Ange looked at Feth with a bad look,

If it were not for the imminent resurgence of the Lord, the strength of the old days would not be enough,

He really wanted to keep the other person here forever. now

The brilliance of the heavy book in Feth’s right hand faded, and he once again regained his previous arrogant look,

“Is this the third strongest person in the old division today, the Furious Division?” Oh, but that’s it. ”

Ange’s expression immediately stagnated,

Looking at Fei Si, who still had an arrogant attitude, he smiled angrily,

“Huh, but so?! You Western birdman, I’d like to see how long you can get your mouth hard?! ”

Without saying a word, he was about to do it again, but he suddenly felt a stiffness,

His hands were bound by an inexplicable force, and there was no way to move!

Anger immediately realized something,

He turned and glared at Holthris,

“Hotlis, are you going to help this Western birdman?!”

At this point,

Holtlis, who had not spoken for a long time, finally spoke,

“Ange, as I said, I invited Faith to come,”

His gaze was cold to Ange,

The momentum of the body between the words emanated,

Let the candles around them keep flickering, and the faces of everyone present change suddenly,

It was a majestic breath stronger than all of them! meanwhile

Fei Si suddenly had a strong throbbing in his heart, and instinctively wanted to control his body to dodge, but his footsteps had just moved.

A sharp whistle suddenly sounded, and a black shadow greeted him,

Before he could come and react, he cut through his robe and nailed it straight into the wall behind him,


Something fell from the torn hole in his clothes, but Feth didn’t pick it up right away.

Instead, he looked behind him,

There was an ordinary iron nail deeply tied to the wall at the moment, and cold sweat oozed from Firth’s forehead.

He saw that under his ribs, there was a long bloody mouth,

Just a few centimeters away from your heart! If you move the position a little,


Fei Si suddenly looked up,

Looking at Holtlis angrily,

“Hotlis! You invited me over, and now that you’re like this, are you trying to kill me?! ”

Holtlis untied to Ange, the voice indifferent to the opening,

“I’m teaching you the rules, putting away your disgusting attitude, this is the East, not your Western holy city, understand?”

As soon as the candlelight flickered, Holtlis’s figure had come to Feth’s body, “Moreover… What if I kill you here? ”

Fei Si’s pupils shrank suddenly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, “You can’t do this!” ”

Looking at Holtlis’s indifferent expression, Feith’s face became vicious again,

“I knew it would be like this, you guys who believe in demons,”

“So before I came over, I had already deposited a strand of my soul in the punishment center.”

He looked directly into Holtholis’s eyes fiercely,

“As long as you kill me, the rest of the judges in the punishment center will know immediately!”

Then come now, and it will be the time of the complete destruction of your old division! ”

Ange and Ivy’s minds are moving,

Because they had also wanted to kill this guy on the spot, after all, the other party was a member of the punishment center opposed to the old division,

But now the consequences of what Feith is talking about,

For them, who were fighting the Sixteenth Guard, it was a little difficult to accept that Hotlis looked deeply at Feth,

Without speaking, inside the great church,

The atmosphere became eerily quiet, and after a moment,

Hotlis burst out laughing, he patted Feth’s shoulder, then reached out and waved it lightly,

What Feth had fallen to the ground before floated into the palm of his hand, and he handed the spread palm to Feth,

“After all these years, you still like to eat this kind of thing.”

Ivey on the side looked at it with fixed eyes,

I saw that it was a few severed human fingers, and there was even a trace of uncoagulated blood on it!

Apparently not long after she had been cut off from the living person, she was first frightened,

Then there was a sneer,

“A good believer in an angel who openly teaches sentient beings, but secretly likes to eat the broken fingers of human beings, and clearly prides himself on the justice of the world, but now he looks even more cruel than the demons in your mouth.” 」

Then her gaze fell on Feth’s feet, and there was a strong irony in her tone,

“The shackles you wear on your ankles are the punishment of the God you serve?”

Firth saw that Holtlis showed no sign of attacking again, and knew that his life was in danger.

My heart was finally relieved,

He took the broken fingers in Holtholis’s hand and put them in another pocket in his arms,

Then he looked at Evie with a serious expression,

“Those are sinners who have committed crimes, and I have led them to see our Lord, which is not cruel, but good.”

“As for the shackles on my feet, this is not God’s punishment, but God’s love and gift to us.”

“Only shackles can keep us awake, understand where our hearts are going, and not fall into the abyss.”

Then he looked at the heavy book above his right hand with a holy expression

“In the name of the Holy Scriptures, wherever I am, I will never betray my own righteous Ivey as I look at the judge’s demeanor before me,”

My heart is full of endless absurdity,

“Kill and kill, still kind?!” Eating people’s fingers, still justice?! What kind of bullshit justice is this?! What a hypocrisy! ”

“All right.”

Holtlis interrupted Ive,

“This boring topic ends here on what justice is,”

“Nobody cares about it, we don’t care, and the Lord doesn’t care.”

And then he set his sights on Feth’s body.

“The most important thing now is to revive the Lord, which is why I asked you to come and cooperate, and as for other things, you can put it aside for the time being.”

Fest is no longer proud of what he used to be,

But he looked at Holtlis doubtfully,

“I have just felt that your breath is already stronger than before, and you can completely rely on your old division to complete the plan, why do you want to join forces with us?”

Holtlis took a meaningful look at Feth,

“Your senses are sharp, and if only that woman exists, we really don’t have to work with you.”

As he spoke, a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes,

“But now the Sixteenth Guard has a terrifying newcomer, who originally thought he was just a kitten with teeth and claws, but did not expect that his growth rate is extremely fast, which has exceeded my expectations and can even be said, and has now become the biggest obstacle to my main recovery plan.”

Fei Si knew that the woman was the general of the Sixteenth Guard, and it was she who had overthrown the entire old division.

That’s a terrible existence.

Even in the far west they had heard of this woman’s notoriety.

So his expression became extremely unbelievable.

“Better than her?” What the hell is a newcomer? ”

Holtlis squeezed a cold hum out of his teeth, and his tone became cold,

Word by word,

“Time is not a word!”

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