
When you wake up without saying a word, after turning on the phone,

Found that there was a missed call from Elder Lin,

Can’t help but sigh that it was really a wise move to shut down last night, and then see the text message sent by the other party to himself, his look is slightly moving,

“Let me go to the headquarters and meet the general with him as soon as I wake up.”

Without saying a word,

And then I wrote a message and put it on the table.

He kissed Lu Chengqi’s forehead, who was still sleeping, and left the room. Not much time,

Without saying a word, he came to Elder Lin’s office, “You boy has finally come.” ”

When Elder Lin saw it, he immediately got up from the table and pulled Shi Wuyi out of the room together.

“Elder Lin, have you not slept all night?”

Shi Wuyan looked at Elder Lin’s face with two deep dark circles, and couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

“Did the guys from the old days do something last night?”

Elder Lin didn’t look at the refreshed person next to him without saying a word, “Action a fart!” ”

“Do you know who was waiting for you last night?!”

“That’s the founder of our Sixteen Guards, and the Supreme Commander General of the Sixteen Guards is waiting for you!”

“As a result, you are good, the mobile phone is turned off, and you can’t contact it all night!”

“I didn’t sleep well all night!”

Although Elder Lin’s words are very rude,

But Shi Wuyan did not feel half a bit of hostility, on the contrary, there was a trace of warmth in his heart.

A smile appeared on his face,

“Who made her have to be so anxious to see me, I fought for three nights last night.”

“Ahem! One night? ”

Elder Lin was not lightly angered by the unspoken words of the time,

“Captain Ling of the Spirit Hunting Team told me that you went for less than half an hour and killed those two special division teachers, where was the night of the battle?”

Seeing that he didn’t say anything and wanted to speak, Elder Lin frowned,

The expression became serious,

“Without saying a word, I know that you are out of nature and do not like restraint, but when you meet the general, you must restrain your temper and do not collide with her.”

“Why is there a conflict?”

I don’t know when I don’t understand,

“She and I have known each other for many years, and according to her character, it is very likely that she will test you in today’s meeting,”

Elder Lin opened his mouth to explain, and his mind moved slightly.

“She’s strong?”

“Of course, she was able to wipe out the entire old division by herself… Eh, what does this have to do with her strength?”

Elder Lin obviously didn’t rest well last night, and was confused by the silence of time.

“She is your superior, the superior of all the Sixteen Guards, and you have to maintain the proper respect for her!” You know? ”

When he saw Elder Lin’s expression was very serious, “I try my best.” ”

Not much time,

The two came to a mansion deep in the headquarters of the Sixteen Guards.

Elder Lin first told him not to say that he must keep his temperament when he told him again, and then he gently knocked on the closed wooden door.

“General, the letter has come.”

“Come in.”

A woman’s voice came from the courtyard. This voice is very young.

A trace of doubt arose in the heart of the unspoken moment,

Doesn’t it mean that the general created the current Sixteen Guards fifty-two years ago, then it should be at least seventy or eighty years old now?

How does it sound only about twenty years old?

He stepped into the courtyard with the footsteps of Elder Lin, only to see that there were several flower beds around the courtyard.

The flowers inside are very beautifully trimmed, and in the middle is a stone table, and at this moment there is a woman sitting on a stone bench.

She was pouring tea into several cups with a quaint purple sand teapot, and she was wearing a blue plain coat,

Gray hair pulled up high,

With a wooden hairpin tied behind the head,

From the woman’s appearance, I can’t see the specific age, but the appearance is extremely beautiful,

There is both the white and tender skin of a young woman, and the delicate and feminine of a mature woman,

It will also carry a hint of the world’s red dust of the person’s elegance.


Lin Xinzhi bowed his hand to the woman, and then looked at him and whispered, “This is the general who listens to the moon at night.” ”

Then he kept using his eyes to show that he didn’t say a word, asking him to also greet the general with him, Lin Xinzhi’s look was a little anxious,

Because at this moment a not-so-good feeling arose in his heart, and he saw a corner of the courtyard,

There was a black and bright spear with a red wisp on it, and it was the general’s personal weapon, one by one, seven feet Lie! In the Great War fifty-two years ago,

It was with this seven-foot fierce swing that the general leveled the melees in the world on the surface, and he did not know how much the blood of the Chaos Spirit was contaminated.

But on weekdays, this spear is placed in the general’s house, and it will not be easily displayed.

It’s been so many years.

Lin Xinzhi saw the Seven Feet Spirit in the courtyard for the first time. But before I could say anything,

The voice of the night moon was the first to sound, “You just don’t say anything?” ”

Without saying a word, he heard the woman say again,

“Listening to Captain Lin, last night you killed the former director of the old division and made a great contribution, but your body was tired and needed to rest, so I didn’t come to the headquarters, but now I see that your state is resting very well.”

A faint anger appeared in the voice of the night listening to the moon,

“When I came here today, not only did I not perform the ritual, but I even wore an eye patch. Is there any dissatisfaction with me? ”

Shi WuXian shook his head, “The first time we met, there was no dissatisfaction with you…”

“Then take off the blindfold!”

Night Listening Moon was aroused by the casual attitude of Shi Tianyue, and the tone became stronger.

Without saying a word, this is in… Order me?

Then the whole person stood in a more casual position, looking at the woman sitting in front of her and looking at her.

A playful smile appeared on his face, “What if I say no?” ”

Lin Xinzhi’s face changed suddenly, and his heart was not good.

This boy who acts arbitrarily,

Sure enough, he was still directly on the same page as the general!


Lin Xinzhi hurriedly opened his mouth,

I want to save the current situation, but the words have been exported, the situation has become irreparable, and the night listens to the moon and laughs back,

This was the first time her order in the Sixteen Guards had been dismissed in person, and she snorted coldly.

“What an arrogant boy! I’d like to see what kind of strength you have to make you say such a thing!” ”

Her fibrin hand slapped on the table,

The seven-foot flame that stood in the corner of the courtyard flew into her hand, and the moment the night heard the moon enter the spear,

The momentum of the whole person has changed greatly,

From the indifference of dust to the killing atmosphere on the battlefield! She shook the seven feet in her hand slightly,

The spear let out a humming sound, and then her toes were a little underground,

The whole person attacked at a very fast speed without saying a word, and the black spear tip glowed with a little cold,

The sound of breaking wind stabbed straight at the time without saying a word! Without saying a word, he looked at the oncoming tip of the gun,

The look is slightly moving,

The other side is worthy of the general of the Sixteenth Guard,

The strong pressure emanating from the tip of his gun was terrifying, and even faintly cut through the surrounding space.

If this shot stabbed the previous lazy teacher Aido, even if it was a special teacher,

Without saying a word, it felt that Aido’s head would also be exploded in an instant! This night listening to the moon is indeed the time to say so far, whether it is a chaotic spirit or a transcendent person,

The strongest man I’ve ever seen. Lin Xinzhi was in a hurry at this moment and wanted to block it, but one side was the general,

One side is the junior who he values very much, and he does not know which side to help. And in this short moment of thought,

The black spear had arrived in front of the silent body! The next moment,

The eyes of the night listening to the moon are suddenly shrunk, only to see that when they don’t say anything, they stand there like that, not dodging,

Just indifferently stretched out the index finger of her right hand and stood in front of her, and then her sharp seven-foot fierce,

It was suddenly stopped in front of the fingertips of the time!

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