With a wave of Greek’s hand, a green mist rippled out, and before he could reach it, Ling Siye inhaled a trace of green mist.

The next moment, she felt a sense of powerlessness, and the entrance to the passage was also closed.


Ling Siye was horrified, hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, and urged the extraordinary power in his body to squeeze the toxins in his body with all his might.

Hurry up and get rid of it!

The team members around them were also horrified and quickly held their breath.

When Greid saw this, his look became happy, and he laughed wildly, but Ling Siye’s eyes were moving at this moment.

At the tip of her finger, a drop of green liquid with a foul smell was condensing at this moment, which was the toxin that she had removed!

Ling Siye threw the venom off, and then swung his hand violently,

Seven or eight thick trees suddenly lifted up from the ground and, with a clanging sound, slammed into Greder!

At the same time, a scream erupted from her mouth, “Go! ”

Then without looking at Greek’s side, he pulled up a teammate who was already weak next to him, and headed for the left side of the woods to raid!

However, just after running out tens of meters away, Ling Siye felt a strange vibration from the ground under his feet.

A bad premonition arose in her heart, forcibly stopped the pace of progress, and jumped backwards.

The next moment,

Where Ling Siye was looking, the ground bulged violently, and then suddenly exploded!

A figure more than two meters tall emerged from the cracked dirt, and it was Lazy Coach Edot!

Ling Siye stared extremely cautiously at the man carrying the shovel in front of him,

She clearly remembers that before she chose this direction to flee, she also looked in the direction of the factory.

Aydo was standing there at the right end!

At this moment, he was actually able to rush from the back of the ground to the front of everyone, “North! ”

Ling Siye’s eyes were frozen, ready to change directions, but he heard the voices of his teammates become frightened.

“Captain, we can’t move!”

Ling Siye looked sideways, only to see that the current posture of the crowd was extremely strange,

They wave their arms forward and make a running posture, but their feet stay in place strangely.

Ling Siye’s heart moved, and he also tried to move his feet,

But she was shocked to find that no matter how much force she used, her feet were like glue glued to a strong glue, dead against the ground, there was no way to move the slightest!

“Lord Holtlis said, you can’t leave.”

Aido’s dull and wooden voice sounded, and he walked in the direction of Ling Siye.

Ling Siye was shocked in his heart, thinking of power!

The shovel in Edot’s hand suddenly moved, and it looked like it was about to break away from his hand!

But Aydo reached out and clenched the handle of the shovel.

Ling Siye’s heart flashed a sharp color, and the extraordinary power in his body was fully launched,

The momentum was so great that even the green robes on her body flew up, and the surrounding leaves were shaken by the breath that escaped,


Aide’s footsteps stomped violently, and cracks like spider silk appeared on the ground.

An extremely huge force emerged from his body, grabbing the arm of the shovel with one force, and instantly pulling the shovel down directly and deeply into the ground under his feet!

Ling Siye failed to wrestle, let out a muffled hum, and her eyes looked at Aido in front of her in shock.

The power of this shredding is so great?!

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking the air behind him,

Greid came to the front of everyone, he looked at Ling Siye with a vicious look, and then his sleeve waved, and a white mist shrouded Ling Siye.

The insult just now made his heart very unhappy, and he wanted them to taste the pain! Ling Siye’s gaze shrank suddenly, their legs were imprisoned at this moment, and they couldn’t avoid it at all!


A strong wind suddenly blows,

The poisonous mist that was about to touch them was suddenly blown away, and Ling Siye’s eyes looked at Aido in disbelief.

It was just this guy known as the Lazy Priest who struck out and waved his shovel to create a strong wind,



Gredge was a little embarrassed and angry,

He turned and looked at Edo viciously, “You’re going to get in my way?!” ”

Edo’s look was still that wooden,

“Lord Holtlis said that he could not kill them until the time came.”

“Lord Holtlis! Lord Holtlis!!! ”

Greid was going crazy,

“Aren’t you a crap of gluttony and lust, so you can’t have a little bit of your own thoughts?!”

“Why do you want to have your own thoughts?”

Eddo replied dullly, the corners of Grid’s mouth twitching,

Finally, he sighed heavily and gave up the conversation with Edo,

Ling Siye’s heart was trembling at this moment, and he didn’t say a word?!

The real goal of their action this time is to say nothing?! The image of a white-haired teenager came to her mind, and the last time she saw him,

Still at the emergency meeting held by Elder Lin, he was still only the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting First Team, and later according to the news from the headquarters,

Say that he alone destroyed the whole nest,

Alone killed two special priests of the old division, Ling Siye was still a little unbelieving at first,

But now it is beginning to believe a little, otherwise the two teachers in front of you will not use them as bait,

Come specifically to attract when not to speak,

But listening to this miscellaneous thing called Greed, he called gluttony and lust waste,

Isn’t his strength much higher?! At that time, if it really came,

Can you beat them?! At this moment,

She suddenly felt as if her footsteps could move, and the strange confinement was lifted?!

Ling Siye was overjoyed in her heart, and then a trace of cruelty was born, she wanted to fight!

You can’t let yourself have nothing to do with you and risk your life to save them!

Tangtang Hunting Spirit Team Three,

How can you bow your head in front of the miscellaneous pieces of these two old days! With this in mind,

Her hands behind her silently made a few movements, although it was now night,

The moonlight is hazy,

But she believed that the team members who were close at hand would be able to see, “I cover, you retreat!”

That’s what she meant by her gestures. The next moment,

She raised her left hand,

The dust on the ground instantly lifted up, directly into the eyes of Eddo in front of him, and at the same time waved his right hand,

The two stout trees suddenly broke and rushed towards Grid on the right!


Ling Siye shouted,

The sound of hurried footsteps immediately sounded,

She looked at the two priests in front of her who had gotten rid of the attack, but a smile appeared on her face.

Your own team has already evacuated here, why be afraid?

Greid had a strange smile on his face at the moment, “You think they can run away so they can run away?” ”

Ling Siye snorted coldly, his eyes cold and determined,

“Even if I am not as strong as you, I can drag on for a while, and as long as I take a breath, they can leave safely!”

The smile on Greek’s face was even worse,

“Captain Ling, did you forget something?”

Ling Siye’s brow frowned, the next moment,

A bear roar suddenly sounded behind her! Ling Siye was shocked,

They immediately recognized that this was the voice of the Grizzly Chaos Spirit they had chased before!

And then she suddenly remembered,

There are also two Chaos Spirits here!

She suddenly looked back, only to see behind her,

The previously fleeing team members are slowly falling back under the pressure of a grizzly bear and a blood-eyed crow.

Although they are all quasi-first-level, Ling Siye can easily defeat, but in addition to her, the highest-strength vice captain in the Hunting Spirit Third Team is only the strength of the second level.

Facing two quasi-first-level chaotic spirits, there was no calendar at all!


Ling Siye scolded in his heart. Greid walked compassionately to the crowd,

“It seems that we still have to give a little bitter food, and we can’t let you run around.” Without saying a word, he stretched out his hand, and a handful of white smoke immediately headed toward the crowd.”

Ling Siye immediately held his breath, but the team members around him could not react, and fell straight down one by one.

“What did you do?!”

Ling Siye scattered white smoke and scolded loudly,

“Captain Ling, don’t panic, just let them take a nap.”

Gredge smiled and said without smiling,

Ling Siye’s heart rose with anger, the extraordinary power in his body rolled up, and with a loud bang, a sharp sword equipped with his teammates around him came out of its sheath.

Under the control of Nian Power, he stabbed at Greek!

However, the next moment, I heard the sound of metal colliding with the bell,

The Edo, who was in front of him, came to Grid’s body like a teleport,

Use the shovel in your hand to block the sword!

Ling Siye’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he took a little step, ready to distance himself from the two of them.

Her mind power is a medium- and long-range attack method, and she cannot exert enough power at close range.

However, Ling Siye was horrified to find out,

His legs were once again imprisoned by the strange power!

Aido walked to Ling Siye’s body, held the shovel in his hand and held it high above his head, and a dull sound was emitted from his burly body.

“Lord Holtlis said, you must not leave the village.”

Ling Siye was suddenly awe-struck, and the whole body urged extraordinary power, wanting to use the power of thought to pull the shovel out of Aido’s hand.

But he was shocked to find that under the huge power of Aido, he couldn’t move the shovel from his hand at all!

Ling Siye laughed desperately and then glared angrily at the two people.

“Two miscellaneous pieces, the old lady is dead!” Ghosts will not let you go! ”

Then, she saw the huge shovel slamming down on her own buyer with the momentum of breaking through the air!

Just as she was about to touch herself, she saw the shovel suddenly change direction, facing the position behind her!

Almost instantaneously, an arm-thick red shock wave slashed past his ear and hit the shovel from top to bottom!

The mighty force and even the strong wind caused by it blew down a few strands of her hair, and the next moment,

Just listen to the bang,

Ador, who was more than two meters tall in front of him, was hit hard,

The whole figure flew out in an instant! Gled, who was sneering, suddenly changed his face,

He yelled behind him, “Who! ”

Aido was knocked away, the confinement also disappeared, Ling Siye turned to look, under the hazy moonlight,

I saw a big branch in front of me,

At this moment, a white-haired teenager was standing quietly, and Ling Siye’s pupils shrank suddenly,

Time for word! He’s really coming!

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