Gredge looked back at Eddo,

There was excitement in his eyes,

“Lord Holtlis has sent the news, and Shi Wei has come out of purgatory and can start to act.”

After thinking about it, he asked again,

“Those few people in the Spirit Hunting Team have not left yet, have they?”

Edor nodded,

“They are very persistent and have been chasing my “child”. Now it is circling in circles not far from this neighborhood. ”

Grin let out a strange laugh and said with a sinister look,

“It’s time for your ‘kids’ to lure them all over.”

Edonne sighed,

Then the animal pattern on his left arm began to flash red, it was a standing giant bear pattern,

This is exactly how Aido connects with his “children”. Greid saw it,

The depression in his heart for the past three days was finally swept away, and he laughed with great joy.

In the previous Battle of the Nests, in Hollis’s original plan,

The old priests who went out were not actually two, except for the gluttonous Gratt and the lustful Laiqi,

In fact, there is a third one, it is the lazy teacher Ador, in the plan,

Before the Battle of the Crypt began,

First send out one of your own quasi-first-level “children” and attract a spirit hunting team of the Sixteenth Guard.

In this way to reduce the idle combat strength of the sixteen guards,

And this seduced spirit hunting team is exactly the third hunting team to which Ling Siye belongs.

And then, at the same time, the chaos that covered the entire city of Kaiwon was created by gluttony and lust,

In this case, in the case of insufficient combat strength of the sixteen guards,

Their top power will be drawn to prevent this disaster, and even the general will leave the headquarters.

In this way, the remaining priests in the old division could invade the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards and enter Purgatory and take out the fragments of the Lord’s divine skeleton.

But I didn’t think about it,

The previous plans were all fine, until there was a time to say nothing!

He alone completely disrupted their entire plan! Gredge thought of this,

I can’t help but grit my teeth a little,

But then a smile appeared on his face,

Lord Holtlis is worthy of being the strongest man in the old days, although after this battle,

The old days suffered heavy losses,

But Lord Holtlis was not overly annoyed,

Instead, make a very accurate decision.

That is to say, when he made a great contribution to this battle,

With such a young age and extremely strong strength, he will definitely become the object of the entire sixteen guards’ key training.

The fact is indeed as Lord Houghtlis expected, after returning to the headquarters of the Sixteenth Guard,

Nominated to be a Supernatural,

Then he was sent into purgatory for three days of mental tempering,

So in Lord Hollys’s new plan,

As long as they arrest the people of the three teams of spirit hunters now,

And be sure to let the other party release a distress signal to the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters, indicating that they have encountered a special level of chaos spirits.

Because according to the intelligence,

Among the sixteen guards, if you want to become a special level extraordinary, in addition to the mental examination,

It also needs to be assessed for strength,

So after knowing that the three teams of the Spirit Hunter encountered a special class,

Then the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters will definitely send out the time without saying a word, in order to complete his special strength assessment this time.

But according to Lord Holtholis,

The mental assessment carried out in purgatory at the time,

Most likely it will be related to the greedy teacher Ralph twenty years ago, no one in this world can resist the evil thoughts in his heart.

Therefore, after three days of mental destruction, Shi Wuyan’s current state is definitely not the best,

And this time,

As long as the time is lured out without words, it can be easily caught, and after this,

As long as they release the news that they are caught without saying a word, then there will be two situations.

One is,

The Sixteenth Guard Headquarters will definitely send the top forces to rescue their key training objects.

And the remaining teachers can infiltrate the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards, and the second is that,

If the Sixteenth Guard headquarters did not send someone to rescue them,

Then they can also tie up Shi Buyan and the members of the Spirit Hunting Team and escort them to the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters.

The other party must throw a rat trap, no matter what the case,

They were all able to obtain the fragments of the Lord’s skeleton and bring the Lord back into the world!

Greed is now in a very good mood, for the blessing of the Lord,

He was extremely greedy in his heart!

Moreover, in order to ensure the stability of the plan, Lord Holtlis only sent him alone to assist Aido.

Because this is the same as the number of teachers in the nest last time, it is two,

In this way, the two teachers who had already defeated the two teachers could not relax their vigilance, thinking that they would definitely be able to defeat them.


At that time, I certainly didn’t know that among the seven priests of the old division, strength and status were not equal!

Overeating, lust, greed, laziness, anger, jealousy, arrogance. Of the seven teachers,

The gluttonous Gratt and Erotic Lyce, who had previously been killed by Shi Wuxi, although they had both reached the special level,

However, they had only recently stepped into the special realm, and their strength was among the seven teachers.

The ranking is the lowest!

And whether it is himself as a greedy teacher, or a lazy teacher in charge of Edot,

In a one-to-one situation,

Both can easily beat Gratt and Raichel! And

I also have the strongest toxin in the world that I can’t defend against! A smile appeared on Grid’s face,

“Without saying a word, do you know how hard I have been waiting for these three days?”

He had begun to imagine,

After being defeated by them,

The look of surprise when they stepped on their feet…….

“Captain Ling, did you say that the bear was a bit refined, it escaped under our eyes several times.”

A young man resting under a tree is a member of the Spirit Hunting Team III.

Beside him were his three teammates, as well as Ling Siye, the captain of the Spirit Hunting Team III.

At this moment, Ling Siye was frowning and feeling the breath around him, just a minute ago,

They chased the grizzly bear-like chaotic spirit for several days and ran into the woods.

Then the breath is gone.

Ling Siye’s transcendent lineage is the spiritual lineage,

Good at using mind power to attack from a distance, it is reasonable to say,

Her pursuit of a quasi-first-level chaos spirit should be a matter of hand, but the strange thing is,

The chaotic spirit kept a very delicate position every time it was at a very delicate distance from them.

So that they can see,

It was just over Ling Siye’s power distance. Boom.

There was a noise in the woods around me,

The team members were shocked and were preparing to get up to observe the situation.

Ling Siye was already reaching out with a wave of his hand, and the next moment,

In the place where the noise was emitted, it was as if it had been hit by a cannonball, and the trees that obscured the line of sight directly broke,

Revealing the face of the creature that made a noise, Ling Siye cut with great dissatisfaction, it was just a squirrel,


A roar of bears suddenly sounded in the woods in front of them, “It’s here again!” ”

One of the team members exclaimed, this roar, they are all too familiar with,

It was the Chaos Spirit they had been chasing for days. Ling Siye suddenly turned around,

As soon as the figure moved, it immediately chased in that direction, and the rest of the team members also hurried to catch up.

In the chase,

Ling Siye tried several times to launch the attack of Nian Power, but after trying,

They all found that their attacks were all the same as the Chaos Spirit, “Damn! ”

Ling four-leaf qi pole,

The chase was sped up again. Not much time,

A few people walked through the woods,

Came to a clearing,

In front of them was a huge abandoned factory, whew

One of the team members was bent over,

With his hands on his knees, he gasped and said,

“This time it finally couldn’t run away, the Chaos Spirit was indeed a creature without wisdom, and actually ran into this factory, which was simply a dead end doctor.”

The crowd echoed in unison,

These few days, this chaotic spirit has made them tired. Saying,

Just get ready to go inside.


Ling Siye said indifferently,

Her eyes were sharp at the abandoned factory in front of her at this moment, and it was already night,

Although through the hazy moonlight in the sky, you can faintly see the surrounding environment,

But the factory in front of you is still a blur.

Just when the grizzly bear Chaos Spirit ran in, Ling Siye who passed through the woods at the front of the line,

In that instant, he saw inside the factory, in front of the grizzly bear,

A pair of blood-red eyes flashed away, and there were chaos spirits inside the factory!

Ling Siye made a judgment at the moment,

And judging by the size of those eyes, they are definitely not bear eyes.

It’s other creatures.

That is to say, in the factory in front,

There is another kind of chaotic spirit at this moment!

“What’s wrong, Captain?”

The team member asked incomprehensibly, seeing that Ling Siye did not answer, nor did he dare to continue to ask more questions.

Although their captain is only one meter and fifty-five meters tall, he looks like a petite and cute little girl.

But she has a grumpy temper that is extremely inconsistent with her petite appearance, if she gets angry,

Even the iceberg Xiao Yueqing of the Spirit Hunting Team dared to directly scare him, and several of their squad members did not dare to take the initiative to touch the moldy head.

less inclination,

Ling Siye saw that there was still no movement in the factory in front of him, and his brow frowned slightly.

One thing that chaos spirits are like ordinary animals is that they also have territorial awareness.

Chaotic spirits of the same kind may be interdependent,

But there must be no peaceful coexistence between different kinds of chaotic spirits!

Under normal circumstances,

If the grizzly bear they were chasing invaded the territory of the Chaos Spirit inside the factory,

Then the two sides will definitely fight,

But now she’s been outside observing for a minute.

There was no sound of fighting coming from the building in front of us, nor was there a single wave of spiritual power erupting in battle.

There is a problem! Ling Siye’s heart was awe-inspiring…

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