“Although I think there is something wrong with the situation now, I didn’t think about it so much at the time.”

“Without any hesitation, he went straight to the chase, just trying to wipe out all these evildoers.”

“In order to avenge my friends, but also to soothe the evil atmosphere in my heart, which is difficult to reconcile”

“But after I stepped into hell, I didn’t see any trace of Holtholis,”

Night heard the moon say this, the color of pain appeared on his face,

“What appeared in front of me was the figure of another person—the friend I thought she was long dead.”

“I was very excited and very happy that she was alive in the world,”

“But soon, I felt a deep coolness and a strong panic from the bottom of my heart.”

“Because I saw a strange smile on her face, exactly the same smile on Holtlis’s face before.”

The look of the night moon at this moment has become a little excited,

“I asked her why she was here at this moment, and where she had been all these days.”

“But she was there laughing and trying to pull me into the old division.”

“Although I didn’t know why she suddenly changed her personality, at first I thought she was eroded by the evil spirits of the old Hiji,”

“But then it turned out that her mind was unusually clear, her speech was logical and meticulous, and she didn’t look like a person who had been confused by her mind.”

“I kept persuading her, but she was not moved at all, and Yuanzhi also gave me a political attack.”

“I finally stopped thinking about exhortation and fought with her.”

“But I was surprised to find that I, who was originally on a par with her, was almost being beaten by her at that time.”

“But just as she was about to deliver a fatal blow to me, she suddenly revealed a very obvious flaw.”

“I seized this opportunity and shot her down into the abyss of hell with all my might.”

Night listened to the moon laugh bitterly,

The skin on the face twitches slightly due to overexcitement,

“So, you can’t see her, she… It has been killed by my own hands. And then without saying anything, I thought of something.”

Opening his mouth to ask,

“That means you’re just striking the ink painting smoke into the abyss, and you’re not sure if she’s really dead?”

Night listened to the moon look dim and shook his head,

“Although I didn’t personally confirm it afterwards, her heart had already been shattered by the seven-foot spirit.”

“And when she fell into the abyss, I had already noticed that her breath had completely dissipated…”

Hearing this answer,

Shi Wuyan did not continue to inquire, but did not agree,

Just silently waiting for the night to hear the moon continue to speak.

“After this battle, my mood became even more irritable.”

“I only wanted to kill all the remnants of the old Riji, but under the full force of the entire Sixteenth Guard,”

“None of them found any trace of their ruler’s arrogant Holtholis, as if he had been cured in the world.”

“However, in the old lair of the old Hiji, a strange altar was found, on which were placed two things that emitted strong fluctuations of breath.”

The tone of the night moon became low,

“That’s a devil’s finger and an angel’s wing.”

“The moment I saw them, an inexplicable palpitation arose in the depths of my heart.”

“There are even demonic whispers and angelic whispers in my ears, constantly persuading me to let go of God,”

A hint of fear appeared between the look of the moon at night,

“Just join them and become a believer in the gods, and you will gain infinite power.”

“After a moment of trance, I woke up to find that the subordinates around me seemed to have fallen into some kind of hallucination.”

“With a strange look and a confused expression, I immediately shot at them in a hurry, trying to destroy them.”

“But I didn’t expect that not only did I not destroy these two pieces of wreckage, but I attacked them at the moment.”

“Two different forces bounced on it at the same time, and they invaded my body in an instant.”

“Spiritual power is inherently a toxin for the extraordinary, let alone a power of this level.”

“I was immediately knocked out in pain, and when I woke up, I found that my appearance had changed dramatically.”

“I was nearly fifty years old that year, but I actually changed back to the appearance of Erwang Luo.”

Night listened to the moon laugh bitterly,

Then the good-looking eyebrows narrowed slightly,

“Looking at the concerns and strange looks of the people around me, I remembered.”

“During the time I fell into a coma, I seemed to hear a very ghostly voice in my head.”

“He told me that it was a curse and that it was two punishments for blasphemy.”

“Let me never grow old and fade, and witness the ugly nature of this world with an eternal life.”

Night listened to the moon and let out a sneer,

“Oh, although I may not be able to rival the power of their Buddha-figures, it is ridiculous that I am only two broken wreckage, and I want to try to control my thoughts!”

“After I briefly adapted to return to my youthful body, I immediately put both into the sealed container,”

“Then it was placed in the purgatory of the Sixteen Guards, the eighth layer was the finger, and the ninth layer was the feather.”

“I want them to stay there and watch, and I will argue to them in eternal years that evil can never win over good!”

Hearing this, I finally knew it without saying a word,

Why did the appearance of the night moon give him a very wonderful feeling, as if the temperament of a young girl and a beautiful woman was gathered on his body at the same time,

It turned out to be cursed by the devil,

He looked sideways at Lin Xinzhi beside him, obviously younger than the night listening to the moon,

Only seventy-two years old,

But the wrinkles and ravines on the face have long been covered with the vicissitudes of time. Is this really a curse and not a gift?

It seems that although this so-called god demon is strong, his brain is not very good.

Shi Wuyan made this conclusion in his mind. then

Without saying a word, he looked again at the night and listened to the moon,

“So twenty years ago, what happened to the disaster incident in which the old Japanese division invaded the headquarters of the Sixteenth Guard?”

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