“Captain Division!”

Elder Lin’s expression was extremely serious,

“If something goes wrong when you don’t say anything, even if there is a general to speak for you, you can’t bear this responsibility!”

Si Yu was not annoyed, but the corners of his mouth were cocked,

Then take off the blindfold and look in the direction of Elder Lin,

Elder Lin immediately turned his face away, and then heard Si Yujiao laugh, “Elder Lin, do you need me to take care of the situation when you look at that guy now?” ”

Elder Lin heard the words and immediately looked at the surveillance screen, only to see that at this moment, Shi Wuyan had already stood up.

The face is back to normal,

Even more rosy than normal,

As if what I saw at the last moment was all falsehood, “This…? ”

Lin Lao was shocked,

Immediately thinking of Si Yu’s strange look, he suddenly realized something,

“These two days… That’s always been the case?! ”

“bingo! Elder Lin is worthy of being the captain of the supervision team! ”

Si Yu smiled and replied, Elder Lin opened his mouth,

I just wanted to say something, but when I saw it, I walked to Ralph’s face without saying a word, accompanied by a scream of pain, and a soul nail was pulled out.

Elder Lin’s expression changed,

Only then did he find that at this moment, on the ground of the cell, seven white soul nails had been dropped!

And Ralph’s strength has already come to the first level!

Ralph’s eyes, hidden behind his long hair, flashed a sinister look at the moment,

The next moment,

His messy hair stabbed forward, directly into the unspoken calf,

Shi WuXian immediately felt a strong nausea coming from his stomach, his body became weak, his body shook a little unsteadily, and he could only sit down slowly against the wall weakly.

Ralph had thick blood in his eyes,

There was a look of excitement on his face, he was now at the first level,

The toxin released had completely the strength to poison a special level strongman, he didn’t believe it, this kid in front of him could still resist!

Elder Lin in the office narrowed his pupils, and he asked again, “Captain Si, are you sure that there is no problem now?!” ”

Si Yu did not answer at this moment,

Her eyes were fixed on the monitor screen, and the next moment, her look was loose again,

“No problem, he can.”

Si Yu was also a little shocked, although there had been no problem before, but at this moment it was different, Ralph had unsealed to the first level,

Now he could even threaten Si Yu with toxins! That’s why she looks nervously at the surveillance,

It wasn’t until he shook his head silently when he saw him again that he relaxed his mind. Elder Lin was suspicious of some of the believers, but he did not leave.

Instead, he looked intently at everything that happened in the cell, this time, twenty minutes had passed, and just when Elder Lin couldn’t help but want to go to the cell himself, his look was suddenly happy.


Shi Buyan rubbed his somewhat swollen head while slowly standing up,

“It’s really uncomfortable.”

He did not expect that after reaching the first level, Ralph’s toxin ability would become so strong.

After two days and one night of drug testing, his reversal technique is already very skilled.

All toxins before Ralph,

Can’t stay in his body for more than a minute, it will be completely cleared,

And now, just from the quasi-first level to the first level, the power of the toxin has increased so much,

If he hadn’t had the reversal technique, the situation might have become extremely bad and Ralph was looking at it like a ghost at the moment.

He has exerted the strongest toxin power at this stage, and he is very convinced,

Even the sixteen guards he faced twenty years ago would definitely not feel good under this move!

If he hadn’t known that he couldn’t touch the body that Shi Wuxian didn’t say, he would have even wanted to go up and make up for it!

But now Shi WuXian actually recovered and shouted something, “It’s so uncomfortable.” ”

Isn’t that uncomfortable?! This is a murderous toxin!

Ralph stood up without saying a word as he watched, and looked at him again with a smile and a groan, he now felt like he was going crazy!

Ever since this guy had come here, he had been extremely uncomfortable, and he felt that Shi Yan was a crazy person!

For two days and one night, almost thirty hours, he hadn’t slept well!

This guy has been forcing him to constantly release toxins, and later, Ralph really can’t survive.

As a last resort,

I can only squint for a while when I can’t move without saying that I am poisoned, but that guy is a monster.

The time of each poisoning is getting shorter and shorter, resulting in less and less time for yourself to sleep,

Last night I slept on my own, and after the boy recovered,

I actually came straight up and kicked myself awake! So Ralph is now extremely depressed, and his eyes are full of thick blood,


The priests of the old division also have human rights! suddenly

Ralph’s eyes rolled, slammed into the bottom of the camera, and shouted loudly at the monitor,

“Get him out!” Let me do whatever I want, really! Please! ”

Although he didn’t know who this teenager really was, he dared to let him in directly and pulled out all his soul nails, and no one stopped him.

That teenager in the sixteenth guard must be a very important figure, and now on the other end of the camera, there must be someone watching now! It’s just that Ralph just finished shouting this sentence,

Then I felt a huge force of attraction suddenly coming from behind me,

His whole body was pulled back in an instant, and he fell to the ground with a snap, and Ralph felt a very familiar breath fluctuation at this moment.

The same feeling as when black lightning appeared on the hands of teenagers before,

But before he could recall, he heard the demonic voice come again,

“Come again.”

Ralph wanted to hold his head and cry,

He has heard these two words hundreds of times in the past two days,

He vowed that in the future, if anyone mentioned these two words in front of him again, he would definitely kill him!

And in Si Yu’s office,

Elder Lin looked at all this happening in the monitor in a daze, and for a while he couldn’t speak.

After a while, he reacted, and a wave of anger appeared before his eyebrows,

“Ralph didn’t say anything when he didn’t erode with black gas?”

Elder Lin is very angry now,

He knew that the greedy priest was probably not the opponent of Shi Wu, but the reason why he let Shi Mu come to the third floor of this purgatory and spend three days in the same room with Ralph,

Just to detect it,

After Ralph does not speak when he uses black qi to erode and seduce the deep desires in his heart, how does Shi Unspeak’s performance behave,

This is the mental assessment of becoming a special supernatural,

It is also a necessary condition for serving as the commander of the Sixteenth Guard Combat Team, in Lin Lao’s view,

Even if the unspoken will is firm and unscrupulous by the desires of the heart,

After a day of devastation,

Even if he doesn’t have a problem now,

But at least it should be a difficult confrontation with your own heart and a scene like this,

It must be that this boy directly used violence as soon as he came up, forcing the other party to give up the evil thoughts and guidance for him.

If that’s the case,

Then this mental examination has completely become a joke, and there is no need to continue at all!

However, he heard Si Yu’s ghostly voice coming,

“No, shortly after he entered the room, Ralph began to seduce him, and… Or twice……”

Elder Lin was immediately frightened,

“Twice? Did he resist without saying a word? ”

Si Yu first shook his head, and then realized that he had now taken off the blindfold.

Elder Lin turned his back on himself and could not see his movements,

“No… I don’t think he resisted at all. ”

“Captain Division, what do you mean by Ren?”

Elder Lin had doubts on his face, if he did not resist,

Wouldn’t that directly turn into a chaotic spirit-like being, but just monitor the scene displayed in the screen,

It is clear that it is a good look. Si Yu’s voice became deeper,

“At the moment when the greed in his heart arose, he chose to look directly at it and control it.”

Si Yu paused, “Same as her.” ”

As her voice fell, Elder Lin’s face suddenly changed, controlling the greedy thoughts?! He has lived for decades,

I have never seen anyone who can control their inner desires, which is not an extremely difficult thing.

It’s a simply impossible thing! Before the world entered the Age of Transcendence,

There is a saying in the world that has been widely circulated – never challenge people in his decades of life.

Inside the people who come into contact with it,

No one can do that.

Even the painting smoke, which is very similar to Shi Buyan,

At that time, the strength had reached the highest level in this world, but in the end, it was also because of the desire in the heart that was triggered.

Thus plunged from the light into the arms of the abyss. Want to face up to the evil thoughts in your heart and not be affected by them,

Among the people Lin Lao knew,

Only one can do this,

It was the “she” that Si Yu had just spoken of—the general! Elder Lin’s gaze fell on the surveillance screen,

Falling on Shi Wu, who had fallen into weakness again, did not speak,

Just looking at it quietly, like a sculpture, about half an hour later, he sighed,

Then the first time she turned to look at Si Yu, Si Yu’s look immediately changed, and she immediately closed her eyes, she knew,

If someone sees the lustful thoughts that escape from her eyes at any time, then the evil thoughts in the hearts of the people who see them will be immediately triggered.

Even Elder Lin, who is a spiritual department, will be affected by it!

“Si Yu, open your eyes and let me see.”

Elder Lin’s faint voice came, Si Yu hesitated for a moment, or opened his eyes, the next moment,

Elder Lin’s expression changed immediately,

The color of struggle visible to the naked eye appeared on his face until after a breath,

Only then did his look return to calm.

Elder Lin once again glanced at the time in the surveillance, and then sighed a long time,

“The afterlife is terrible, the afterlife is terrible!”

After saying that, he turned and left…

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