Time is not saying a word in the air,

As he was about to attack Ador, who had entered the state of initial darkness, the huge echidna suddenly let out a hissing sound,

The next moment,

The needles on its back that were as thick as steel pipes suddenly broke away from the body.

Like a gray arrow, it flew towards the time without saying a word! In Ador’s consciousness,

It does not say that at this moment in mid-air, there is no point of focus,

There is no way to change direction, as long as you are shot by these needles,

Then there will be an open and broken ending! Edo lifted his head, which had turned into an anteater, and his mung bean-sized eyes stared dead without saying a word, but at this moment,

Without saying a word, the corners of the mouth are gently bent,

When the needle was about to touch itself, the body suddenly disappeared in mid-air!


Instantly appeared on the back of the echidna, at this moment,

Echidna shoots a lot of needles on it.

So the skin on the back is directly vacated a large piece.

Without saying a word, he punched directly at that piece of skin! Edo could not avoid it at this time,

It let out a hissing sound,

Then the red light of the grizzly bear pattern on his body flashed,

A wonderful force gathered from the earth and condensed on its bare skin,


That piece of skin is covered with a layer of black and bright hard scales, which is exactly what it has done after entering the initial dark state.

Another ability brought about by the power of affinity to the earth can be used to strengthen your defenses with the power of the earth! This will surely block this blow that is not spoken at the time!


The silent fist slammed into Ador’s back, and Ador’s eyes suddenly became frightened.

Because almost at this moment,

The black scales like armor were like pieces of paper, and they cracked in an instant!

The next moment,

When it is not said that the mantra force in the body surges violently,

A mighty force flowed directly down the fist and into the body of the echidna!

The echidna’s tiny eyes flashed with endless pain, but before it could scream out,

The ground beneath its feet suddenly sank, and a huge crater appeared.

And its entire body was directly punched into this crater by Shi Wuyi’s punch!

A huge amount of dust and smoke suddenly drifted up, covering the entire battlefield,

Ling Siye looked at the silent figure at this moment, and a big surprise appeared on his small face, this guy,

It seemed to be the same age as himself, but how could such a huge force erupt from that thin-looking body?! And after taking off the blindfold,

Although she is now far from the battlefield,

But still see the unique face that did not say when you say it, which is also… So handsome!


Her eyes froze suddenly, only to see behind Shi Wuyi,

The great crow that the greedy teacher Gredge had incarnated, I don’t know when,

It has quietly flown above the silent overhead, its wide wings spread,

The next moment,

One by one, the black bird feathers broke away, with the sound of a clang,

Transformed into a series of black shadows,

Shroud the time without saying a word below! It’s just that

The look of worry on her face had just emerged,

Then they felt a strong wind rise sharply from the unspoken position in the middle of the field and even spread to their side,

Even if you use your arms to block the wind,

But the curls between the foreheads are still blown and shaken, and the next moment,

Ling Siye’s squinting eyes widened violently by the wind, only to see the silent figure emerge from the dust,

He stood there proudly, above the ground around his feet,

It was all black feathers that had penetrated deep into the ground, and he himself was unharmed,

Because I don’t know why,

Those black feathers that shot at him,

At this moment, it was strangely stagnant in front of him!

Shi Wuyi did not look at the Li Yu who was close at hand,

Instead, he set his gaze on the pit at his feet, and he could feel it.

The countless feathers that have just struck,

In addition to enveloping most of itself, another part shot directly into the crater and landed on the body of the echidna,

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking up at the huge crow in the sky, and his eyes emitted a cold gaze.

“In order to attack me, even his own companions are covered in the attack range, which is really worthy of the old days.”

The voice just dropped,

A resolute and huge repulsive force suddenly appeared in front of him,

Shoot those black feathers that are stuck in front of you towards the crows! This attack of black feathers,

More rapid than before,

There was even a faint whistling sound! A strong sense of surprise appeared in the eyes of the black crow,

It obviously did not expect that it would strike a blow that it was bound to win, and it did not even touch the cold hair that was not spoken for a while.

Looking at the feathers that went in front of him and returned to him, Grid flapped his wings in great panic,

Dangerously dodged this attack, but it just breathed a sigh of relief,

Then he heard the cold voice ring out again,

“As I said, I don’t like to look up to other people, even spirits.”

When the eyes looked indifferently at the blood-pupild crow above the sky,

He held out his left hand, and the spell surged,


In the next instant,

A space like a small black hole appeared obliquely below Grid, and a powerful attraction suddenly burst out.

Greder’s eyes flapped his wings with horror, trying to break free of this inexplicable strong gravity.

But there was nothing they could do, bang,

Its huge body slammed into a large tree near Shiwu at the same time,

Without saying a word, he waved his hand, and the repulsion was born,

The feathers inserted under his feet jerked out from the ground, turning into countless black shadows and rushing towards Grid!

Gled’s eyes flashed a hint of extreme panic, and he could feel it,

This time the Li Yu came more violently than the last time, as if he had been stabbed in the whole number,

Then you will definitely be seriously injured in an instant!

The two-headed bird pattern on its body flashed suddenly, and a strong black gas was born,

The next moment, only a pop was heard,

Its huge body suddenly split,

It turned into a dozen small blood-eyed crows like its own children, poof!

Almost at the moment of its split,

Those sharp feathers pierced deep into the tree where it was before!

Greder’s eyes revealed a look of horror, if it were not for the split to avoid this attack,

The consequences are simply unimaginable!

He didn’t expect Shi Buyan to be so strong that he could actually suppress himself!


He suddenly felt a familiar wave of breath coming, and a hint of joy appeared in his blood-red pupils.

Ador, who had been thrown into the pit earlier,

At this moment, I have quietly crawled out of the ground,

It has quietly come to the back of Shi Wushu under the cover of night, and is now standing on its feet,

Raising its cold claws high against the unspoken head, Gredge knew,

That claw is so sharp that it can break the golden stone! It flashes a little,

A dozen small black crows gathered together again, reforming their previous huge bodies,

An emerald green and frightening venom erupted from his beak, covering all the directions of evasion without saying a word!

Because Greed knows,

This is a great opportunity,

It is the only chance to cooperate with Edo and put the time to death! After it entered the Initial Dark Form, the toxin power it possessed was exactly double that of before!

Front venom, rear claws, I see how you hide?!

But at this moment, there is no slightest change in looks, and there is no dodging at all,

The next moment,

Gredge was horrified to find that the two inevitable attacks were coming,

They all stood eerily in front of the unspoken body! Although it has entered the state of initial darkness,

The mind has become animalistic and cannot think about too many things, but at this moment there is still a strong trembling feeling! As a greedy teacher,

It is trying to seize everything in the world,

At this moment, for the first time, it finally gave birth to the idea of not wanting to be greedy, and its wings flapped violently, and it quickly retreated behind it, and its hazy mind told it,

If you don’t go now, you will never have the chance to go again! Without saying a word, I didn’t catch up,

He looked indifferently and turned to look at the echidna behind him, and the other party had begun to become extremely afraid at this moment, and was slowly retreating backwards step by step, without saying a sneer,

“Is it the nature of your old division to bully the soft and fear the hard?”

Without waiting for Edo’s answer, a deep voice began, “Cang. ”

The voice just dropped,

A black figure instantly appeared at the side of Shi Wuyi, it was Grid, who had fled hundreds of meters away.

Its brain is now in extreme chaos,

I couldn’t understand why the white-haired teenager, who was already far away from the horror, would suddenly be pulled back by a powerful gravitational force.

But before it could figure it out,

Its body collided violently with the giant echidna that Aidedo had transformed! The next moment, the silent figures disappeared and appeared directly above them, “Heh. ”

A resolute repulsive force appeared in front of the unspoken body,

Pressing the bodies of Greed and Eddo to the ground, the needle prick on the echidna suddenly pierced into Greder’s body.

Let it can’t help but hiss in pain, and instinctively spew out a stream of venom in its mouth,

Landing on the body of the echidna, the other party also issued a fierce cry, but at this moment, Grid could not care about the pain in his body.

Because at this moment it is impressively discovered,

Although he could not clearly see the white-haired teenager who was above his head and had his back to the moonlight,

But he could clearly see that his right fist had been squeezed,

It is wrapped with a dark red spell, which is its favorite scent,

But now in this situation,

This breath made infinite fear arise in his heart! Animal instinct makes it feel a breath of death! Because it sees,

The dark red spell had turned into black lightning! Black lightning before smashing Aido’s right arm with one punch!

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