It is night, watch world Xingwen Road XVII.

Lu Chengqi heard a sound of opening the door, and she raised her little head to look,

Only to see that Shi came back with two bags in his hand, “Why did it delay for so long?” ”

“Kill two special level teachers, then go to the Sixteenth Guard Branch and Haiyuan University to check the information for a while, and finally go to buy some food, Oh, and yours.”

Shi Bu put the bag down while casually saying that he did not tell Lu Chengqi about the treacherous matter,

Because I don’t want the other party to participate in such a complicated matter, as for informing Elder Lin,

You can wait until tomorrow.

Anyway, the people of the old Japanese division should not do anything tonight. Lu Chengqi saw that the box contained a crepe,

The beautiful eyes radiated brilliance, and she smiled,

Reach for the crepe in the bag,

“It turned out that I went to check the information, so no wonder it was delayed for so long.”

She put a piece of crepe in her mouth,

After taking a bite, she reacted that she just seemed to have missed something, and she looked sideways without saying a word.

Big eyes roll round,

“You just said you went to kill two special priests?!”

Didn’t you say it was just two Chaos Spirits when you left?! ”

Laugh softly,

Take the crepe out of the other’s mouth and gently scrape her small nose,

“Although the priests of the old Japanese division are of special rank, their personalities have become no different from those of the Chaos Spirit.”

In the face of such unspoken words,

Lu Chengqi had no way to refute it for a while,

“Then have you been injured?” Do you want me to show it for you? ”

Lu Chengqi asked with concern,

“Don’t worry, don’t you know my strength?” I’m the strongest. ”

Without saying a word,

And then take out a piece of crepe and put it in your mouth,

The reversal method has not yet reached an advanced level.

After a big war, you still need to add some sugar properly. And Lu Chengqi on the side,

But I don’t know what I thought, and my face turned red as soon as I brushed it.

She secretly looked at the silent side of the side of the side, and saw that he did not seem to notice his own demeanor, and then she relaxed her heart.

But her eyes are more confused, all day long,

Only when the time is silent can the special division of the old day of the hall be compared to two chaotic spirits,

That is a terrible existence that can easily destroy a city by its own strength.

However, such a strong special rank still could not escape the fate of being killed and fallen in front of Shi Wuyi.

It is really worthy of the man I Lu Chengqi has a crush on! Lu Chengqi looked at the face that did not say a word,

Can’t help but get closer,

A flowery smile appeared on his face,

“What are you smirking at?” Eat. ”


Lu Chengqi suddenly remembered something,

“How did two special teachers of the old division suddenly appear, what is the situation?”

“When the three teams of the Spirit Hunters met them in the western suburbs, they sent a call for help to the headquarters, and then Elder Lin informed me.”


Lu Chengqi immediately came up with the appearance of a petite but cute looking girl.

“Then did you save their captain Ling Siye?”


Lu Chengyi’s voice became gloomy, “How do you feel about her?” ”

When not to say that he is still eating bread,

“Well… Not bad, although she is a little shorter and a little grumpy, but her essence is still good. ”

“Then who is good looking with her?”

Lu Chengqi broke his face without saying a word and faced himself, puffing up his cheeks,

It didn’t take long to react at this time, this little girl turned out to be jealous. He did not answer Lu Chengqi’s question, but turned off his mobile phone.

Then he turned off Lu Chengqi’s mobile phone as well, Lu Chengqi looked at the silent action with a puzzled face, but saw a strange smile on the corner of the other party’s mouth, “I heard that after becoming an extraordinary, your physical fitness will become stronger, but I don’t know how much you will improve as a first-class extraordinary person who is the captain of the second team of the Spirit Hunting Team?” ”

Lu Cheng’s eyes turned and he let out a scream,

Then he hid himself with a quilt.

It’s night, the World Sixteen Guards Headquarters.

“Got it, go down.”


A member of the Sixteenth Guard Inspectorate finished his report and left the captain’s office after saluting Elder Lin. Elder Lin had a happy smile on his face,

Then I picked up the phone on my desk and dialed a number.

“Captain Lin, how’s it going?”

The faint voice of the plain-clothed woman came from the phone.


Elder Lin first greeted him, and then he said,

“The ambush incident in the abandoned factory has ended, and all the members of the Hunting Spirit Third Team, including Captain Ling Siye, who encountered two special rank priests of the old Riji in the western suburbs of Haiyuan City, have returned unharmed, and one of the poisoned team members has also been completely recovered under the treatment of the medical rescue team, and according to the members of the hunting spirit third team and the members of the field team who rushed to deal with the scene, the two quasi-first-level chaos spirits were killed without saying a word, and the two special level teachers of the old day division were also annihilated on the spot.”

His words were full of a feeling of relief,

“Annihilation on the spot? Have they been determined to be dead? Which two teachers are this time? ”

The plain-clothed woman asked,

“It was the greedy teacher Greid and the lazy teacher Ador, who smashed the heads of both of them at the same time with a punch at the end, and after confirmation, they were completely lifeless.”

“One punch?!”

The tone of the plain-clothed woman was slightly raised, and it seemed to be somewhat unbelievable,

Immediately coughing twice more to hide the shock in his heart, Elder Lin imagined the other party’s expression at this moment in his mind.

I couldn’t help but let out a dark laugh in my heart,

But the mouth does not show it.

“At this point, the strength test that is not spoken of can also be regarded as passing, General?” After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone,

The woman’s voice once again returned to its previous indifference.

“Well, just set it up, adjust the registration level of the unspoken to the special rank of extraordinary, and arrange for him to become the commander of the combat team, and the appointment ceremony will be scheduled after the three olds.”

Elder Lin’s eyebrows appeared happy,

It was as if he had heard that his juniors had finally achieved fame. Only then did he hear the woman continue,

“However, you will not say anything when you notify him now, let him come to the headquarters immediately, and I will meet him in person.”

Elder Lin’s face became a little unpleasant again, “This…”

Elder Lin hesitated,

He knows the temper of the unspoken,

That’s the guy who calls himself an old man when they meet.

It is also clear that women have been in high positions in the Sixteen Guards for many years and have become accustomed to the momentum and style of this kind of superior. If the two meet now,

After that, the plot direction is not what you can predict,

But there’s a great possibility that it will evolve into a tense atmosphere.

“What’s the problem?”

The woman’s faint voice came. Elder Lin sighed,

Knowing that when I don’t say that I want to sit in the third chair of these sixteen guards, I must meet with the highest speaker of the sixteen guards, and this matter cannot be avoided no matter what.

“All right, General, I won’t say anything when I give a notice.”

Without saying a word, he hung up the phone,

Dialed the unspoken phone number.

“I’m sorry, may the warm phone call have been shut down factory factory” A pleasant female voice rang in the phone,

Elder Lin’s face stiffened,

This boy obviously knew that this was his strength test, and actually shut down after the battle?!

That’s right! Old Lin’s eyes lit up,

Lu Chengqi, the captain of the second team of hunting spirits, is his younger sister, and the relationship between the two is very good.

Surely now he knew the location of the unspoken time, so Elder Lin dialed Lu Chengqi’s phone,

“I’m sorry, the phone you made is turned off…”

Listening to the same words coming from the phone again, the corners of Lin Lao’s eyes twitched,

He wanted to drop the phone on the ground.

What’s going on here?! Two people shutting down at the same time?!

The Admiral is still waiting for his reply! Elder Lin’s mind moved,

Ready to call up the information in the file of the sixteenth guard without saying a word, and directly find his address,

I personally went to the door and invited the boy over, but when I opened the information sheet,

He suddenly remembered something,

When I called Shi without saying a word before,

I heard a familiar female voice on the other side’s phone, and now Lu Chengqi and Shi Buyan had both turned off their phones, plus the rumors between the sixteen guards…

Elder Lin closed the information sheet,

A happy smile appeared on his old face, “This boy has grown up…”

But then he smiled bitterly,

Looking at the phone on the table,

“But how can the general explain it?”

Elder Lin felt that his head was a little sore…

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