The lips of the plain-clothed woman trembled slightly,

“It goes without saying that the reason why he has half an hour more time than originally scheduled is that in it… Harnessing your own evil thoughts? ”

“General, it’s not so, time… Very short. ”

“Very short? How long did that take? Two days or one day? ”

“A cup of tea.”

“Unbridled! Lin Xinzhi, are you looking at me for bullying me?! ”

The plain-clothed woman’s eyes rose with anger,

“I have not deceived the slightest bit, and if the general does not believe it, he can check the surveillance in purgatory on his own.”

Lin Xinzhi is still an unscrupulous attitude,

Then he took out a hard disk from his body and placed it on the table next to the plain-clothed woman, which he copied in purgatory after he did not say a word, and before he came, he had already guessed that the general would behave like this, after all, such a short time was indeed extremely unbelievable!

The plain-clothed woman looked at the hard disk on the table, but did not reach out to take it, the two have known each other for many years, and have long known each other,

She knew that Lin Xinzhi would definitely not deceive herself in this kind of thing, and the anger she had just received was just too shocked in her heart.

“A cup of tea.”

Her mouth whispered softly and repeatedly,

Is this boy who is called unspeakable really a genius who is unique in the world?

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something,

“You said he harnessed greed in the space of a cup of tea, so what did he do in it for the rest of his time?”

“Take out the soul nails on Ralph’s body in turn, forcing the other party to use the toxin ability on him to improve his antibody to the toxin.”

“How many did you pull?”

“Nine whole pieces, all pulled out.” And when he came out of purgatory, he was in excellent condition and nothing out of the ordinary. ”

The eyes of the plain-clothed woman flashed,

“I remember that twenty years ago, when you were still a special class, you were not comfortable facing Ralph’s toxin attack.”

Lin Xinzhi coughed twice,

“This… The scene was chaotic, and it was inevitable that the woman in the clothes would inhale this undefendable toxin laughed, and she shook her head slightly.”

“Well, I know what I don’t know, so give him Anfi’s next real-life assessment as soon as possible.”

With that, he picked up the scissors again and pruned the flowers in the flower bed.

However, he unexpectedly felt that Lin Xinzhi was still standing in the same place and did not leave.

“Is there anything else?”

There was a hint of hesitation in Lin Xinzhi’s expression,

“Regarding the time to say, he had a little problem at the end.”

“What’s the problem?”

“Ralph bowed down to him and called him — the Great Clicker of the Substitutes.”

The breath on the plain-clothed woman’s body suddenly fluctuated, and the scissors in her hand were forced,

A flower that was already about to be built was cut straight down. She suddenly turned to look at Lin Xinzhi,

An extremely sharp essence appeared in his eyes, “What are you talking about?!” ”

Lin Xinzhi sighed in his heart, sure enough, it would become like this…

In fact, when he first received the unspoken text message message, it was stronger than the shock in the heart of the plain-clothed woman.

Immediately went to the purgatory to find Si Yu and checked it,

After confirming that the facts were true, I pondered for several hours on my own, and the regiment came to me to serve the general.

Now that this matter has been mentioned,

Lin Xinzhi then said everything he knew about the information, including the fact that he had denied his identity as a substitute.

Not long after, the whole thing had been told in its entirety, and Lin Xinzhi looked up at the plain-clothed woman in front of him.

The expression on the other person’s face at this moment is extremely irritable,

He knew that the current admiral must have remembered the ink painting smoke before, “Substitute.” ”

The plain-clothed woman pronounced this title word for word,

Her body trembled slightly, and the scissors in her hand were tightly grasped by her, “Is this what Si Yu told you?” ”

The breath that unconsciously emanated from her body became more and more manic.


Lin Xinzhi immediately said,

Although the woman in front of her has extremely strong emotional fluctuations at the moment,

But Lin Xinzhi also anticipated this scene before it came,

After all, the other party is not the guy who acts arbitrarily and cannot be judged by common sense.

“Although Si Yu also knew about this matter, she didn’t know much, because Ralph had broken the monitor in his cell before that.”

“The specific details of this matter were told to me without saying a word.”

Lin Xinzhi deliberately bit the word initiative very hard.


The momentum on the plain-clothed woman slowed down slightly, and her eyebrows rose slightly, “Did you take the initiative to tell you without saying a word?” ”

She seemed a little incredulous. Lin Xinzhi sighed,

“General, I know that the painting of cigarettes has had a great impact on you, and I still can’t forget it.”

“But didn’t you already know last time, about the fact that the breath on Shi Buyan’s body and the painting smoke are consistent?”

“Why bother now, it just hurts my body.”

Having said that,

Lin Xinzhi looked up at the plain-clothed woman in front of him, and the cloudy eyes revealed two traces of regret and care.

The stirring emotions in the plain woman’s heart suddenly stagnated, she was silent for a while, and then she let out a heavy breath,

“Team Lin, you’re right, I’m biased.”

Lin Xinzhi heard the words and was finally relieved,

He knew that since the general had said this, it meant that she believed that Shi Wushu was not a substitute.

Then this matter can basically be regarded as a reveal.

His wrinkled face finally showed a smile at this moment, “Then I will arrange the unspoken combat strength assessment.” ”

He arched his hand toward the admiral,

I was about to leave the courtyard when my cell phone suddenly rang. Ding-ding-ding-ding!

Lin Xinzhi’s brow frowned slightly,

This phone is dialed when something big happens, “Hey, what’s the matter?” ”

He answered the phone,

“Elder Lin, it’s not good!” The three teams of the Fu Ling encountered two special class instructors from the same!!! ”

Lin Xinzhi’s eyes became solemn, “What about the place?” ”

“Near an abandoned factory on the western outskirts of Haiyuan City, before the specific coordinates could be said, the call was interrupted!”

“Okay, I get it.”

Lin Xinzhi hung up the phone, looking a little anxious, and was preparing to go to his office.

But I heard the voice of the plain-clothed woman in front of me,

“No need to go to other people, just let the time go without saying a word.”

Lin Xinzhi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted,

The strength of the above generals, even if it was not deliberate, could easily hear his voice not far away.

“But he has just passed the mental examination, and he still needs to rest for a while.”

“Didn’t you say he was in excellent shape when he came out?”

The plain-clothed woman said slowly,

“Moreover, the special strength assessment object is not so easy to find, and the two old teachers this time are just his excellent training assessment goals.”

Seeing that Lin Xinzhi was still a little hesitant, she continued,

“Don’t you want him to become the captain of the combat team as soon as possible?”

Lin Xinzhi’s mind turned, so he dialed the phone… Ding-ding-ding-ding.

Pick up the phone without saying a word.

“Elder Lin, do you have anything to do at this late hour?”

The Hunting Spirit Team encountered two special instructors of the old Japanese Division, near a factory on the western outskirts of Kaiwon City, the specific coordinates are unknown.

Now that support is urgently needed, is your current state okay? ”

“No problem.”

“Well, once you complete this rescue mission, your special strength test will pass.”

“Well, I’m Ma Zhengtianfa.”

“Do you need to call Captain Xiao or Captain Lu again?”

“Captain Road?”

Shi Wuyi smiled softly and touched the golden hair in his arms,

“No, I’m enough alone.”

After saying that, he cut off the phone.

“What’s wrong?”

A small head is raised in the quilt on the side,

Lu Chengqi’s cheeks still have a residual crimson on them,

“It’s all right, I found two Chaos Spirits, I’ll deal with it.”

“Don’t you want me to lose it twice?”

Shi WuXian rubbed Lu Chengqi’s head, making her blond hair a little scattered,

A strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Do you still have the energy now?” ”


Lu Chengqi was first frightened, and then reacted,


The small fist hit Shi Wuyi in the past, but did not say anything when it hurt, but instead hissed a cold breath in pain.

“All right, rest in peace.” I’ll be back in a minute. ”

When it is not said to see the landing into a cute appearance,

Kissed her lightly on the forehead, then got up and left.

The western suburbs of Kaiwon City, near the abandoned factory. Grid’s face became a little distorted at this moment, and his expression became a little ugly.

“You say it again, what did you just call me?!”

Between words,

The momentum in his body rose,

A strong momentum possessed by the special grade suddenly erupted from the body, and the dust on the ground was blown away.

Even several members of the three teams of the leaders could not help but tremble their legs, it was an instinctive trembling,

A smile appeared on Grid’s face, and he looked at the petite Ling Siye in front of him,

“I’ll give you another chance, and if you apologize to me, I can consider letting you die a happy death.”

But, to his surprise,

Although Ling Siye’s body in front of him was also trembling slightly, he took a sharp bite at the ground next to him, and then raised his head to look at Greek,

“If you let the old lady say it a thousand times, you’re a goddamn shit!!!”

After saying that,

She waved her hand,


The piece of land at Grid’s feet was pulled straight out of the soil and flew up into the sky with Grid.

“Let’s go!”

Ling Siye shouted at the already frightened team members around him,

Words aside,

She took out the coin in her arms, and infused it with extraordinary power,

A passage to the world in the surface is immediately opened,

“How fast to run! Go straight back to the forest team and don’t look back! ”

The team’s eyes showed a look of struggle,

But in an instant,

Extremely frightened, they went to the passage in front of them, but just as they were about to step into the passage, a roar sounded from the sky, and the next moment,

A strong wind struck, and the crowd immediately ducked,

The ground fell on the ground and fell to the ground,

And at this moment, Grid also fell violently to the ground, and his pupils were full of anger,

“Don’t even think about leaving!”

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