviously evoked his terrible memories, and during the short time he spent with the greedy priest, Chai An really felt what a demon was.

The evil thoughts lurking in his heart were all easily seduced out, even though he insisted on his heart,

Didn’t lose myself in the inducement of that guy,

But the malice that surged in his heart at that time made Chai An feel frightened from the heart afterwards!

That’s an instinct! Irresistible humanity!

Chai An looked solemnly without saying a word, for three hours,

Can this boy stand it?! Just when everyone was suspicious,

A cold female voice sounded, “Lin Team, I think C is okay!” ”

The crowd looked,

Only to see that it was Xiao Yueqing who stood up, and her look was extremely solemn,

“Lin Team, I think that the time limit of three days is too harsh for Shi Buyan, and I think you all know that what the former Commander of the Former Day Division is best at is to demagogue people’s minds, once there is any problem in the assessment process of such a top combat strength as Shi Bu Yan, it will definitely be a huge loss of strength for the entire Sixteen Guards!”

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