The crowd was first frightened,

And then in unison,

In his heart, he sighed that Xiao Yueqing was worthy of the title of an iceberg, and dared to directly refute Elder Lin!

But they did not find that Xiao Yueqing, who was sitting still,

At this moment, he secretly glanced at the direction that he did not say when he did not say anything, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Elder Lin also had some headaches at the moment, but the matter had come to an end,

Some words also had to be said, and he glanced at the crowd and sighed,

“That’s what the Admiral meant.”

A few simple words,

But it was like thunder exploding in the field, and even Xiao Yueqing’s pupils shrank suddenly, the general’s intention?

Didn’t she always care about the affairs of the Sixteen Guards, and it was actually worth her personally arranging the content of the assessment? The captains of the reserve team present were even more horrified, they had not even seen the face of the general, in their minds,

It had always been a god-like figure who did not care about the world, and now, this sixteen-guard god,

Would you actually ask in person what you don’t say when you say something? At this moment the faces of the people are different,

But they all looked at it very seriously, not saying a word, wanting to see how he would answer.

However, Shi WuXian asked with a hint of doubt, what is the place of “purgatory”? ”

The crowd was first stunned,

And then the reaction came,

Shi Wuyan had only just entered the Sixteen Guards for a few days, and naturally did not know this place.

“The prison of the Sixteen Guards, under my care, is where prisoners and the sins of the world are held.”

Si Yu smiled flatteringly,

Face the unspoken direction,

She would love to hear how the decision will be made in this situation.


After hearing Si Yu’s answer, Shi Buyan suddenly showed a smile on his face, “That Si Jiao, can I kill him?” ”

He asked the question in a gentle tone.


All the people looked at him with a strange expression,

“I’m still wondering if you’ll be able to survive for three hours, but you’re thinking you’re going to kill him?” You’re kidding!”

Everyone looked at this smiling teenager, and a faint sense of horror arose in their hearts.

It’s just that he is not joking at the time, and he really wants to know about this answer, because there is a system.

As long as he can kill the last greedy priest who is imprisoned in purgatory, then he will get the fusion degree of the system reward,

Speed up your template progress again. The corners of Elder Lin’s mouth twitched, and he calculated everything,

Didn’t expect to ask such a question without saying a word, he pressed down the emotions in his heart,

Shake your head slightly.


“What about the other prisoners?”


“Just kill one?”

“Nor can it!”


The smile on Shi Wuyi’s face converged,

He originally thought that since there were many prisoners in the “purgatory”, he would directly kill in it.

Won’t the fusion of the template improve rapidly? But at this moment, this shortcut was obviously not working, and his tone revealed a faint disappointment, “That’s a pity.” ”

When the crowd looked at the head that was slightly lowered because of disappointment, a very strange feeling arose in their hearts.

They even have a strong illusion at the moment,

If you put the time without saying to the greedy teacher together, will it be that the greedy teacher will be driven crazy by the time without saying it first?! But this feeling is too weird.

Just a moment in the heart, it was immediately left behind by them.

Elder Lin looked at the disappointed expression on his face without saying a word, his heart tightened, and he slowly opened his mouth,

“So you gave up the assessment?”

“Ah, not attending, too much trouble.”

A feeble voice came from time to time. But the crowd is going crazy, the captain of the seven teams! The third chair of the sixteenth guard!

You gave up after a sentence of too much trouble?! Elder Lin sighed heavily,


This guy doesn’t care about the benefits of the special class and the privileges of the battle team leader!

It seems that the position of the commander-in-chief of this combat team will continue to be vacant.

However, Lu Chengqi’s expression at this moment was completely different from that of everyone, and she looked at her with joy without saying a word,

“It’s good not to take the test!” I heard that the greedy priest in office was a master of poison, and his poison skills were magical, and even the captain of the medical rescue team said that his toxins were extremely troublesome, and if he entered for three days, it would definitely be very dangerous! ”

Lu Chengqi let out a brisk breath,

I look very relaxed,

Although she also hopes to become the captain of the combat team without saying a word, but in contrast,

Lu Chengqi still hoped that Shi Buyan would not suffer any danger, even if Shi Buyan’s current strength had far surpassed her.

But she still always cares about the safety of the teenager in front of her. But at this very moment,

Shi Wuyi’s head suddenly lifted up, and he grabbed Lu Chengqi’s shoulders with both hands.

Turn her body around to face herself,

Then stick to each other and look at those autumn eyes.

“Cheng Qi, you just said that the ash is very poisonous?”

Lu Chengqi did not react for a while,

Feeling the sniffles that were close at hand, her face turned red with a whimper,

Yu Guang looked at the sudden strange eyes of the people present, and the shame in his heart rose,

Subconsciously, he replied,

“Yeah, it’s great.”

Without saying a word, let go of Lu Chengqi’s shoulders,

The corners of his mouth could not suppress a smile, “Elder Lin, I am willing to participate in this examination.” ”

Everyone is a question mark at this moment, even Elder Lin is the same at this moment,

At this time, I didn’t say what was going on, I knew the danger of the other party, but I became more excited?!

The glow on Si Yu’s face before was also stagnant, as the captain of the prison team,

Naturally, she knew how terrible the greedy priest who had taken office was, and she wanted to take off her blindfold at the moment.

See what this rampant guy really looks like!

The meeting was closed,

Si Yu and Shi Bu walked side by side on the road, the same remarkable height,

The same peerless appearance,

And the blindfold that came out of the way,

It attracted the attention of countless members of the Sixteen Guards who passed by.

“Are you really not afraid?”

Si Yu asked,

“I see your little girlfriend is worried.”

“Cheng Qi is just my sister,”

“I just noticed that after the meeting, when I separated from you, her breath fluctuated very much.”

Si Yu smiled and said, without saying a word,

Looking at Si Yu on the side,

“It seems that you are very sensitive to the fluctuations of breath, and you have relied on this ability to discover the special breath on my body before, right?”

A smile appeared on Si Yu’s face, and before he could speak, he listened to Shi Shi without saying a word, “Is this the ability you have mastered since you became an evolutionary?” ”

The smile on Si Yu’s face disappeared, “Who told you that?” ”

There was a hint of shock in her heart, the fact that she was an evolutionary,

In the entire sixteen guards, it is a matter of extremely high confidentiality authority, and only a few people know about it.

Where did you find out?! Who expected the voice to just drop,

Si Yu heard the teenager in front of him take a step towards him, and then a warm man’s breath came from his neck, and the next moment,

She heard a chuckle come out, “The smell of your body is very fragrant.”

Si Yu’s pupils narrowed,

This sentence was exactly the same as when she saw it without saying a word! This damn guy,

He did the same thing he did before! Although Si Yu was influenced by the previous Sex Priest,

As a result, her behavior exudes a seductive atmosphere, but because she has been an evolutionary since she was a child,

Let her not like to communicate with people afterwards, and later entered the prison team,

It is even less in contact with people,

Not to mention being so close to a man!

This moment of shame and anger made her face change suddenly,

The palm of his right hand subconsciously went directly to the body of Shi Wuyi! Just the next moment,

Her wrist was directly grasped in her hand without saying a word, and then,

Shi Wuyi approached her ear and whispered,

“This world is very big, and you are not the only one who can see the breath of others…”

A faint man’s breath swept over his face, mixed with the heat coming from his ears, this unprecedented experience made Si Yu’s heart suddenly stop at this moment.

She angrily withdrew her hand and snorted coldly,

Then he walked forward with his own care.

Shi Wuyi looked at Si Yu’s back and shook his head and smiled lightly. Not much time,

One after the other, the two came to the depths of the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards, only to see a huge lake in front of them.

Other than that, there is no trace of any building, but when it is not said, the corners of the mouth are smiling, “Interesting~”

Under the perspective of the six eyes,

He could see under this lake,

There is a huge building like an upside-down pyramid, which is shrouded in a faint layer of energy fluctuations,

Like a diaphragm, the lake water is excluded,

Even the unspoken six eyes could not see through the walls of the building what was closed inside.

Then she saw a coin appear in Si Yu’s hand, but it was not a “button” that crossed the passage of the world, and she injected the extraordinary power in her body.

Then throw into the lake, less inclination,

Above the calm surface of the lake there was a fluctuation, and the lake strangely converged toward the center,

A passage entrance appeared in front of the two people, and Si Yu looked triumphantly at Shi without saying a word,

But found that the other party’s breath did not fluctuate even a little, and it was calmer than the lake.

She snorted again coldly,

“Let’s go, I hope you can continue to maintain it after entering Purgatory!” With that, he entered the entrance of the passage.”

Time goes on and on. then

The lake swayed again, hiding the entrance. Not much time,

The two walked through a long passage,

Entering the interior of “purgatory”, and in the moment of stepping in,

The look of the time without saying a word suddenly changed, and he looked at his feet fiercely,

In the perspective of the six eyes,

He is on the ground floor of this building,

I felt a very familiar breath, that is, the breath of the spell!!!

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