Regarding the matter of the Sixteen Guards,

Its realism arose a long time ago, when he first met the Evolvers.

That is, the night that Zhu Feiwen kidnapped the convenience store clerk Yang Xiantao downstairs,

Zhu Feiwen once said to He Shujiu, who was asking for help from the headquarters through the communicator, “From the time the sixteen guards received the call to the time they arrived here, even if they used the “elevator” and “buttons”, it would take at least ten minutes. Can you make it up? ”

In the paraphrase of He Persuasion,

When Zhu Feiwen said those words, his expression was full of madness and ridicule, and he didn’t look like he was talking nonsense at all.

That is to say, he did learn about the process of the Sixteenth Guard from a certain way.

And it is very familiar with its way and time. secondly

In the Battle of the Nest,

Xia Lotte, who was originally locked up in a confinement room, because the chaos in the table world was too intense,

So he was released in advance and joined the patrol guard as the leader of the group, and it was reasonable to say that

The area of activity of each group should be changing in real time because of the different events it encounters.

Its specific location will only be known to the people of the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters.

However, the only two high-level chaotic spirits that appeared in the chaos of the surface world were Dong Chengzhou, who had become an evolutionary, and the multi-eyed of the mature body.

They did not appear in the center of Kaiwon City, nor did they attack the other members of the Sixteen Guards.

Instead, it happened to appear in the area where Xia Lotte was located, and took him away to make him a new evolutionary, from their appearance to their disappearance.

In the record report of the sixteen guards did not exceed five minutes, and the clarity of their action was almost doubtful, as if they knew exactly where Xia Lotte was, and finally,

It was the battle before the abandoned factory.

The current Greedy Priest saw him there in good shape,

There was a clear look of surprise in their looks, it seemed that in their original conception, their current state should be bad,

And the only possibility that it will lead to bad state in the near future,

It was the three days of spending time with Ralph in purgatory in order to pass the special examination.

And this thing,

Because I am not sure whether I can pass the mental assessment,

So there are even fewer people who know about it in the whole sixteen guards, if you want to take one of these things out separately,

Then it may be said that this may be just a coincidence, but these three things have all been encountered by themselves.

Then the probability of coincidence is too low, low to the point of negligibility.

Therefore, Shi Wucheng made a judgment, in the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards,

There is a treacherous spy who secretly colludes with the old Japanese and exchanges information,

And his position is not low,

Otherwise, he would not have understood the information so clearly, and this matter had never heard Elder Lin say it, which also showed that this person was still very good at disguise, and even deceived everyone around him.

And so far it has not been discovered.

It also means that he is still very likely to remain an extraordinary person, and he has not completely fallen into the arms of the old Hiji,

Become an evolver with spiritual powers. The so-called bold hypothesis, careful verification. therefore

Shi WuXian decided to investigate it himself, and he had a premonition,

After he killed two more special teachers tonight,

The three surviving teachers of the old division will certainly not give up and will most likely take action in the near future.

So after the battle,

In order to prevent the treacherous agent from discovering his whereabouts, he did not go to the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards located in the Inner World, but first went to the Table World.

The Sixteenth Guard Branch near Haiyuan University originally thought that he was going to reveal his identity, but he did not expect that he had just arrived there.

The staff on duty recognized him with a happy face, so they directly explained their intentions without saying a word.

And then with their cooperation,

Through the intelligence database shared by the Sixteen Guards,

Read the information of all the people involved before and after the time nodes of these three events,

Although there are many characters in it, the brainpower of the unspoken is very strong.

So I quickly wrote down all the information and dealt with things over there.

And as the deputy captain of the hunting team, he asked the duty personnel to keep it secret, and then he came to Haiyuan University.

Conduct the final investigation tonight. now

Shi Buyan was looking at the information about Zhu Feiwen that Director Zhou had brought up, while Director Zhou and Principal Wang were quietly waiting on the sidelines.

There was no sound, “Uh-huh.”

The unspoken look suddenly moved,

He saw a very interesting thing in Zhu Feiwen’s information, and then the mouse clicked continuously,

Two information sheets containing avatars popped up, and I quickly read all the information on the table without saying a word, and then looked at the familiar faces on the screen.

I began to recall the memories associated with it in my mind, and after a few moments,

He turned off the information sheet again, and then clicked on an address book.

Start picking and dialing the numbers next to each other, asking some questions that come to mind,

Not much time,

When not to say a word to hang up the last call,

The corners of his mouth drew a shallow arc,

I thought I could only find some clues tonight, but I didn’t expect to come to school this time.

But it basically locked the suspect.

It is even possible to know some information about the remaining teachers of the old division, which made him feel a bit of a surprise,

When the time is not to say that the school files are closed,

Then he stood up and looked at the two people who had been standing behind them and kept quiet, “Tonight’s matter…”

“What you know, keep it secret.”

Director Zhou and President Wang witnessed the whole operation without saying a word, and their looks at this moment were extremely solemn.

When not to say a faint smile,

“Then thank you both.”

After saying that, he turned to summer and left.

Principal Wang looked at the back of the back without saying a word, and a thick smile appeared on his face.

Although I don’t know what the purpose of checking the information today is, nor do I understand what the meaning of the question in his last phone call is, but look at the other party’s serious look,

He also knew that this must be a big thing about Cangsheng, otherwise the other party would not have come to school overnight.

And such a brilliant student,

It was from the Haiyuan University he was in charge of, and he always thought about it,

There will be a strong sense of pride in the heart.

“Young people have a lot to do, young people have to do something!”

Next to him came the whispered voice of Lao Zhou.

“Do you know what he’s here to do tonight?”

Principal Wang suddenly asked, “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.” ”

Old Zhou shook his head,

“But I know that if my students at Haiyuan University are as silent as they are, then maybe this chaotic era will be completely ended.”

Principal Wang laughed,

He bumped into Lao Zhou with his arm.

“Go, have two drinks.”

Old Zhou looked at the wall clock on the wall,

It’s now ten o’clock in the evening, if it is normal,

At this point he had already begun to prepare for sleep, but today he was smiling,

“Well, two drinks!”

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