Elder Lin’s eyes flashed a trace of emotion and surprise, how many years the sixteen guards had not had such a grand event,

Before he himself did not expect that this scene would be so powerful, he first gently pressed down on the hand,

The surging sound of excitement below immediately became a little smaller, and then,

He said slowly,

“Everyone belongs to the Sixteenth Guard, and we all know that the third to ninth guards of the Sixteenth Guard are combat teams with seven captains.”

“But there may still be a majority of people who don’t know that there is actually a captain in these seven teams.”

This thing,

For most people, it is really just new, so they are quiet,

Listen carefully to Elder Lin’s speech.

“He is strong and has made a great contribution to the sixteenth,”

“But he fell in the battle fifty-two years ago, and it was the evil people who did nothing wrong in the old days who killed him!”

Someone in the crowd clenched their fists,

Hatred for the old Hiji appeared in his eyes,

“Although under the leadership of the admiral, we won that hard battle,”

“Almost all the scum of the old Japanese division was wiped out, and finally the peaceful life of these decades was obtained… But! ”

Elder Lin’s voice became indignant,

“In recent days, the dirty bugs hiding in the darkness have started to stir again,”

“They began to operate in the world, luring innocent people to death, creating one disaster after another,”

“Let people’s families be destroyed, but also let the soldiers of our sixteen guards die heroically”

“But they are not satisfied, and even recently planned a super-large disaster event that will affect the entire city of Kaiwon!”

“Not only did our friends and family be threatened with fear and death, but one of our former vice-captains was assimilated into an evil man,”

“And to lure the members of our spirit hunting team into the lair they have carefully set up for an ambush, in a vain attempt to kill them all!”

With the excitement of Lin Lao’s tone,

There are many people present who clench their fists deadly,

They knew that what Elder Lin was saying was exactly what he had just ended the battle of the Nest, and they were personally involved in it.

To this day, we still have a crush on those strange and cruel believers of the old days,

And those overwhelming white-rimmed butterflies harbor intense hatred and hatred.

“They thought that in this way they would be able to perfectly carry out their evil plan and completely destroy the backbone of our sixteen guards,”

“But they miscalculated, what they didn’t know was that our sixteenth guard had welcomed a young genius not long ago,”

“He is the seventh self-awakened person since the establishment of the Sixteen Guards, and he is also an extremely rare mysterious transcendent in the world!”

Seeing the smile on Lin Lao’s lips,

The eyes of the people began to emit light,

They think of the handsome figure of the white hair that comes to mind,

“When he had just awakened, he caused the vibration of space to step into the inner world in which we lived, which is the providence of the underworld and the destiny of the world.”

“With good intentions, when he had just entered the team for examination, he took the place of the sixteenth guard to punish Zhou Mingxiu, the former leader of the combat team.”

Jiang Yi’er in the audience softly read the name that was not spoken at the time, and an inexplicable look appeared on his face.

“Later, he defeated the then vice captain Xia Lotte, but in the face of the other party’s killing intentions, he thought of the overall situation, and took the other party’s life with moral complaints.”

Elder Lin’s words turned sharply,

“But! In the face of sin, he was not soft-hearted! ”

“First save a clerk and a member of our combat team on the banks of the North River, and hit two quasi-second-level evolutionists on the spot.”

Speaking of which,

Yang Xiantao, who joined the internal affairs team, and He Xunjiu on the stage both had a twinkle in their eyes, and infinite gratitude surged in their hearts.

If it is not in time to appear in time,

At that time, they probably did not know what kind of tragic consequences they would encounter.

“And at the outbreak of the Great War, he killed a first-level Chaos Spirit Twin of the Old Day Division in the same place!”

“And through his own careful observation, he traced the traces of the remnants of the old division,”

“In order not to affect more innocent people and not to impose a greater burden on our already badly depleted combat power at that time,”

“Without any hesitation, he resolutely chose to go deep into the nest full of unknowns and risks alone,”

“In the end, the teammates who will be surrounded by enemies will be rescued one by one!”

“There will also be thousands of enemies on the spot, including the two special priests of the old division, and all of them will be killed without a single one!”


All the members of the hunting spirit team under the field, as well as Lu Chengqi, Xiao Yueqing and others on the stage, all cast their eyes in the direction that was not said at the time, and a touch of admiration appeared under their eyes.

They will never forget,

The one who came down from the sky to save them from the water and fire.

“However, this young genius did not have the slightest pride in his talents, nor did he have the pride of merit,”

“On the contrary, it is more hard to exercise and hone our own real experience than most of us!”

“It is also because of this perseverance that he can enter purgatory without fear,”

“I spent three whole days with the old priest who could erode people’s hearts, just to further polish my mind.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Si Yu’s mouth,

She still remembers the unpretentious sincerity and warmth on her face when she saw her pupils,

That solid feeling of being truly accepted by someone has been deeply rooted in her heart ever since.

“And after coming out, he only rested for a few hours, and then responded to the call of the Sixteenth Guard again without any excuse.”

“Go to the western suburbs and save all the members of the combat team who have strayed into the enemy’s trap.”

“And in this battle, kill the two special priests of the old division again!”

Ling Siye’s eyes flashed,

Although her mouth is hard and soft, she really didn’t know it before,

Shi Wuyi actually came to the rescue of the terrible Ralph after three days of staying with the terrible Ralph, and almost no rest.

This made her look at the front without saying a word.

“This boy is not very old, only nineteen years old,”

“But it has a tenacious mind that countless people can’t match, and a terrifying strength that is incomparably strong!”

“Therefore, I believe that he has this qualification and this strength as the second captain of our sixteen guards in the fifty-second year of this fifty-two years!”

Elder Lin said here,

The voice has become as deaf as Hong Zhong Da Lu Zhen, and his eyes are no longer cloudy at this moment,

Instead, it shoots an amazing light like a sharp arrow!

“Do you have any objections to this decision?!”

The emotions of the people in the audience,

Has become incomparably surging in Elder Lin’s story,

Although there have always been unspoken deeds in private, today on such a solemn and formal occasion,

Listening to the sixteen guards’ high-ranking man Lin Lao himself said,

There are events that they didn’t know about before, which is a very different experience in their hearts, at this moment,

As Elder Lin’s voice fell,

The already agitated mood of the crowd seemed to have found a catharsis, and tens of thousands of people in the field looked excited at the same time and issued a cry in unison, a huge wave of hoarseness,

In an instant, it resounded throughout the entire Sixteenth Guard Headquarters!




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