Greid was horrified at the moment,

Even ignoring the pain caused by the thick needle piercing into the body, the crazy and non-stop struggle,

But that strange and powerful repulsive force is to make it no matter how hard it is,

They couldn’t move their bodies in the slightest! The same is true of the echidna beneath it!

Grid’s mouth let out a desperate hiss, and at the same time the spell in his body surged,

Want to split your body again,

Transformed into a dozen thin black crows to dodge this attack, but just when its body was just glowing red,

The silent figure had rapidly enlarged in its pupils, and the fist had not yet reached the wind!

The majestic power even slowed down the flow of spiritual power that suppressed its physical strength!

The next moment,

The silent fist fell on its head, and the flesh exploded!

Spell power bursts!

Two strong explosions with almost no intervals, producing an extremely powerful impact,

The location of the contact between the two suddenly produced a slight spatial fluctuation, which made Grid’s head have a slight pain of being torn, but this pain only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

Because at the same time,

An extremely large force suddenly emerged from the unspoken right fist, like a bullet hitting a balloon,

Just listen to the bang,

Grid’s head exploded in an instant! The great power has not stopped,

Continuing through,

In an instant, the head of the shrew was crushed into powder! The afterglow of the black flash has not diminished,

In the midst of a loud roar, centered on the unspoken time,

An extremely strong wave of air burst out! The ground beneath him cracked,

Collapse in an instant,

A huge circular pit hundreds of meters wide was formed! Huge amounts of bright red blood gushed from the heads of crows and echidna,

Sprayed the whole pit with a little scarlet! So far

The two priests of the old division were completely killed! In front of the factory,

The members of the three teams of the Spirit Hunter took several steps back in a row, and then looked at their feet in horror, without saying a word, the huge pit formed by the attack just now,

It had spread to where they were now standing! The crowd suddenly looked up,

His gaze fell on Shi Buyan’s body in the center of the deep pit, and his pupils fluttered violently,


Someone exclaimed in disbelief, not at all incredulous, not so long ago,

The short-haired old priest was greedy, and he was still shouting wildly,

It is said that they will be used as bait, that this place will be used as an ambush place, and that they will be lured by the time without saying a word.

But after the time really came, this place where they were originally ambushed,

It became the last place where they buried their bones!

Looking at the two huge corpses in the deep pit that had lost their heads and were still bleeding continuously, the eyes of everyone were a little confused.

Not long ago, they were still under the attack of those two old Japanese divisions, and there was no way to retreat.

But such a strong super-powerful person,

But in front of the unspoken face like a baby, there is no force to fight back,

Throughout the battle,

It has been crushed by the unspoken all-round way!

“One punch blew the heads of the two special priests apart!” Is this really human?! ”

This is the same thought in everyone’s mind at this moment. Standing in the pit without saying a word,

After first inspecting the two corpses in front of him to confirm that there was no fluctuation of spiritual power in the other party’s body, and that he had completely died,

His figure moved,

Came to the front of the factory people, Ling Siye looked at the teenager in front of her, she was only one meter and five feet tall,

At this moment, the time of one meter and nine meters stood in front of her without saying a word, so that she instinctively raised her head to look,

But at the moment when her eyes met her unspoken eyes, her heart trembled,

Although I had seen the other party’s peerless face when I took off the blindfold without saying a word, after all, the distance was far away at that time.

I can’t see very clearly in the night, and now I am close to her without saying a word,

Let that extremely handsome face appear more clearly, Ling Siye’s gaze appeared momentarily confused,

What kind of eyes can you see?

Blue as a magnificent gemstone, clean and bright as moonlight,

But with a hint of dusty flowing color,

Ling Siye felt that his whole being was about to be attracted by the unspoken gaze and sink into it.


She then saw the teenager in front of her holding out her hand towards herself, Ling Siye instantly woke up from her previous state, and her body instinctively shrank back.

I want to avoid the hand that is silent, but in the end I still slow down,

She felt the silent hand on her head, and with a slight touch, she left again,


The other person puts his hand in front of his eyes,

On it was a leaf that had just been brought over by the wind and landed on his head

“It turned out that it was just to remove this leaf…” Ling Siye’s expression was loose,

Knowing that what I just thought was a concern,

But there is a faint sense of loss in my heart,

This ambivalent emotion made her face turn slightly red. Fortunately, there is a night shade,

Let the others not observe the subtle changes in her look.


Ling Siye raised his head again and looked at the speaker without speaking,

“The matter has been settled, both priests are dead, and there is no chaotic fire around them.”

And then he had a nice smile on his face,

“Four leaves, you should go back first, and by the way, notify the headquarters to deal with the scene.”

Shi Wuyan naturally knew Ling Siye’s name, at the emergency meeting held before the Battle of the Underground Nest,

This short but a little big tempered girl left a deep impression on him,

Ling Siye heard the words,

His face turned even more crimson, and his feelings of shame rose in his heart,

“Who allowed you to call me that?!”

Her willow eyebrows rose upside down, and she stared at Shi without saying a word. The faces of the players around them also became strange,

Although it is indeed handsome and frightening, the strength is also frightening,

But the captain of his own family can be known for his violent temper, and no one has ever dared to call her name directly. However, without saying a word, he smiled slightly,

“What’s that called you?”

“You are only the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting First Team, I am the captain of the Spirit Hunting Third Team, you are one level lower than me, and you must be called Captain Ling!”

Ling Siye felt that it was a little uncomfortable for him to look at his neck without saying a word, and he also seemed to have no momentum.

So I put my toes up hard and tried to shorten the distance before I said nothing. Shi Wuyi looked at Ling Siye’s appearance,

Not only did I not feel angry,

On the contrary, he still felt a little cute and funny, he reached out and placed his hand on the top of Ling Siye’s head and gently rubbed her curls.

“Maybe from tomorrow onwards, I’ll be one level higher than you.”

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