Ling Siye touched his head without saying a word,

A strange feeling suddenly arose in my heart, and immediately the body instinctively jumped back,

Then she thought of another question, and immediately opened her mouth to squeal,

“Old… I don’t believe it, you must be lying! ”

One level above yourself?

The captain of the Spirit Hunting Team is the most superior!

The higher is the level of the forest team and the general,

This guy cheats on himself as a three-year-old kid because he looks good? Shi WuXian looked at Ling Siye,

The mind flutters,

The other party’s reaction must be because he has been out on a mission in recent days, so he does not know that the combat team has a captain.

However, he didn’t bother to explain this kind of thing slowly with Ling Siye, “Go back and ask Elder Lin.” ”


Ling Siye was about to say something, but he was interrupted by the voice of the team member next to him, “Captain.” ”

“Let’s go back first, Ah leave her… The state seems to be flat and some are not too good. ”

Ling Siye looked sideways,

I saw a team member who had just stood well.

At this moment, he was already lying against the wall of the factory behind him, and his face was a little pale.

“There’s no big problem, she just got a little toxin from the Greedy Sect and just looked at it without saying a word,”

“The poisoning is not deep, go back to the medical rescue team and they should have no problem dealing with it.”

Now after three days of training with Ralph, he knew all the toxin characteristics in the world, of course, he could see the condition of the team member at a glance.

Ling Siye’s pupils shrank, and she remembered at this time,

The guy in front of him had just faced Greedy Coach Grid,

The other party’s terrible toxin attack had no effect on him at all, so

Then what is said without saying anything is certainly the right judgment. So she didn’t procrastinate any longer.

Feel the “button” shaped like a coin,

Injecting extraordinary power opens the passage of the world in the surface,

The members of the Spirit Hunting Third Team immediately helped Ah Li into the passage, and Ling Siye was standing at the door of the passage.

Looking at the person in front of him, he didn’t say, “Won’t you go back together?” ”

“I still have some things to deal with, so let’s go back.”

Ling Siye did not continue to ask,

Nodding his head and stepping into the passage, at the moment when the passage closed,

Her weak voice came out of it.

“That… Thank you today. ”

Watching the passage close without a word,

Having recovered the space in front of him, he smiled and shook his head,

This girl is really a bit like Xiao Yueqing in terms of being strong. And then the smile on his face faded,

Walking again toward the pit he had punched out before, to the bodies of Gred and Edo,

By the hazy moonlight,

The eyes searched on it, and it didn’t take long,

When the eyes do not move slightly,

Stretching out his hand to reach for the bodies of the two men, when he got up again,

There are already two more palm-sized parchment crumbs on my hands,

“Sure enough, there is such a thing in the priest.”

And he touched it again,

Take out the parchment fragment that you had taken in the nest before, and look closely,

The material of the fragments this time is exactly the same as the previous one.

But it is also the same that you can’t feel any breath fluctuations on it, and you don’t write any traces of words.

Shi Wuyan tried to stitch three pieces together, but only two pieces could be put together.

The cracks in the other sheet cannot be stitched together, but it is possible to see a little other things, if the remaining pieces are of this size, then it should take about five pieces to spell out the original complete parchment. Without saying a word of thought,

The greedy priest Ralph had said that only all the parchment fragments could be gathered.

Let it become complete before the breath of ink and smoke can appear, although the other party’s attitude at that time was extremely sincere,

But Shi did not fully trust his words, so in the end,

Ralph is also an old priest who believes in demons, and cannot be fully believed.

All of this still depends on one’s own groping and contact, and the conclusions you draw can be fully believed.

Shi Bu Yan put away the three fragments, since there was no way to see the hint now, then he would not bother to think about it,

As for the final answer,

As long as he has been among the Sixteen Guards and relies on their intelligence system,

Find out all the teachers of the old division and kill them all one by one,

Then in the end, we will definitely know what their relationship with this ink painting smoke is.


Without saying a word, his eyes fell on the body of the echidna again,

In the battle just now, he learned a few messages from the words of Greid and Edo,

One is that Greid seems very happy when he sees himself.

But then found that he was in a good state, but he became a little surprised and confused.

As if they first thought that if they were here, then the state must be bad,

Do they know that they are in purgatory,

But don’t know the specifics of what happened in purgatory? When the time came to this thought,

But it was just a guess, and it was not directly confirmed, and then,

That’s the second message.

This time, the two old priests seemed to have deliberately lured themselves to Ling Siye when they saw themselves coming,

Once anxious to let him go fast, saying that it was a trap,

And the plan mentioned in the conversation between Greid and Edo learns that their original plan seemed to be to capture and suppress themselves alive, but later found out that if they had spare power,

There was no way to compete with himself, so he had to change his plan and wanted to kill himself.

So what is the purpose of catching yourself alive? What do you get from yourself? Without saying a word,

And shook his head slightly,

If there’s anything in them that is worth acquiring, it’s a spell that has a deadly attraction to the Chaos Spirits, but look at Greek’s performance.

But for the first time, he knew that he contained the spell power, and when he mentioned the title of substitute, both Greid and Eddo did not have any reaction, obviously they did not know what a substitute was, which meant that they were the third priest.

And the Lord Holtholis, who had been mentioned many times in their mouths, did not tell them about the substitute,

Before after the Battle of the Nest,

Elder Lin had already revealed to them the duties of the seven priests of the old division, except for the gluttony and lust in the Battle of the Nest.

And the greed and laziness of this killing,

There are still three teachers of rage, jealousy and arrogance left in the whole old division, including in the great war fifty years ago,

Arrogance was the head of the old priesthood at that time, if this situation persisted,

The Lord Hollys, mentioned in Greed and Ralph, is most likely the current head of the old priesthood.

That is, arrogant Hollis! He is an advocate of this plan,

It is also very likely that he was the initiator of the plan in the last battle of the nest, and he is also the insider of the substitute,

That is, in the very beginning,

I knew that what I contained in me was not the extraordinary power of ordinary human awakening,

It’s the same spell power as the ink painting smoke breath! But even the priests of the old division now,

Coupled with the fact that he only had a total of three surviving cases, he did not appear in front of Shi Wu,

It’s like a pair of eyes that are hiding in the shadows and spying on them. suddenly

The unspoken eyes moved, under the perspective of the six eyes,

He found the woodland not far behind him,

A chaotic spirit with an extremely weak spiritual aura appeared, and it did not come near itself.

It’s as if you’re voyeurism.

Lying there silently, motionless, without saying a word, without turning back, without killing it,

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a low voice appeared in the forest,

“Hollis, you just keep hiding,”

“Pray you don’t appear before my eyes,”

“Then with fear and trembling, he sent his men forward,”

“Whether it’s an angel or a demon,”

“As long as it is a living thing, even if it is a god… Kill to show you too! ”

Between words,

An extremely strong killing breath erupted from the body of Shi Wuyi!

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