
Ralph didn’t know why the toxin he was so proud of had failed, but he understood.

With their current strength, whether it is a toxin attack or a direct attack,

It doesn’t seem to have any effect on the person in front of you,

So he simply chose not to attack and not to say anything. Even at this moment he had a vague sense of humiliation, however,

The next moment,

But when he saw the unspoken eyes, he suddenly became cold, and then a palpitation sensation suddenly arose from his heart.

Only to see the right hand that is silent at the time,

Suddenly, a layer of fine black lightning appeared, although it did not shoot,

But the power emanating from it is extremely frightening.

Even the nearby space is slightly distorted! Ralph swallowed,

He believed that as long as this fist hit his body, with his current quasi-second-level strength, he would definitely die on the spot!


As the greedy teacher of the old days,

He is not the kind of gentleman who can be killed and disgraced, so he can only change his face,

With a smile that is uglier than crying, he nodded his head with great difficulty,

Then he saw the black lightning on his fist disappear, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

Looking at him with great kindness,

“For the next three days, please give more advice.”

Ralph was shocked! Three days?!

How could this day last three days?! The greedy teacher of my old priesthood,

Actually used as a sparring partner by this boy?! But Ralph couldn’t do anything about it.

Who let their true strength be sealed by the Soul Nail? He reluctantly mobilized the spiritual power in his body,

Then a layer of white poisonous mist appeared on his body again, and he went towards the time without words,

Not surprisingly,

Shi Buyan immediately fell to the ground again after coming into contact with the poisonous fog.

This time

Ralph looked at the lying on the ground, his face changing and did not say a word, he did not try to attack forward, but snorted coldly,

And then go to the side of the cell and sit down,

Quietly wait for the time to recover again without a word…….


A whole daytime has passed, and by the time of dinner,

The two members of the prison team were as usual, one holding a rope in the distance,

The other man was carrying two meals with earplugs in his ears.

Bowing his head and walking toward the innermost cell on the third floor, only this time he felt something different.

Every time he walked through this passage on weekdays,

The prisoners around them would stretch out their hands from the fence of the cell and slap the fence with great madness.

Although he could not hear any of the voices speaking, but through the lip shape,

It is also to know what those prisoners are cursing to vent the manic emotions in their hearts,

But today,

The whole cell became different from before.

All the prisoners stayed quietly in their cells, even as he delivered his meal.

None of them showed any restlessness, and,

They all seemed to be consciously or unconsciously looking at the innermost cell with a frightened look.

This extremely strange situation made his heart hairy.

He didn’t know what was going on, but he heard that it was daytime today,

The captain of the division came in with the rumored vice-captain of the spirit hunting team and informed them,

Let them prepare an extra copy when they bring food to Ralph these three days,

And the standard of food came according to hers.

This surprised the members of the prison team.

The vice captain was going to take it here for three whole days! Even the last time the captain of the interior team came, he didn’t stay long.

The whole person has become somewhat mentally abnormal.

Who the hell is this young vice captain?! soon

The team members have already walked to the end of the cell position, put two meals into a dedicated window position, originally in accordance with the previous procedures and regulations,


He should have turned away directly, but the curiosity in his heart was exuberant,

Forcing him to look inside, he saw that he was just getting up at this moment,

With a weird smile on his face,

Then walk toward Ralph in the corner, the next moment,

A scream rang out from the cell,

The soul nail on Ralph’s right thigh was immediately removed, and he looked extremely painful.

The look on the team’s face changed suddenly,

Immediately cover your mouth with your hands to prevent the exclamation from exiting.

However, when he was about to continue to look, he suddenly felt the rope tighten around his waist.

The next moment,

He was pulled straight back.

The other team member looked at him nervously, “Are you okay?!” ”

That’s when he reacted,

Because of the abnormal behavior he just did,

Let his team members mistakenly believe that they have been induced by Ralph, so,

He immediately told his teammates what he had seen earlier, “What? The soul lock nail was pulled out?! ”

The team’s face changed, “This is a big deal! ”


He immediately turned on the communicator, “Captain Division! We…”

“I know that you don’t have to care, just deliver the food on time.”

The other end of the communicator,

Si Yu’s faint voice came out, the two team members looked stunned, and the captain knew it?! She’s not worried at all?

But now that the captain has already spoken,

The two team members could only press the shock in their hearts and return to the same way again.

And in the office of Si Yu,

At the moment, the look is a little strange,

After a whole day’s observation,

When she watched, she was poisoned again and again, and then she stood up again and again,

Taking the initiative to let Ralph keep releasing toxins, she finally understood the unspoken intention,

That guy is adapting to the toxin with Ralph! Above this world,

As long as your strength is strong enough,

Then you can ignore a lot of attacks, but only toxins can’t ignore them.

Even if she is now at the level of the special level,

It is possible to be injured by some poison masters who are only quasi-first-level, and the open gun is easy to dodge the dark arrow!

In the beginning,

She believes that the reason why Shi Buyan has the strength he has now is entirely due to his extremely high talent.

Because she once heard the general say that the woman named Paint Tobacco was similar to Shi Wuyan,

It’s also such a gift,

So, she thought before,

If you have such a talent,

Then she will definitely be a few points stronger than the current Shi Mu Yan! But

Now she knew how stupid her previous idea was!

What is really terrifying is not his talent, but his attitude.

“He’s trading his life for his resistance to toxins!”

“Fight with your life!” What an enlightenment!”

Si Yu’s heart was shocked at this moment!

She looked at the surveillance screen at this moment, after being removed from the four lock soul nails, the strength returned to the second-level Ralph, once again under the silent gaze,

Reluctantly, he released a fog body with strong toxicity, exhale

Si Yu let out a heavy breath, a person’s talent is not terrible,

The terrible thing is that that person is not only talented, but also works harder than you!

Si Yu put the blindfold on and pressed the communicator, “Captain Si, what do you command?” ”

“Take a good look at Ralph and the situation without saying a word, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality.”

“Okay, Captain Division, rest assured!”

Si Yu hung up the communicator, and then walked toward the door,

She can’t look here without saying a word anymore,

Becoming a special level is not the end of this world’s power, she also has to exercise her ability.

At noon the next day,

In an empty cell on the first floor of Purgatory, Si Yu was sitting in the middle of the room,

Gazing against those evil thoughts in the heart, ding-ding-ding,

The voice of the communicator suddenly sounded, “What? ”

Si Yu asked after connecting,

“Captain Si, Elder Lin is here and is in your office.”

“Got it.”

Si Yu replied, and then calmed his mind,

He got up and left the cell. After a few moments,

She returned to her office, “Elder Lin, how did you get here?” ”

“Come and walk around.”

Elder Lin smiled and replied,

He actually came today to see what he didn’t say when he didn’t say anything, but he was embarrassed to say directly.

His heart was a little uneasy when he didn’t say anything, after all, he wanted to be with the greedy teacher,

Ordinary people cannot resist the instinct of human nature, even himself,

He had reached the age of seventy-two, and now he didn’t dare to look directly into Si Yu’s eyes.

“Quickly turn on the surveillance screen, I will see how it is now.” Elder Lin said with a smile on his face,

In his heart, in addition to worry,

Also think about what kind of performance it will be under the erosion of Ralph.

Although he was very appreciative, he did not say anything,

But the so-called tree is straight and easy to bend, and people are often defeated,

Elder Lin still hoped that Shi Shi would not say that he would suffer some hardships in Ralph’s hands, “Young man, we must properly thwart his sharpness.”

Si Yu’s expression suddenly became strange, “Are you sure you want to see?” ”

Elder Lin didn’t notice Si Yu’s expression, “Well. ”

“All right.”

Si Yu operated on his computer, and then opened the monitoring screen,

Relf’s room was found, then the screen was turned to the maximum, moving to the very center. The next moment,

The smile on Elder Lin’s face froze at once, only to see that Shi Buyan in the picture was lying on the ground, his face was pale,

His hands were twitching unconsciously, as if in excruciating pain, “What’s going on?! ”

Elder Lin’s expression changed suddenly,

He wanted to see some hardships when he saw it, but the scene in front of him,

Not a little bitter at all!

Rather, it is very likely that there is a danger to life!

However, he found that Si Yu’s expression did not change at all, but instead walked to the sofa and sat down very calmly.

Even ripped open a bag of potato chips,

“Elder Lin, don’t be nervous, I suggest you also find a place to sit and eat something Si Yu has potato chips in his mouth.”

Something vague about the spoon…

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