
Without saying a word, I heard a series of footsteps coming from my side, and the next moment,

I saw a dozen members dressed in sixteen beige uniforms coming out of the woods,

They were exactly after Ling Siye went back,

A member of the field team sent by the headquarters to deal with the scene, a young man holding lighting equipment in his hand,

The light hit the factory in the open space, muttering in his mouth,

“Harm, finally found this place, no coordinates are really difficult to find, but he found that the expressions of his teammates around him at this moment have become extremely frightened.”

The mouth opened wide in shock and looked ahead.

“What’s up?”

The young man said puzzled,

The team members around him pulled him and made him stand in his position.

The teammate’s fingers pointed forward in a hurry, and his lips trembled to say something,

But he couldn’t say a word of excitement.

The young man looked up in amazement at the sight of his teammates, and the next moment,

His pupils shrank suddenly!

Just now he was standing in the direction of the factory side, so he thought the factory was still normal.

But now that he had come to the side, he was horrified to find out,

The abandoned factory that they used as a landmark has almost completely disappeared at this moment.

Only the wreckage on both sides stood there alone! What the hell is going on here?!

The crowd was horrified at this moment,

Their eyes fell again on the middle of the factory, where there was an extremely wide dark gully, and they moved the light to look down the ravine.

Want to see where exactly it came from, the next moment,

Then they saw a figure not far from them, and the crowd was shocked at first,

Then I immediately saw the extremely conspicuous white hair, “Vice Captain! ”

Their looks changed from horror to unparalleled excitement, no way,

Shi Wei is now extremely famous in the entire sixteen-backs, and even many people have become his brain fans.

But because the time to join the sixteen guards is too short, and the number of visits to the headquarters is also countless,

Therefore, the vast majority of people only heard of him and did not see him, and now that he had seen this teenager who had been called a genius in the world, how could he not be excited!

A team member pointed to the huge gully under his feet in a trembling voice, “Vice Captain, is this, what did you do?” ”

Shi WuXian smiled and nodded,

He saw the field team logo on the other side’s uniform and extended his finger to the corpse of the special priest not far away.

“The lazy teacher Edot, and the greedy teacher Greek, are all here. The crowd looked at it with a loud voice,”

Sure enough, in front of them not far away, they saw two corpses in the deep pit, and it was the special priest of the old division!

Just lying lifeless in front of them, their eyes with a strong sense of admiration, looking at the spotless standing in front of them without saying a word, worthy of being the vice captain of the time!

After experiencing such a big battle, it is still so floating out of the dust! Out of the line came a girl,

She handed a notebook with both hands toward Shi Wuyi, “Vice Captain Shi, you, can you help me sign my name?”

Her voice is small and faint,

I didn’t dare to look up without saying a word.

She has summoned up her greatest courage, but she is also ready to be rejected.

After all, the other party is the most talented person in the Sixteenth Guard,

And he is just an inconspicuous little role in the field team. But I didn’t expect that she felt her hand loose,

Then came the rustling of writing, and she looked up,

Only to see that Shi Buyan had already handed back the book with the name written on it, and Shi Buyan looked at the girl in front of him.

With a smile on his face,

He has just unlocked a new skill, and he is in a very good mood at the moment,

Signing a name is a trivial matter that is not troublesome, that is, a show of hands.

“Now that you’ve arrived, I’ll go first.”

Without saying a word, he waved to the crowd,

Then with a vertical leap, the figure disappears into place.

“Sleeper, the vice captain actually signed her autograph!”

“Aa I hate it! Why didn’t I just ask for one!!! ”

“I always thought that a figure like the vice captain would look down on us, but I didn’t expect him to be so unfenced!”

“Xiao Han, let’s discuss something… You sold me that autograph of yours, how did you go? ”

“Not for sale!”

Xiao Han held the book dead to his chest, “Half a million! ”

“Not for sale!”

“A million!”

“Not for sale!”

After watching the teammate who bid was rejected by himself, he continued to sigh and sigh,

Xiao Han’s mood is better!

The entire Sixteen Guards are the only one when the vice captain’s autograph is sold by a fool!

I want to go back and frame it up and hang it in my own home! And…… Just now, the vice captain smiled at me

Xiao Han reached out and covered his somewhat hot cheeks. Inside a church in Kaihara City,

There was no light in the dark nave,

There were only dozens of flickering candles around it, and at this moment there were three figures sitting on chairs.

But no one spoke.

The atmosphere is quiet and somewhat infiltrative, not much time,

A woman with a soft voice said, “Hollis, is this your move?” ”

Not waiting for Holtlis to speak,

She continued,

“After Gratt and Lackey died, now Greed and Edo are also dead, both dead at the hands of the guy who didn’t say a word.”

At this point, she let out a snort,

“Holtlis, if you can’t, then I don’t mind taking your place as the same old master.”

The voice just dropped,

A voice that was clearly suppressed in anger immediately sounded, “Ivy! ”

“You still want to be the ruler of the old Hiji?!” In addition to being jealous of Holtlis every day and wanting to spy on his position, will you still be angry?! ”

The woman is one of the remaining three priests of the old priest, jealous of Evie!

When she heard the man’s words, her face suddenly changed,

The soft voice that had just been made immediately became sharp,

“Ange, it’s not the rat I killed you, what kind of fire you made at me.”

Ange heard,

Teng stood up at once,

He was the last priest in the old division, the angry Ange. Endless anger rose in his eyes,

Just now he killed the rat he had sent to monitor the scene, and he said the most arrogant words,

It had already made his emotions extremely unhappy, and now Evie was saying such words here, which directly ignited the suppressed anger in his heart! The breath on his body fluctuated suddenly,

When you are ready to shoot,

A terrifying force stronger than him emanated from the figure in front of him who had not spoken,

“Enough, Ange, Ive.”

Hotlis’s somewhat irritated voice sounded, and seeing that the momentum between the two of them had stopped, he slowly opened his mouth again,

“It is indeed troublesome to say that the time is not to be said, but the recovery of the Lord is more important, and we can pay any price for it.”

He paused,

“That’s why we’re here today,” the voice just dropped.

Just listen to the bang, the door of the church is opened, and a figure appears there,

Although I still don’t see what it looks like,

But Ange and Ive’s pupils shrank sharply at the same time! The momentum they had just stopped suddenly soared again, staring dead at the door,

The tone is unusually serious and urgent,

“Hotlis, do you want to work at the bottom?!”


They’re in that figure,

They felt an air that made them extremely uncomfortable, and it was the smell of their mortal enemy, the angels!

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