Without saying a word,

Ralph in front of him suddenly changed his attitude, even calling himself the Lord Substitute, and he recalled what he had just done.

If you think about it, the only thing that can induce this result is when you use the Cang,

The breath of the spell power escaped, which is the greatest possibility at present, so,

Shi WuXian tried to release some of the fluctuations of the spell force slightly, and sure enough,

Only to see Ralph’s emotions more excited,

The whole person was crouching on the ground, trembling uncontrollably, yes!

Shi Wuyan confirmed this idea, and Ralph called himself a substitute, indeed because of the spell breath on his body,

But Shi Wuyi knew very well that the spell breath in his body did not come from the so-called demons and substitutes.

It is the five-point template given by the system,

But this kind of thing he couldn’t tell anyone, just what Ralph said and did now,

All indicate that some huge secret is about to be exposed in front of his eyes, but Shi Wuyan does not understand what a substitute is.

Even the Lord that the old Riji served was a demon in hell, and this was something that he had only known before hearing Elder Lin talk about it, if he had admitted it hastily,

In front of the old priest, the horse’s feet will be exposed, and Ralph will now damage the monitor.

Raise an alarm in purgatory,

Then it shows that the other party has completely identified himself as the substitute of what kind of agent, so he does not hesitate to decide to simply choose to confess directly.

See if you can get some news from the other party, if not, then directly coerced confession,

Even if you don’t get any clues at the end, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, I have grown all the way to this point, and I have never been only myself, and I have never relied on any kind of intelligence.

Whether the Lord the other party serves is a demon or an angel, as long as his own strength is strong,

Whoever he is, he can break it with all his might! With this in mind,

I feel a sense of clarity of mind when I don’t say a word,

“I’m not what you call a substitute.”

Without saying a word, he looked at Ralph in front of him,

Speaking very seriously, Ralph heard the words and trembled,

He lifted his head and looked sheepishly at the silent expression, “How is that possible?!” ”

His mouth murmured,

Then he seemed to think of something, and a look of enlightenment appeared in his eyes,

“Understand, my lord, that you said this on purpose, in order to disguise your identity.”

Shi WuXian looked at Ralph strangely, and then saw the latter continue to speak, “Your Honor, the acting lord who took office, just like you do now, has been lurking in the Sixteen Guards at the beginning, and even has been close friends with the supreme commander of the Sixteenth Guard, and it was only fifty-two years ago that he revealed his true face and betrayed the Sixth Guard.” ”

Time is not silent,

I suddenly understood why Ralph had such thoughts, but…

Fifty-two years at this point in time,

But it reminds Shi Shi of what Elder Lin once said that at that time, a great war broke out between the general and a close friend, and countless strong people fell in this battle.

That person turned out to be the substitute for the appointment? Such things were never heard of, but he did not show them on his face, but showed a look of interest, “Go on.” ”

Ralph was first overjoyed, and then a little embarrassed, “Lord, in fact, I don’t know much about the previous Acting Adult, I am only the second old priest, fifty-two years ago, I was not yet born, but I heard that in the end, Lord Ink Painting Smoke was defeated and fell into the abyss of hell.” ”

The silent eyes flicker, ink painting smoke? Painting a cigarette?

He suddenly remembered that in the nest of the earth,

He had heard this name in Elder Lin’s mouth, although Elder Lin’s voice was extremely small at that time,

But the time is not said to be close to him, how can it not be heard,

It’s just not showing it.

He recalled the expression and tone of Lin Lao’s expression at that time, it seemed that at that moment,

Think of yourself as that ink paint?

What exactly is the similarity between himself and her? Shi WuXian continued to ask,

“What is a substitute?”

He had no scruples about the risk of exposing himself as a substitute, and he had no intention of hiding it in the first place.

Ralph’s eyes showed a suspicious color, how could he not know the substitute?

Is he really not?

His eyes burned when he didn’t say a word, but when he saw that the other party’s face was calm and unusual, Ralph was shocked.

Then he gave up the suspicious thoughts in his heart, and even wanted to give himself a slap,

That unique dark red atmosphere,

There could be no one else but a substitute!

The surrogate in front of him must be testing his loyalty! Ralph’s mind is clear,

He said with a faint sadness,

“The faithful of the old priests and the seven priests all believed in the Lord, believing that the Lord would rise from hell and come down to earth to save this hypocritical world, but after the Lord’s battle with the angels many years ago, he was seriously injured and his strength was damaged, and then he fell into a long sleep.”

Ralph’s expression suddenly became excited again, “But the Lord is the supreme being in the world, and even if he is still asleep, they can still convey their power to us through the seal.” It’s just that our strength is too weak compared to the Lord, and sometimes there are differences between the seven teachers because of the disagreement of ideas, resulting in the Lord’s recovery becoming slow.”

Ralph’s eyes went berserk,

But the great Lord had anticipated all this! They projected their power and chose a lucky person in the human world to walk in the world instead of them, ruling the entire old division, and this person chosen by the Lord was called the substitute! ”

Shi Wuyi secretly wrote down the information that Ralph said, and then said quietly,

“Then how do you confirm that I am the substitute?”

Ralph bowed again to the time without saying a word,

“As a substitute who is favored by the Lord, you will not be eroded by our evil thoughts, because this power of ours is given by the Lord through the seal of God, and you are the embodiment of the Lord in the human world, so naturally you will not be affected by evil thoughts.” ”

Ralph said respectfully, and at the same time his mood became very good,

It turns out that it is not that their evil thoughts cannot erode each other, but because the other party has the identity of a substitute.

“Moreover, the breath on your body I just felt, it is a dark red negative energy breath fluctuation, which is very similar to the breath of the Lord, if you have not felt the breath of the Lord and the Substitute Lord, and carefully separated, it is impossible to recognize it at all, and even I have just made a mistake in identification, but this very special and unique breath, in this world, only the Substitute Lord will have!”

When I heard this, my pupils suddenly shrank,

Fortunately, his eyes are now covered by an eye mask,

So Ralph didn’t find the unspoken anomaly.

“Substitutes, how many of the three offerings are there?”

Shi Bu Yan forcibly suppressed his inner emotions and asked slowly,

“According to Lord Holtlis, there is only the Ink Painting Smoke Lord.”

Ralph’s unspoken expression when he saw it was extremely serious,

He immediately added,

“Of course, now that includes you.”

“Ink paints smoke.”

Without saying a word, before that,

He mistakenly thought that the breath coming from below Purgatory was the breath of the spell, and after Si Yu’s explanation,

Only to know that it was the remains of the demons that had been there, but now Ralph told him,

The spell breath in his body,

There really was someone who once had it, the woman named Ink Painting Smoke,

Could it be a crosser too?! This was the most shocking news he had ever heard since he came into this world! After he took a long exhale, he calmed down his inner emotions and continued,

“I met two teachers of the old division before, and not only did they not think I was a substitute, but they tried to eat me.”

“Dare to ask the adult, which two teachers did you meet?”

“Overeating Gratt and Erotic Raiki,”

Ralph sneered and immediately realized something,

Frightened, he said,

“I’m sorry, sir, I wasn’t targeting you just now.”

“After seeing the expression of no exasperation without saying anything,”

Ralph continued,

“After the First World War twenty years ago, the old priests suffered heavy losses, and the second priests, including me, were almost completely destroyed, and the two names you just said I have not heard of, probably these two people are the third priests today, they have not witnessed the most glorious years of the Lord, they have not seen the true strength of the Lord, nor have they seen the breath of the Daigher, the source of our strength is that the Lord gave us through the seal of God, so they will naturally covet the breath similar to the Lord in you. I hope that the adults on behalf of them will open their eyes and not do anything to them. ”

Shi Wuyi’s heart suddenly understood, but I wanted to tell the other party,

The two third teachers had already been killed by themselves, and then he suddenly thought of another question,

“You said they hadn’t seen it, so you’ve seen it?”

Ralph looked stunned,

And then he laughed sarcastically,

“I have not really seen the Lord and the Lord of the Ink Painting Smoke, but I have seen the fragment of the Lord’s Divine Skeleton with Lord Hollys, and as for the breath of the Lord of the Ink Painting Smoke, it was once attached to an ancient piece of parchment.”


It seems to be a big man in the old division,

I just don’t know what kind of priest he was the first to do, and he wrote down this name without saying a word,

Then he remembered that he had been under the crystal cocoon after the fall of the earth’s nest,

Picked up a fragment of a piece of parchment, is it that thing? But I’ve seen it myself.

There was no breath fluctuation on it at all, and he took the parchment out of his body and spread it in the palm of his hand in front of Ralph. Ralph’s pupils shrank suddenly,

Immediately bow down,

Then he stood up trembling,

“That’s it! This is exactly what the Ink Painting Smoke Lord once had! ”

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