On the other side,

Table World, Kaiwon University.

The Director of Academic Affairs glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and it was now nine o’clock in the evening.

The office of the Academic Affairs Office was empty, and he stretched out,

Rubbing his somewhat tired shoulders, he turned off his computer and prepared to get home from work. Buzz,

He took the phone out of his pocket,

“Director Zhou, are you still in the Academic Affairs Office of the school?”

On the other end of the phone came the anxious voice of a middle-aged man,

“I’m in the Academic Affairs Office, I’ve just finished preparing to leave work, what’s the matter, Principal Wang?”

“It was so good! Just stay in the office and don’t move around, I’ll come right over!” ”

Principal Wang’s voice seemed a little joyful,

“Is there anything I can’t say tomorrow, it’s very late.”

Director Zhou replied with some dissatisfaction,

“I just got a call saying that a big guy is coming over and dealing with something soon,”

Director Zhou heard a sound of closing the car door from the other end of the phone,

“I’m in the car, I’ll be there soon, you don’t have to leave, wait for me to come over Director Zhou is ready to say something,”

But I heard that the phone in my hand had hung up, and there was no more sound.

Director Zhou’s mouth twitched, helplessly threw the mobile phone on the table, and a trace of dissatisfaction rose in his heart.

I don’t know which big man on top wants to come and check, but he doesn’t pick it during the day,

You have to come here at this time,

Now that I am forced to work overtime, isn’t it enough to eat and do nothing?! Twenty minutes later,

Director Zhou, who was staring boredly at the wall clock on the wall, suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming from the doorway.

The big guys are finally here.

Director Zhou complained weakly in his heart,

Then a forced smile on his face turned to look,

Only to see a middle-aged man of about fifty years old at the door, who was hurrying towards himself,

The smile on Director Zhou’s face collapsed, and he sat back on his seat, showing disappointment.

“Principal Wang, how are you, I thought that big man was coming?”

Principal Wang reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead,

“Right now, he’s coming soon, you wait a little longer.”

“Who the hell is this, having to come so late, not only let me work overtime,” Director Zhou’s face appeared a strong color of dissatisfaction.

“Let you, the principal, come along with you, and the face project is not doing this.”

He put the tea cup in his hand on the table, and the tea and tea leaves spilled out.

“Simply the wrong Son of Man!”

Principal Wang looked at Director Zhou, who was already forty years old in front of him, and he was aware of the other party’s direct temper.

Work diligently and never be sloppy, but when you encounter something dissatisfied, you will speak bluntly,

The two have been friends for many years,

Although there are superiors and subordinates on weekdays, there is no one else in the office now, and the truth about convenience is also revealed.

“Old Zhou, it’s not that he wants you to work overtime, Zao didn’t name me to accompany Principal Wang and pat Director Zhou’s shoulder,”

A sigh came from his mouth.

“It’s just that he’s really too busy, and if he doesn’t take the opportunity to meet him today, I don’t know if it’s possible to see him again in the future.”

Director Zhou was first frightened,

Then he looked at Principal Wang and laughed,

“Lao Wang, you are also in your fifties this year.”

“Isn’t it like seeing a leader, listening to your breath, how do you say that the little girl is chasing the stars?”

Principal Wang looked at Director Zhou, who was laughing at himself, and the expression on his face became strange.

Preparing to open the mouth,

Then I heard a knock at the door,

“I didn’t bother you when I came here so late,” Principal Wang looked back.

I saw a white-haired teenager standing at the door of the office at this moment, and he was standing there quietly with a smile looking at the two people.

A smile appeared on Principal Wang’s face,

The other side is the big man they just discussed,

Shi Bu, who is currently serving as the vice captain of the Sixteen Guards Hunting Spirit First Team, is preparing to go forward and shake hands with the other party.

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from behind me,

Then a figure swooped in front of Shi Wuyi, and then took the initiative to reach out his hands and hold Shi Wu’s hand.

Shaking hard,

“Don’t bother, don’t bother, I just have some work here that I haven’t finished processing.”

Director Zhou naturally told a lie, and an incomparably bright smile appeared on his face.

It was completely different from the deliberately stacked smiles before, and then,

He suddenly slapped his head on the door,

“By the way, what kind of tea do you like to drink, Tieguanyin, Pu’er or Dragon Bandit?”

While saying,

So he trotted to his seat,

He took out the key and opened his locked drawer for tea. Principal Wang looked at this friend who had been familiar with him for many years,

The corners of his mouth twitched a little, this old guy,

The good tea that even I am reluctant to give on weekdays, today I actually rushed to let the time not say a word,

Also said that some of their work has not been dealt with, fart!

Didn’t you just say that the other party is not a son of man and allows yourself to be forced to work overtime?

Doesn’t it mean that when you are old, don’t you chase stars like a little girl? How can I be more excited than I am now?!

Come to think of it,

He let out another helpless sigh, Old Zhou has been familiar with him for many years, with a straight temperament and a fierce temper.

I like to be afraid of anything bad when I encounter it, and as the director of the Teaching Office of Haiyuan University,

Looking at the young students who are getting closer to neutralization, they have always been dissatisfied but powerless,

But when he first saw it, he didn’t say a word when Yan Qiushan punched the multiple eyes in the air down,

But it was a long-lost light in his eyes, and he looked back and forth the shot several times.

Directly call this is the youthful spirit, the true color of the boy! And after that,

Play that video in class many times,

Teach the boys who come to class to learn more without saying a word, and then,

After the Battle of the Nest not long ago,

Although ordinary people do not know the specific circumstances of this battle, as the president of Kaiwon Daiichi University,

He is naturally entitled to know some inside information,

So he told Lao Zhou about the great achievements made in the Battle of the Nest,

As a result, the guy didn’t sleep that night when he was excited, until he came to work the next day with an excited expression.

The mouth kept saying that if only I could see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t say a word. So Principal Wang said twenty minutes ago,

When I receive a phone call that is silent,

When he learned that he was going to come to Haiyuan University soon, he would immediately call and tell Lao Zhou,

I want this old fan who doesn’t say anything can also realize his dream. Shi Wuyi looked at Director Zhou, who was busy and busy,

The enthusiasm of the other party made him a little uncomfortable for a while,

“Don’t bother, I don’t drink tea, just come and check the information.” Director Zhou turned a deaf ear.”

Place the freshly brewed tea on the table,

Introduce the time to his desk, and then pull away the Principal Wang beside him,

He took a chair from behind him and sat down without saying a word, and he showed a proud expression like a child.

“You can rest assured that as long as you are a person from Haiwon University, the school’s archives have detailed records.”

“Who are you going to check?”

A faint smile appeared on Shi Buyan’s face,

“A student, I need all his information, his name is Zhu Fei.”

“No problem.”

Director Zhou skillfully opened the database in the computer, and then casually asked,

“What are you looking him up for?”

When he saw it, he did not smile and did not answer, and Director Zhou did not think anything of it, and a hearty laugh came out of his mouth.

“Hahaha, almost forgot, this point is still troublesome for you when the vice captain came to run a trip, it must be a matter that needs to be kept secret, I am abrupt.”

Without saying a word,

Looking at Director Zhou, who was operating the computer quickly, he did not expect that the other party was so sensible, and he also saved himself the trouble of explaining.

He came today to investigate,

It is indeed for a matter that needs to be kept secret,

And it is a matter that can be included in the entire sixteen guards, which is also a matter of great secrecy, which is also after the battle,

There is no reason to go back immediately,

Because he felt the middle price at the sixteenth back,

There is a spy!

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