Ling Siye raised his hand and waved,

A big tree next to it was immediately uprooted and slammed into the wall of the factory! Bang!

A loud crashing sound sounded,

The trees are smashed by strong force,

A hole had also been smashed into the wall of the factory, and the members of the three teams of the Hunting Spirit looked at Ling Siye in disbelief, not knowing what their captain was suddenly doing. But Ling Siye’s brow wrinkled even tighter,

Her petite ears fluttered slightly, and she listened very carefully to the movements of the factory in front of her.

Her expression became more and more solemn,

After the impact, there was no movement ahead! Definitely a problem!

Ling Siye’s heart tightened, “Retreat! ”


She stared at the factory with dead eyes, and slowly retreated backwards behind her, although the team members were confused, but Ling Siye was their captain, and obeying the order was necessary.

“What the hell is going on, Captain Ling?”

A member of the team still couldn’t help but ask, Ling Siye’s voice was a little low at the moment,

“There are two Chaos Spirits in the factory ahead, two of different kinds.”

As soon as this statement came out,

The crowd was stunned at first, and then reacted, and they also realized the problem.

Then he heard Ling Siye speak,

“Chaos spirits are generally unintelligent creatures, but the Chaos Spirit we are chasing is extremely spiritual, keeping a distance from us for a few days and still leading us around in circles, which is not something that an ordinary Chaos Spirit can do. It’s just that I’ve always thought that it’s just a quasi-first-level chaos spirit, even if there is something wrong, but it can’t make any waves, but just now I hit the outside of the factory with the tree, we can hear a huge noise, then inside, it will definitely make a bigger noise, the chaos collar nature and animals, if there is a huge noise in its nest, then they will definitely show something, maybe it is roaring, or it may be running out, but there is no reaction just now. ”

Ling Siye’s expression was very serious,

“Then in this case, it is very likely that it represents a thing that is being suppressed and manipulated by beings higher than themselves.”

“But Captain, that grizzly bear is only a quasi-first-level being, even if it has a more advanced existence, it is only a first-level chaotic spirit, and there is no need for us to be afraid.”

“Idiot! You forgot about that nest battle the other day?! ”

The team members suddenly realized something, and exhaled loudly,

“Captain Ling, you mean…”

Ling Siye’s voice at this moment was extremely solemn,

“The one who exists in the factory ahead… It is very likely that it is another special priest of the old Japanese Division! ”

The voice just dropped,

A man’s teasing voice suddenly rang out behind him, “I heard that Captain Ling of the Spirit Hunting Team is a very grumpy person,” A figure jumped from the tree behind him and approached the crowd without hurrying.

“It seems that the rumors are wrong today, and Captain Ling’s mind is very exquisite.”

“Who are you?!”

Ling Siye opened his mouth coldly,

Although the man in front of her, Ling Siye, did not know, her heart was extremely vigilant,

When she had just stepped back, she had used her senses to the extreme, but she had not noticed that there was such a man in close proximity!

She herself is now a first-level transcendent, and there are only two possibilities for not being discovered by herself.


The man came out of the shadows of the woods,

“The first time we met, I was the old Greedy Priest Greek.”

Everyone in the Spirit Hunting Team was shocked at this moment,

Captain Ling is indeed right, there is an old and old special level existence here! They immediately turned around and prepared to run in the direction of the factory.

The special grade inside is behind them, then the direction of the factory is definitely safe!

But before they could take a few steps, their footsteps suddenly stopped.

Just listening to the snap, the originally dark factory suddenly lit up! Then the crowd saw a man more than two meters tall at the door of the factory.

Beside him was a grizzly bear, the quasi-first-level Chaos Spirit they had chased before!

The man’s stature was extremely large, making the stout grizzly bears look a little thin around him, like a puppy.

The man did not come to them, but gently stroked the grizzly bear next to him, and a trace of fierce color flashed in Ling Siye’s eyes.

When he was about to call on all the team members to raid the man in front of them together, he heard Grid’s voice behind him ring out again.

“Forgot to introduce, in front of you is the lazy teacher of the old division, Aido, who is also a special rank.”

Everyone’s hearts were trembling at this moment, there were actually two special level teachers here?!

A team member has been greatly frightened at this moment, he opened the communicator with his teeth trembling,

“Here are the Sixteen Guards patrolling…”

The voice on the other end of the communicator had just sounded, and it was interrupted by the urgent voice of the young team members.

“This is the Spirit Hunting Team! We met two special teachers of the old division! All are special!!! Request Support! Request Support!!! ”


“We have an abandoned factory on the western outskirts of Kaiwon City, and the coordinates are…”


The young players’ words are not finished,

The communicator in his hand was controlled by a huge force, breaking free from his hand and smashing into a tree next to him.

It was smashed in an instant!

“Captain! I haven’t finished my coordinates yet! ”

The young team members looked extremely puzzled, and the inexplicable force just now was Ling Siye’s motivation,

But he doesn’t know why in this moment of crisis,

Ling Siye, who was his own man, actually smashed their communicator directly, but the next second he heard an angry scolding.


Ling Siye’s eyebrows were upside down, pointing at his team members,

“Didn’t you notice what kind of expression this mess in front of you was when you contacted headquarters?”

And then she looked angrily at Grid,

“This shitter has been watching us, laughing and fooling around!” You use your pig brain, do you think he is a super strongman, is not capable of stopping your action of moving troops to the headquarters?! ”

The young player’s eyelids twitched, and he suddenly thought of something, and his look became frightened.

Then he heard Ling Siye say again,

“That’s a trap! We’re just bait! ”

This miscellaneous piece is deliberately trying to let us move the rescue troops, and then all of them have swept away the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards.

Before Lin Xinzhi came to a courtyard, he knocked softly on the wooden door, “Come in.” ”

Lin Xinzhi pushed the door in, only to see a woman in plain clothes standing in front of a flower bed, trimming the flowers in it.


Lin Xinzhi arched his hand.

“How long did he hold out?”

The plain-clothed woman did not turn back, and said lightly.

The natural question she asked was not to say anything when she participated in the mental examination, but she did not ask whether she passed or not, but how long did she persist.

Because in her opinion,

A hairy boy under the age of twenty will definitely not be able to pass this examination, so

There is also no need to ask if it passed.

“Without saying a word, he spent three full days in purgatory with Ralph, and even half an hour more.”

Lin Xinzhi replied.


The plain-clothed woman seems to have some accidents,

But the action of pruning the flower bed did not stop, she laughed softly,

“That is not easy, it seems that this boy’s mentality is still quite good, actually able to persist in these three days, then this psychological examination even if he passed.”

Then, she thought about it and continued,

“What did the medical ambulance team say there, can the mental disorder still be restored?”


Lin Xinzhi never knew how to speak.

“Captain Lin, when did you become such a mother-in-law, and if you have anything to say, are you afraid that you will not be able to scare me?”

The plain-clothed woman smiled and said,

Lin Xinzhi looked at the back of the plain-clothed woman, took a deep breath, and then said,

“It doesn’t matter that he didn’t go to the medical rescue team.”

“Didn’t Ralph lure out the greedy desires in his heart?”

The tone of the plain-clothed woman carries a hint of doubt,

If that’s the case,

Although I don’t know what happened in it,

But this mental assessment certainly can’t be counted as passing.

“The admiral misunderstood, and Ralph did release black gas without saying a word, and twice,”

Lin Xinzhi said,

“Although he successfully lured out the greedy desire of the unspoken heart, it did not affect him, but was controlled by him.”

The scissors in the plain woman’s hand suddenly stopped, and she turned to look at Lin Xinzhi, looking a little stunned.

“You just said steering?”

“Yes, General.”

Lin Xinzhi replied,

After the black qi eroded into Shi Wuyan’s body, a greedy look appeared in his eyes, which was the manifestation of his inner desire being seduced, but his whole person did not have the slightest intention of painful struggle, nor did he show any signs of assimilation by evil thoughts, and his behavior and personality characteristics did not change the slightest bit under normal circumstances, so he really controlled the evil thoughts in his heart. Just like you, General. ”

The plain-clothed woman finally knew that she had just heard correctly, and her face appeared shocked,

She didn’t expect that Shi Wuyan would be able to control the evil thoughts in her heart.

In her mind, she directly defaulted to,

Shi Bu said that after three days of torture, there will definitely be some problems in the spirit.

That’s why I asked for advice from the medical ambulance team, in her opinion,

The desires of man’s heart are extremely frightening, like a dragon from the abyss,

Anyone who tries to harness it will be eaten back, not even herself.

Although Lin Xinzhi and Si Yu both think she can do it herself,

In fact, she was indeed not affected when she saw Si Yu’s eyes, but,

Only she knows,

She’s just relying on her own strength,

The erosion of those desires was resisted, that is to say, she did not control the desires, but directly blocked the desires.

Although the results seem to be no different, she herself understands the difference,

It was a great chasm like the abyss of hell!

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