When it is not said that I feel the grand situation of the people below,

The look becomes strange,

He looked at Elder Lin who was standing in front of him and said in his heart,

“You mean what you said!” When I entered the nest alone, you didn’t say that, and you said I was coming here!”

Although Elder Lin did not know that Shi Wuyan was complaining about himself at the moment, the actual situation was indeed the case.

He was a spiritual strong person who had already reached the special level, and he was also a superior person who had been in a high position in the Sixteen Guards for many years, and his control over people’s hearts was very powerful, and in the speech just now,

All his words have a subtle incendiary effect, just to make the hearts of everyone present swell, but now this deafening voice in the field,

But it made him, the guide, a little surprised in his heart, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

Originally in his expectation,

The emotions at this moment should not reach such a height,

Therefore, he was even ready to use his abilities at this time to give the crowd a little bit of spiritual guidance.

Looking at the fanatical expression on people’s faces, and the brilliance that bloomed in their eyes, Elder Lin trembled in his heart.

Suddenly a glimmer of enlightenment, he understood,

Now a welcoming on-site environment,

The main reason is not that he just made that speech, but the vast majority of people in the field,

In itself, it holds a strong respect and respect for the times without words! Elder Lin sighed in his heart,

Then he sorted out his expression and said again,

“For this extremely important moment, the supreme commander of our Sixteen Guards also made an exception to the scene,”

“Next, let’s welcome the sixteen founders, the admiral crowd was first delayed,”

Then more enthusiastic cheers and applause broke out, and then I saw a man dressed in plain clothes.

The young woman with the hairpin walked indifferently to the front of the stage,

“Hello everyone, I believe many people are meeting me for the first time, first of all, I am listening to the moon at night.”

The sound of the moon at night is not loud,

But all of a sudden, it spread throughout the room.

Looking at the woman with the smell of dust in front of the stage, many spectators in the audience were surprised.

Night Listening Moon almost does not participate in the affairs of the Sixteen Guards on weekdays, and has been staying in her courtyard located in the depths of the headquarters.

Even some of the captains of the Sixteenth Guard had only seen her once, let alone anyone else.

Therefore, most people at the first sight of her, from the bottom of their hearts to have a sense of shock and amazement, they know that the night moon is the founder of the sixteen guards,

So she has always been the default as an old man with a flower shell, but at this moment,

The night moon that appeared in front of them was so young and beautiful, how could they not be shocked?

And some of them were veterans of the two wars fifty-two years ago and twenty years ago.

At this moment, seeing the general who led them to repel the enemy again, it was also extremely excited and even the old tears on the spot.

I can’t stop feeling in my heart,

I really want to thank you when I don’t say anything, if it weren’t for his sake,

I am afraid that by virtue of their status and status,

In this life, I have never had the opportunity to see such a side of the general.

“What Captain Lin said just now, everyone heard it, and I won’t say more, and Ye Tingyue opened his mouth with a faint smile.”

“But I would like to add one thing, something that no one knows about the time.”

The eyes of the people lit up, and their hearts immediately became interested,

Even those tearful veterans opened their tearful eyes and hurried to look at the stage.

“It’s not just about the strength of the timeless is not just like Captain Lin said.”

“Although I don’t know how strong his strength really is, I can tell you one thing clearly…”

The face of the night listening moon became solemn,

“Two days ago, I had a simple conversation with Shi Zhiyi, and the result was… I couldn’t beat him. ”

There is no loss in the sound of the moon at night,

She was not worried that she would lose her glorious image in the hearts of all. The reason why she said this,

Just because she has acted brightly and honestly all her life, she has not fought or not,

I didn’t feel ashamed.

On the contrary, as the newly appointed captain of the combat team, she is now here to publicize this matter.

To be able to add a little prestige to him at the Sixteenth Guard. But

Although her expression is indifferent,

But this sentence sounded like thunder in the field, and all the people looked at the night and listened to the moon with a look of horror.

They wanted to make sure she was joking, but then they found out,

The look of the night moon did not change in the slightest, that is,

What she just said was true, and she really didn’t get over the times without saying it!

And not overcome… That is to say, in addition to a tie,

There is another, more astonishing possibility, which goes without saying that it is now possible to surpass the General!

The hearts of the people are uncertain at this moment,

Although they knew that there was no need for the general to deceive them, this conclusion was too unbelievable!

A teenager who was only nineteen years old and had set foot in the Extraordinary Realm for less than a month had reached the level of the Supreme Commander of the Sixteen Guards! And Lin Lao, who was standing not far behind the general,

His gaze also shrank sharply,

As the only person on the field who had a “simple meeting, his mood at the moment is more shocking than anyone’s.”

Elder Lin looked back fiercely and did not say anything, but he saw that the other party did not speak out to refute it, and his heart suddenly set off a terrifying wave, he thought that the time was not strong again,

It will not be stronger than the general,

After all, the general had already stepped into the realm of the special rank decades ago, and it was only after the general himself had inspected it.

Aborted the unspoken confrontation, but now it seems that this is not the case,

Elder Lin’s gaze still fell on Shi Wuyi’s body, and an extremely terrifying thought arose in his heart, could it be that from now on,

The strongest combat force of the Sixteenth Guard may no longer be the general,

Instead, he turned into the white-haired teenager in front of him! A ragged colt may make a good horse!

The master is the teacher!

“Well, I’ll just say that, and the rest of the time will be left to our protagonist today.”

Night Listening Moon is not very accustomed to this occasion, after saying what I just said,

After saying two simple words, he stopped speaking, turned his head and looked to his side.

However, he found that Lin Xinzhi was looking at the direction of the unspoken when he looked sluggishly.

She called softly, and Lin Xinzhi reacted,

Then gesture to play without saying a word. Shi WuXian nodded slightly,

Immediately in the eyes of everyone on the stage to the front of the stage, he looked at the stage at this moment because of his appearance,

And the atmosphere suddenly rose again,

The crowd whose cheers reached the peak of their madness,

Without saying a word,

He knew that with his last appearance,

Hotlis’s plan for today is about to begin,

“Thank you all for coming to my appointment ceremony today, I feel honored to have the support and consent of so many people.”

When the unspoken words fell, the voices in the field became quiet,

Everyone wants to see what the most important protagonist of the day is going to say next, but at this moment,

A very discordant voice suddenly sounded below, “I disagree! ”

Although the owner of this voice did not have enough strength to spread his voice to the entire set as he did when they did not say it, in the quiet field at this moment,

But it is also particularly abrupt and harsh.

Countless people immediately looked at each other with anger in their eyes, only to see that the other party was a thin girl.

The girl saw that all the people around her looked round and looked at themselves,

The body instinctively shrinks,

Then he did not know where the courage came from, straightened his back and said loudly,

“What are you looking at me for?!” I am saving you, I am saving our entire Sixteen Guards! ”


Her emotions were even more agitated,

Snapping his finger at the stand without saying a word,

“You don’t know, in fact, he is not an extraordinary, but an evolutionary of the old days, a traitor who has infiltrated the interior of our Sixteen Guards!”

The corners of his mouth appeared with a smile, “Oh ~ the heart of the divisive plan?” ”

But in the middle of the field,

With the girl’s words exiting,

There was an uproar in the crowd,

“Do you want to hear what you’re talking about?!”

“Did you even say that the captain was a traitor?” I see that the way you look like a thief is a spy! ”

“How do you talk like the Demon Sect leader?!”

“I see you’re just brain showing, talking nonsense here, demagoguery”

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