
Si Yu, who was on the sidelines, also found that the reaction was unusual,

It was the first time she had seen this man fluctuate with such a strong breath, “What’s wrong?” ”

Si Yu asked solemnly,

Many people who enter “purgatory” for the first time will enter it at the moment of entry,

Infected by the dark atmosphere in it, so that his faith is unstable,

She thinks that the same is true when it is not said, after all, the other party is still very young,

Strength and mind are not equated.

“At the bottom of purgatory, what is locked up?”

The unspoken voice came,

The voice is extremely low, between words,

A terrifying spell breath escaped from his body, causing Si Yu’s body to subconsciously react, and the reddish spiritual power burst out,

She instinctively began to fight against this force, but the next moment she found that

As a special class,

It was even above the momentum that he was vaguely overwhelmed by the silence! And the momentum of the other side is still rising,

She’s not good,

Realize that if you don’t say it again,

Then I don’t know what kind of things will happen next, Si Yu immediately opened his mouth and replied,

“That’s the remains of a demon,” he said, looking sideways at himself as he felt it, “a demon? ”

Si Yu nodded and continued,

“As you might think, it’s a real demon from hell.”

Shi WuXian looked at Si Yu’s extremely serious look,

First a chill,

Is it the breath of the devil, not the spell? Then he lifted the blindfold slightly,

Drive the ability of the six eyes to the extreme, and then find out,

The breath that came from the bottom of the building,

Although it is somewhat similar to the mantra power contained in itself, there are still subtle differences.

The underground breath is more evil, while the spell power in his body is pure.

“Is this the reason why all the Chaos Spirits are extremely greedy for the spell breath on their bodies?”

When this thought arises in the mind of the time,

At the same time the body is loose,

The breath on the body gradually converged,

When I first felt the breath,

An absurd thought arose in his mind that could not be suppressed, except for him,

There is another crosser in this world! But with Si Yu’s explanation,

Without saying a word, he knew that it was not what he thought. But Si Yu was stunned,

I don’t know why when I heard that there was a demon, my mentality became better.


Shouldn’t normal human beings be even more horrified when they hear this news?

“Let’s go.”

When he opened his mouth without saying a word, the voice had returned to calm. Si Yu nodded,

Then he began to tell some basic information about Purgatory without saying anything. The Purgatory of the Sixteen Guards has nine floors,

There are many prisoners in it,

These include ordinary humans, transcendents, and chaotic spirits. The further down the number of people, the fewer the number,

But the greater the crime, the stronger the power. In the first floor,

It’s some ordinary human beings, and from the second level,

All those imprisoned became transcendents and chaotic spirits. And the greedy priest imprisoned in the third layer, his name is Ralph,

It was in the disaster of the old Japanese division that planned the invasion of the headquarters of the Sixteenth Guard twenty years ago.

One of the three special powerful people who appeared, after the event,

He was also severed from his motif by the admiral and then thrown into purgatory.

Not much time,

The two have come to the third underground floor, and they find it without saying a word,

As they go deeper,

The cries of pain and wailing in prison are getting weaker and weaker,

Until they came to the third floor, in the vast space,

I didn’t even hear the noise of a single person, only Si Yu’s boots on the floor, and the sound of footsteps echoing,

Shi WuXian followed behind him and looked at the dark cells, but just as he walked through an empty room,

Suddenly, there was a roar of chains, and at the same time,

A thin arm jerked out of the fence of the cell and grabbed the silent arm!

A yellow-skinned human face emerged from the darkness, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth,

With a frantic look on his face, he looked at the arm he had caught, “Meat! It’s so fragrant.”

His words were like a fuse, instantly igniting the quiet third floor area, in the cells on both sides of the two.

At this moment, countless pairs of thin arms were stretched out, and their mouths emitted a crazy and vague cry, and the whole person’s body squeezed hard,

Trying to drill through the gap in the railing of the cell.


Si Yu frowned, and opened his mouth to scold,

But it doesn’t seem to play any role, the whole third layer,

At this moment, it has been shrouded in a layer of crazy meaning, and at this moment, the time is not to look sideways,

Only to see the sides of the man’s collarbone clutching himself,

It is faintly visible that there are two white bone nails that are deeply nailed to it, and there is no blood flowing out of it.

It seems that the nailing time has been a bit long,

The bone nails have grown together with his body,

The man looked at the silent arm with some madness, and suddenly a strange laugh came out of his mouth.

“I haven’t tasted this in a long time!”


And he opened his mouth violently,

Biting towards the silent arm, just the next moment,

His evil look suddenly stopped,

A force he could not understand appeared on the arm in his hand, making it impossible for his teeth to close at all!

“It seems that people in purgatory are not living very well.”

Between the hours and the words,

The arm shook slightly,

The yellow-skinned man felt a strong force coming, and his body crashed uncontrollably into the wall.

There was a loud bang,

The man passed out directly. then

The silent left hand flicks lightly,

A resolute repulsion suddenly appeared in the narrow aisle, and in the next moment,

The dull crash of countless bodies against the wall sounded, and the shouts in the cells on both sides suddenly stopped,

Si Yu looked shocked,

“What are you doing?”

“It’s too noisy.”

Without saying a word, suddenly,

Si Yu thought of the question that Shi Buyan had asked in the previous meeting, and his heart was shocked.

“You didn’t kill them!”

“I’d love to do it if I could.”

Si Yu felt a pine in his heart,

But still not too assured, after personally to check,

It was found that although the prisoners had been hit hard, they were finally killed.

Only then did she finally breathe a sigh of relief.

“I just looked at the location of his collarbone, and there were two bone nails like that, and I asked without saying a word,”

“What’s that?”

“That is called the lock soul nail, whether it is an extraordinary person or a bastard, as long as it is nailed, it will lose its ability and become similar to ordinary people.”

Si Yu explained,

“Is there something like that in Ralph?”

Don’t ask,

“Well, his original strength was a special level strong, so he had a whole nine soul nails on his body.”

“Can’t use any ability?”

“If you can’t use it, you can only use it after you remove the Soul Nail.”

Seeing the look of thoughtfulness when he saw it, Si Yujiao laughed,

“However, don’t think that he is just like ordinary people, the reason why he became the priest of the old Riji is not only by his strong strength, but more by the endless evil thoughts in his heart, even if he is now sealed with strength, but as the greatest greed in the world, he can still easily lure out the desires in the human body, and for some people with poor mental nature, even when they see him, they will directly fall into madness.”

It sounds incredible, but it’s true.

In the prison team,

Every time he brought Ralph a meal,

The members of the prison team will be in groups of two,

It is necessary to tie a rope around a person’s waist, and the bound person to wear earplugs,

In the process of delivering him food, I couldn’t look at his eyes or listen to him the whole time.

Another man watched from behind,

If you notice any signs of unusual performance from your teammate, you need to pull him back immediately.

Between words,

The two of them had reached the end of the third floor passage, looking at the dark and deep cell in front of them.

Si Yu turned to look at him without saying a word, and a smile appeared on his face, “Are you ready?” ”

Nodding his head without saying a word,

Si Yu took out a magnetic card from his body and scratched it on the side of this cell.

Then he pressed his palm against the wall, and a faint blue light burst out,

Click. The door of the cell door was opened, and without a word, he whispered,

“Eh, can both extraordinary power and spiritual power be used?”

Among the several purifiers who had been unspoken at the time, all of them, without exception, could only use spiritual power.

The extraordinary power is only for them as the nourishment of spiritual power, but Si Yu is able to use both kinds of power at the same time.

It is indeed worthy of being the special strong of the sixteen guards. Si Yu stood to the side,

Reveal the empty seat, and walk in without saying a word,

She pointed to the camera on her finger, and her face showed a flattering look,

“I’ll keep watching you, if you can’t stand it, just shout for help here, and my sister Ma Zheng will come.”

As soon as the words were finished, the silent footsteps stopped, “That…”

And he said,

It seems that there is some hesitation and hesitation, Si Yu smiled in his heart,

Sure enough, before he was still young and vigorous, now that he is present, he is still afraid,

“Can’t you really let me kill him?”

The unspoken voice sounded,

There was a hint of hope in his tone.

The smile on Si Yu’s face suddenly froze, and he snorted coldly,

Then he slammed the door shut and left. soon

So she came to her office, and there was a lot of space in it.

The surrounding walls are filled with surveillance screens, constantly monitoring the various rooms in Purgatory. Si Yu sat in a chair,

Take off the blindfold,

Two slender thighs rested on the table in front of him, found Ralph’s room for surveillance,

And then put it to the maximum,

She looked carefully at the surveillance screen in front of her,

“I’d like to see how long you guy can last!”

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