Words aside,

Shi Wuyan’s breath moved slightly,

The chaotic spirit lying not far behind him suddenly disappeared and floated in the mid-air in front of Shi Wuyi.

This was the result of the unspoken launch of the Cang, and he looked at the chaotic spirit in front of him,

That’s a mouse the size of a palm.

A pair of green bean-sized eyes stared at him intently, without a look of panic,

Like a marionette manipulated by someone. Looking at it indifferently,

The mouse’s eyes glowed with an eerie red light, flashing at a faint frequency, as if conveying some message. I don’t know,

This must have been the handiwork of Holtlis or some of the remaining priests of the old division, and they sent two priests to come,

Lure yourself out and follow the old Japanese style,

They cannot be unspying. Shi Wuyi’s face flashed a sneering smile,

Immediately the mind moved,

A powerful force of attraction was generated in front of him, instantly squeezing the mouse into a pool of blood mist!

Although this fourth-level chaotic spirit did not pose any threat to him, he did not allow anyone to spy on him without saying a word.


Shi WuXian did not go back immediately, but called out the system in his heart and opened the system panel,

“Detected that the host has punished the crime of the world, and the lazy worker rewards the host with 8 points of fusion.”

“The host was detected to have punished the sins of the world, the crime – greed! Reward host 8 points of fusion.”

Looking at these two prompts of the system, I did not say anything when my mind moved,

When he first arrived here, he destroyed two quasi-first-level chaos spirits, but look at the fusion reward this time,

Obviously, only the rewards of the two priests were calculated, and the reward of the quasi-first-level punishment was gone, and it seemed that it was indeed as he had thought before, with the improvement of his own strength.

The rewards for convicting crimes are getting lower and lower. But then,

Without saying a word, I saw another message, but I was overjoyed,

“At present, the fusion degree of Gojo Goku template is 74%.”

“Unlock a new skill: Virtual “茈”.”

“Hint: The minimum strength of the “茈” is ten times that of the “Cang.”

“Currently Mastering skills:

1. Six eyes.

2. Unlimited Technique – “Stop Force”.

3. Divine Gymnastics.

4. Unlimited Spell – Spell “Cang”.

5. Reversal – Spell “He”.

6. “Black Flash”.

7. Reversal Technique, Intermediate Order.

8. Virtual “茈”.”

A smile appeared on the face of the unspoken time,

“Tsurugi” is one of Gojo’s most powerful skills, and its lethality is one of the most powerful of all the skills in the Spell World.

What “Ru” does is called imaginary,

It is because this move is to superimpose the forward “Cang” and the reverse “He” together,

The result is a wave of energy that can be catapulted.

This is an illusory mass that does not exist in the real world, hence the name imaginary form.

Just like in physics,

When matter and its antimatter meet,

Collisions occur and produce a complete energy conversion of matter, resulting in annihilation with an explosion of extremely strong energy.

Shi Wuyan has already digested all the relevant information of “Ru” in his mind at this moment,

A mysterious and mysterious wonderful feeling arose in his heart, and his eyes flashed,

A few steps around,

Away from the bodies of Grred and Edo, then,

He put his hands together and his left hand open,

The right hand holds the left hand through the finger slit, and at the same time,

Shi Wuyi divided his own spell force into two strands,

At the same time, along the trajectory of some mysterious mantra force, it flows with the trend and against the trend,

The next moment,

The “cang” that represents absolute gravity,

and the “He” that represents absolute repulsion appear at the same time, and they are unconsciously controlled to overlap each other,

At the moment when two completely opposite forces collided with each other, both “Cang” and “He” instantly dissolved.

And in their original position,

There is an extremely powerful force!

Let the white broken hair of the time be fluttering, in front of the eyes of the time without words,

A purple-black ball of extremely magnificent color appeared, and fine lightning bolts were constantly flashing.

It is the manifestation of the powerful energy conflict produced by positive infinity and negative infinity, from which an extremely terrifying breath emanates,

Even he himself felt a little frightened,

It was as if the energy between heaven and earth had been sucked in! It is a terrifying force that annihilates all things!

Immediately, without saying a word, his hands parted,

The index and middle fingers of the right hand curled up together and catapulted forward, “Tsuki. ”

As the unspoken voice fell,

A purple-black energy shock wave emitting extremely terrifying energy suddenly shot out from in front of him!

A ravine several meters wide appeared,

And at a very fast speed towards the front of the continuous extension, countless pieces of rubble flew out,

But the moment it touches the shock wave, it is directly annihilated and dissolved!

The huge fierce wind made the trees on both sides of the time unspoken constantly rattle, and even the trees that were closer to the time were directly wrapped in the fierce wind and broken!

And under the great power of the horror shock wave,

The first to bear the brunt of it is the abandoned factory in front of you, only to see the moment “Ru” touches it.

A huge crater appears on its metal façade,

Then the whole factory broke into two pieces under the terrifying shock wave, as if it had been split by a huge axe!


Its power is even more terrifying!

I saw that there was almost half of the factory,

All of them have been annihilated by the huge power brought by the “Ru”, and now only a few buildings on both sides remain,

Alone on either side of that deep ravine several meters wide! Broken hair falling without saying a word,

He looked at the open space in front of him, which was completely invisible to him, and a happy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He could feel it,

The unlocking of “Cocoon” this time has made his lethality a notch, and his current template has been fused to more than seventy,

The basic abilities of all aspects, including the stock of spell power, have been improved a lot, and the original extremely energy-consuming “Ru”,

Now he can’t consume much of his mana, and even,

I don’t know how I can come at least nine times a day!

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