“Your Honor, this is what Lord Holtlis gave you?”

Ralph asked doubtfully,

Shake your head without saying a word,

“It was obtained from gluttony and lust, but I didn’t find any breath on it.”

“Only after it is complete will the breath of the ink painting smoke adult.”

Ralph explains,

Immediately more doubtful,

“But Lord Holtlis wants to separate it?”

After a little contemplation,

Ralph gave up thinking,

The color of reverence on his face was even more pronounced.

“Anyway, Lord Holtlis let this overkill man pass on such an important thing to you, and it must be that he has great trust in you.”

It goes without saying that at this moment, my heart is simply breathtaking,

He couldn’t admire Ralph’s brain patch, this guy has been locked up here for twenty years,

The brain is stupid, but this is also good,

Knowing more about the information of the other side’s forces is not a bad thing, and it also saves the trouble of forcing questions yourself. Then he continued to ask without saying a word,

“Why did you attack the Sixteenth Guard twenty years ago?”

“Because the signs of the Lord’s recovery in recent years have become more and more obvious, in the plan of Lord Holtlis, we created several collapses of the world passage that drew the Admiral away, and we invaded the interior, as soon as we got the Lord’s fragment of the Divine Skeleton and sacrificed it to the Lord, then the Lord would wake up immediately.”


Ralph’s face showed a look of regret, “Unfortunately, that woman is too strong, she seems to be aware of our plan, and soon turned back to headquarters, completely dismantling our offensive, the Erotic Sect was killed on the spot, and I was also cut off from the Lord, and then imprisoned here for twenty years.” ”

When not to say a frown,

He immediately thought of what Si Yu had told him before, at the bottom of Purgatory,

A fragment of the remains of a demon was sealed.

It turned out that they had come here to steal this thing. When it comes to knowing in your heart,

Then he sorted out all the conversation information he had just had in his mind, silently wrote it down,

Then he said again with great seriousness, “I’m really not a substitute. ”

Who would have thought that Ralph would not stop nodding,

“Understand, understand, adults say no, no.”

Despite the words of the mouth,

But the look of joy on the top of the eyebrows,

But he couldn’t hide his true thoughts in his heart.

He has completely adopted the time to the substitute for this appointment. Shi WuXian sighed in his heart,

Just when you are ready to speak,

Suddenly he heard a rush of footsteps, and he looked sideways,

With the ability of six eyes,

I can see the corridor outside the wall at this moment,

In a hurry came a dozen uniformed prison squad members, some of whom were armed with live ammunition.

There are people with all kinds of weapons,

Extremely nervously probing the situation of the prisoners in the cells on both sides, and in the midst of the people,

A delicate figure with long purple hair appeared, and it was Si Yu who had rushed to hear the news.

She didn’t even look at the prison next to her,

Staring dead without squinting, he walked in the prison without saying a word. She didn’t swipe the permission card,

Didn’t press the mudra either, bang!

The metal gate was kicked open by Si Yu,

She was clutching a long chain in her hand,

At each end of the chain hung a sharp short sword, and he stepped into the cell with a fierce momentum, but the next moment,

The very serious look on her face suddenly froze,

Because she didn’t feel that feeling of tension in her cell at this time,

On the contrary, there was still a peaceful state between the two, and after Ralph restored his special strength,

And did not choose to jailbreak,

And I didn’t fight with the times.

On the contrary, the breath on the body is extremely strange, as if it is in… Flattery?! Si Yu dispelled this idea,

How could the former Instructor of the Sixteen Guards make such a gesture as the vice-captain of the Sixteenth Guard? But the look on her face was a loose,

It’s good that nothing goes wrong.

“Hey, you’re okay over here!”

Si Yu asked,

The tone is a little dissatisfied,

Most of the night to wake yourself up from sleep, the result is nothing?!

“Well, there’s no problem,” Shi replied with a smile, Si Yu looked stunned,

I’m about to say something,

But she felt something flying towards her, and she reached out and grabbed it.

Then he immediately judged that the palm of his hand was a candy, and then he heard the voice that was silent,

“I’m tired of you running a trip.”

Si Yu peeled off the sugar paper and threw the candy into his mouth,

Feeling a hint of sweetness dissolve in her mouth, the unhappiness in her heart has also disappeared for the most part.

I had expected “What the hell are you guys doing?!” ”

When it comes to the mouth, it becomes “Remember to call me something.” ”

After saying that, he turned and left. When you walk into the hallway,

She suddenly kicked at a prisoner watching the hilarity next to her,

The other party immediately covered the fatal part and made a terrible cry, and then Si Yu casually pulled over a subordinate,

“The camera in Ralph’s cell will be repaired, the door will be reinstalled, and she will disappear into the unspoken view.”

Ralph listened to the calm outside, with an ugly grin on his face,

“Your Honor, when are we going out?”

Shi did not say that he was too lazy to correct his name again, as he liked to call it,

“I’ll be away in about sixteen hours, so we’re going to hurry up and train.”

Ralph’s eyes brightened, “Understood! ”


His right hand turned pink again, and he swallowed his saliva,

Silent when looking at it nervously,

“That man, I’m offended.”

After nodding his head without saying a word,

He gently touched his hand to the body of Shi Wuyi,

The next moment,

An extremely rich milk smell mixed with a faint metallic smell came, making Shi Wuyi’s body tremble suddenly,

The heart beats violently,

As if to break out of the body,

He felt that the toxin this time was even more violent than the previous times!

He immediately sat down on his knees, and then urged the reversal technique with all his strength,

Used to dissolve toxins that invade the body, this time,

Shi WuXian sat on the ground for forty minutes before he cleaned up all the toxins in his body, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Sure enough, he is the strongest master of poison used in the old days,

Actually let his just uncomfortable forehead oozing fine sweat, he opened his eyes,

Looking at Ralph next to him,

At this moment, the other party has completely lost the previous impatience and resignation,

Instead, with a worried look on his face, as if he was afraid that something was wrong with him, Ralph took the initiative to come forward and asked cautiously,

“Come again?”

Without saying a word, he first froze, and then smiled and nodded. At twelve o’clock in the afternoon of the next day,

In the third layer of purgatory, there was the sound of footsteps again,

Dressed in boots, Si Yu walked down the corridor toward the room where Shi Bu Yan was, and now it was seventy-two hours after Shi Mu had entered purgatory.

The three-day period set by the previous general had ended, and Si Yu had come to pick up the time without saying a word.

She went into her cell, just ready to speak,

But when he saw that Shi Wuyan was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he stopped talking, and when he didn’t say a word, he didn’t move.

Si Yu knew that he had recovered, “It’s time, get out.” ”

Si Yu looked at the silent figure at the moment,

After three days of sleeplessness, this guy must have been tired, but he heard a slightly hoarse voice that didn’t say anything, “Wait a minute, it’s still a little bit worse.” ”

Si Yu didn’t say anything and just stood there so quietly. About half an hour later,

Without saying a word, he removed the last trace of toxin from his body, and a strong joy rose in his heart.

He stood up and felt the smooth feeling of the mantra flowing retrograde through his body, like an arm making a finger,

The corners of his mouth could not help but set off a smile, he only felt the incomparable lightness of his body at the moment,

That’s it!

“Let’s go.”

Shi Yu came to Si Yu’s side without saying a word, and Si Yu nodded,

When the two were preparing to leave, suddenly a more hoarse voice came from behind them,

“Your Honor, have you forgotten me?”

Si Yu paused and looked at the side without saying a word, “Your Honor? ”

Her face was a little confused,

Then he didn’t say a word, then turned to look at Ralph, “I almost forgot about you.” ”

Without saying a word, the figure of the unspoken moment disappeared in place,

At the same time, there was an extremely dense popping sound in the cell, and the next moment,

An incomparably fierce howl of pain emanated from Ralph’s mouth, and without saying a word, the nine soul nails that had been pulled out before were removed,

Now all of them have been nailed to Ralph from their original positions!

The breath on Ralph’s body suddenly fell back to the realm of ordinary people, and he looked at it with great shock without saying a word,

I couldn’t believe that the Substitute Lord, whom he trusted so much, could do such a horrible thing to him!

“I never said I’d take you out.”

Without saying a word, he looked at Ralph,

“I also told you that I am not a substitute.”

Ralph was furious at the moment,

He didn’t say a word when he reached out his finger, his lips trembled violently, trying to say something, but the nine locked souls were nailed into the body, and suddenly the intense pain came,

Coupled with the fact that he has returned to ordinary people at this moment, he has been sleepless for 72 consecutive hours, and he is still releasing toxin attacks without interruption,

He did not have the reversal technique to recover, and his body had already reached the brink of collapse.

So, with a bang,

Ralph fell straight back and passed out.

“Your Honor, Substitute, what did you do to him?”

Si Yujiao laughed,

Then she suddenly stepped forward to cling to Shi Wuyi’s body, exhaling like a lan, she covered her eyebrows with her onion fingers, pulling the blindfolds of both her and Shi Wuxian at the same time! The next moment,

Pale blue eyes and amber pupils, four eyes facing each other!

“Sister, I’m very curious~”

A seductive red light suddenly bloomed in Si Yu’s eyes!

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