Listen to the moon at night and think a little,

“They seem to want to take back the fingers of purgatory, but because of the events of fifty-two years ago,”

“Their strength has completely disappeared, and only three teachers have come to invade the headquarters.”

“The arrogant teacher Hollis, and the second greedy teacher and the lustful teacher.”

“Among them, the erotic teacher was killed on the spot, and the greedy teacher was arrested and imprisoned, which is also the Ralph in your mentality test.”

“But Holtlis escaped again after a face-to-face with me,”

“Although it was only a short fight, I could feel… His strength is several points stronger than the last time, and he seems to be constantly growing. ”

When I heard that this place was moving,

“Night Listening to the Moon, when you saw Holtlis fifty-two years ago and twenty years ago, did he look different?”

Lin Xinzhi was shocked,

Even if this boy calls himself an old man, why do he still call the general by his first name?

This has just calmly sat down to drink tea, and now the two people are going to have another fight! He hurried to look in the direction of the night and the moon,

I thought that no matter what, I wanted to persuade the general to come down this time, but I found that the other party did not have the slightest irritation, but instead looked at him with a look of shock and did not say anything, Lin Xinzhi was stunned at first.

What really happened between the two of them before,

How could the general not blame the unspoken transgression offense at all? Then he noticed another problem,

The general had not mentioned the specific details of Houghtlis at all, and how did he know that the other party’s appearance was different twice?!

“Fifty-two years ago he was the face of a middle-aged man, twenty years ago he was the face of a young man.”

Night listening to the moon eyes burning when not speaking,

“It’s a possession-like ability of his, but how did you know that?”

However, there is no answer,

He took a piece of sugar from his pocket and threw it in his mouth,

Then stretch out your slender fingers and place them on the stone table top with rhythmic gentle taps,

Making a regular clicking sound, the night listening moon is preparing to continue to ask,

But it was stopped by Lin Xinzhi’s eyes, he knew that he had a small habit of not saying anything,

Once a lot of brain power is used, it will be supplemented with sugar as it is now,

That is to say, he is now seriously thinking about something, and in a few moments,

The tapping sound of the fingers stops,

Ye Tingyue and Lin Xinzhi immediately looked in the direction of the unspoken time,

“I came here today, in fact, I have one thing I am going to tell you, but just after listening to you say this, I re-integrated the information and came up with a new guess.”

The two were stunned at first,

Then the silent look of the sight became solemn, and he put up a bony finger,

“First, the Six Guards of the Clan have the same conspiracy as in the old days.”

Lin Xinzhi’s brow furrowed,

“Don’t say it when the time comes, this kind of talk can not be said without a basis!”

Although he has always been tolerant of the unspoken nature,

However, he was extremely cautious in dealing with this kind of thing involving the stability of the Sixteenth Guard.

But instead of putting up the second finger without hurrying,

“Second, the old Japanese division will recently launch a more fierce offensive against us than the Battle of the Nest, and the Western Inquisitors may join forces with them, or perhaps play the role of the Yellow Sparrow after the war.”

Lin Xinzhi’s pupils shrank,

The old division and the punishment office are the sworn enemies of that bloodline, and the possibility of cooperation is too low.

But Shi Buyan’s serious expression now did not seem to be joking, and he was also a little shaken.

Without saying a word, he then stretched out a third finger,

“Thirdly, if I were them, the best time for this operation would be at the ceremony of my appointment as commander of the combat team,”

“Without saying a word, why do you…”

The night listening moon has just opened,

But when he saw it, he turned to himself with a smile on his face and slowly extended his fourth finger,

“Fourth, the purpose of this old day is not only to seize the sealed severed fingers in purgatory and resurrect their Lord,”

There should also be a purpose for your best friend ink painting click,

The tea cup in Ye Tingyue’s hand was crushed by her beautiful fingers, and her eyes were sharp as sharp arrows,

Look straight at it without saying a word,

“For her?! No way! She was dead, and I stabbed her heart with my own hands! ”

Of course, Shi Wuyi knew the other party’s feelings for ink painting and smoke, in the previous story,

This fearless general in a high position,

Unexpectedly, the name of the ink painting smoke was not mentioned once, but she was always used instead,

And has always stubbornly believed that the other party has completely died, do not know that it is confidence in their own strength,

Or to escape something……… Looking at the night moon with her lips tightly pursed,

Although Shi Buyan has some feelings in his heart, what he said in his mouth is still direct,

“You didn’t personally check if she was really dead, maybe she didn’t really die at all, but fell into a state of suspended animation.”


Night listening to the moon to open the argument,

But Shi WuXian immediately and mercilessly interrupted her words,

“Moreover, even if she was really dead at that time, you and I don’t know the power of the demon.”

“Whether they will have enough power to resurrect the ink painting smoke is unknown.”

“After all, she’s been the same for so many years… The only factory agent. ”

Listen to the moon at night,

The words that came to his lips were swallowed back by himself, and he ruled the sixteen guards for many years.

Her mind is not as willing as a child to believe her own point of view.

The possibility of what the night listened to the moon know that what he said was indeed there, but the few things he was talking about now,

Anything that was shocking to the Sixteen Guards, let alone the meaning of not saying anything when listening,

These few things will come together and happen in a few days,

Shi Bu looked at the shocked and disbelieving expressions on the faces of the two people around him, and laughed softly in his heart.

In fact, he still had a fifth speculation that he did not tell the two people, because in the end this speculation was really just speculation, and there was no evidence.

And it’s a little bizarre,

The characters involved are also only related to him and ink painting smoke, and have no actual connection with other people.

So he didn’t say it.

Now these four things are enough for them to be busy…

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