In the old days,

Each priest has their own specific exclusive powers, such as the previous gluttonous bone cage of Grat,

Can corrode everything, seduce the chains of Laiqi,

Can suck the essence of living things, greedy toxins,

Can make the opponent unknowingly hit the move,

Each of them is extremely powerful in this power given by the Lord,

Even in the battle between each other, they do not dare to directly take each other’s moves, and the power of the lazy teacher Aido is to be close to the earth,

For example, he used to travel underground with a shovel.

Thus the first to arrive rushed to the fleeing Ling Siye at a very fast speed,

This is with the help of a part of the power of the earth, and his ability to be like a confinement class, so is it,

He can fix the parts of the specified creature that are in contact with the earth, while other parts that are not in contact with it are not affected.

The manifestation of this ability in human beings is, as it is now,

It was as if his feet were on the ground, unable to move on his own

But except for the feet, all parts of the body will not be affected.

Unless it is an attack on the caster himself, it is possible to escape this confinement.

Ling Siye had previously struck the sand on the ground into Aido’s eyes, causing his mind to temporarily fluctuate, which allowed his body to move.

And in addition to these two abilities,

The great power of the lazy teacher Aidedo also comes from the power of affinity for the earth,

He could use part of the power of the earth to strengthen his own strength, which was why Ling Siye used the extraordinary power of his whole body to stimulate the power of thought.

Unable to take the shovel from his hand.

When Edor steps on the ground, his power will become extremely large, even among the top in the entire old division!

When Greid saw it, he dared to confront Aido without saying a word, and couldn’t help but let out a sneer,

Although I don’t know why Shi Buyan is not afraid of his toxin ability, no matter how strong he is, he is only a human body, and he dares to directly confront Aido.

It’s like looking for death! Click!

A sound of broken bones came,

The smile on Grid’s face was blooming, the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to the root of his ears, and his hand that did not speak was destroyed!

Then his combat strength will definitely be greatly reduced, and the next action will be much easier! But then a dull scream came,

Grid’s face changed suddenly,

He heard it, and it wasn’t the voice of the hour, it was Edo’s!

The corners of the mouth are cocked at this moment,

In the instant that he and Edo’s fists collided,

He unleashed the previously unlocked ability, Black Flash, and at first his fist exploded with a powerful force, giving the opponent an extremely powerful physical blow.

Immediately within 0.000001 seconds, the spell power in Shi Wuxian’s body also exploded again.

These two eruptions were concentrated in a very short period of time, and an extremely terrifying explosive force was produced!

Black lightning bolts were born, and even the location where the two collided produced a slight spatial distortion!

A great force wrapped up in it,

Even Ador, who has the power to be friendly to the earth, cannot resist this majestic force,

A clicking sound came from above his fingers that were in contact with Shi without a word, and in an instant, he collapsed, and the bones inside him were completely shattered!

However, this force did not stop, and after destroying Aido’s finger bones, it continued to follow his body.

First the wrist, then the forearm, the elbow, the big arm, all destroyed into scum in a very short time!

Aido’s face had always maintained the look of Mu Ne, and at this moment it was finally a sudden change!

He roared in anger, and then endured severe pain,

Stretch out your left hand and slam your stone hand down your arm! A stream of blood shot out at once!

Fine sweat oozed from his forehead, and his face was extremely pale! Obviously, I am suffering a lot at this moment!

His expression still has a look of fear that cannot be hidden,

Because if he hadn’t reacted extremely quickly and ripped off his right hand, then he believed that the force would have been transmitted along his arm, and even directly destroyed half of his body!

Then, Edo’s foot stomped on the ground, and the ground behind him suddenly bulged,

Eject the corpses of the grizzly bear and the blood-eyed crow that had been killed by Shi Wuxian to his own face,

He stretched out his last left hand and grabbed it,

Then he opened his mouth and sucked it violently, and the bodies of the two chaotic spirits suddenly gave birth to a black gas, which was inhaled into the mouth by Aido,

In a moment’s breath, the bodies of the two chaotic spirits became dry and collapsed, and they were immediately thrown to the ground by Aido.

The red spiritual power on his body rippled,

Condensed in the wound above his right arm, the next moment,

The gushing blood gradually became smaller and then coagulated.

But although the wound is no longer serious,

But the sharp pain of the broken arm is there, and it does not disappear,

He stared at the person in front of him in horror without saying a word, he couldn’t believe that in that thin body,

How could such a powerful force burst out!

“Lord Holtlis is right, you’re better than Aido!”

He gritted his teeth and said the words.

Shi Wuyi looked at the black lightning that gradually disappeared above his right fist, and his look moved slightly,

This was the first time he had used black flashes to fight in actual combat, and he did not expect that the power would be so terrifying, when he confronted Aido,

The huge force coming from the other party’s fist makes Shi Wuyi feel it,

If you are not using black flash,

Just by using the spell power to strengthen their own strength, the punch power that bursts out will also be very strong,

But according to the judgment of the time, although it can also be stronger than the other party,

But it was only to the extent that Aido was knocked away, but under the double explosion of the black flash, the power of the 2.5 times the power of the explosion was detonated.

It is to directly crush the entire arm of the other party into powder in an instant! No wonder in the original world,

Almost no living being could take over the continuous black flashes of the Five Enlightenments!

At this moment, the expression on Grid’s face changed dramatically,

Seems to be struggling with something, very quickly,

His face showed a hideous color,

The eyes looked greedily at the time in front of him, because he did not use the black flash when he was just now,

The black lightning that appeared on the fist,

It was the dark red spell power in the body that condensed to the limit, and then suddenly exploded when the color changed, and therefore, the unspoken spell power breath was immediately revealed, and at that moment, Greek,

He smelled an extremely strong aroma on Shi Wuyi’s body, and when he saw the great power of that punch,

His heart was terrified,

But the greed in his heart made him forcibly suppress the desire to escape in his heart.

If he can eat the person in front of him, don’t say that he has a broken hand, even if his limbs are all broken, he is willing!

His greed at this moment had reached its extreme! When I discovered such a change in Grid,

The mind moves,

Immediately guessing that the other party felt his spell breath, he looked at Grid, who had become mad,

“You want to eat me?”

Seeing that the other party is still staring at himself deadly, not only did he not answer,

The spiritual power fluctuations in his body became more and more intense, and he asked again without saying a strange look,

“You don’t know ink painting smoke?” Don’t know if I’m a substitute for this generation? ”

“I don’t care who you are, you’ll die here today!”

Greder’s body had begun to change, and two fleshy mucous membranes began to open under each of his arms, and he looked at the lazy teacher Adore without saying a word.

“What about you?”

When it comes to asking questions,

The shock on Edo’s face faded again, and he shook his head in a daze,

“Lord Holtlis didn’t say that Edo didn’t know what a substitute was.”

“Then you want to eat me too?”


Edomune’s reply.

“Eddo, why don’t you talk to him, get rid of him!”

Gredge roared,

Seeing Adolphus looking blankly at him,

“Didn’t Lord Holtlis say you couldn’t kill him?”

Gredge became extremely grumpy,

His voice began to sharpen.

“The situation has changed, and this is also the second part of the relocation!”

Eddo heard,

There was a radiance in his eyes, and his body arched,

A trace of spiritual power appeared on the surface of his body, constantly embedded under his skin, into his flesh and blood,

His muscles bulged all over his body,

Bursting the clothes on his body, Edo’s body leaned forward,

Hands on the ground, the next moment,

Countless sharp thorns grew above his back, and his mouth became a long shape,


Ling Siye in front of the factory, her expression had become extremely shocked, her small mouth had not been closed since she appeared without saying a word,

The toxin that had previously made her dizzy not only turned a blind eye in front of the unspoken time,

And when he confronted Aido, Shi Wuxian actually smashed the opponent’s entire arm with one punch!

Ling Siye knew the strength of the other party, but he did his best to resist,

On the contrary, it also suffered from the strong force of qi and blood regurgitation,

But in front of the unspoken face, it is as vulnerable as a piece of paper! suddenly

Ling Siye’s pupils shrank suddenly,

She found that the two special teachers of the old division were undergoing extremely strange changes.

And the momentum in their bodies is still soaring! But Shi Wuyan seemed to be looking down at something, didn’t he realize the strangeness in front of him?!

“Hey, be careful!”

Ling Siye shouted loudly, and raised his head without saying a word,

The previous Grid and Edo have disappeared,

Appearing in front of him was a huge black crow and an equally large echidna!

They were now staring at themselves with pupils that had turned completely blood-red, their eyes full of intense greed to eat them.

“Oh, it’s time for the first darkness.”

When he said softly,

Turning back to Ling Siye and saying,

“Stay away, next… It will be dangerous. ”

Having said that,

He covered his slender fingers between his foreheads, pulled down the blindfold, and flashed a hint of discoloration in his jewel-like eyes.

The next moment,

His figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the head of the echidna appeared!

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