The audience’s hearts are full of anger at this moment,

Many of them did not say anything when they admired it greatly,

Even the small Han who got the unspoken signature of their entire field team is also here,

Listening to this girl who did not know where to say this, she did not say a word, and a strong dissatisfaction with the desecration of a respected person suddenly arose in her heart, and even some people directly held out their fists.

I wanted to beat this nonsense girl well, but just when the fist was about to touch her body, a weak repulsion gently pushed everyone away, and everyone was shocked.

Instinctively looking toward the stage, I saw that I held out my right hand without saying a word, and gently lifted it up,

The girl flew directly to the stage in a scream, although her body landed firmly on the ground,

But she still looked at the moment in front of her with some horror without saying a word,

“What do you want to do?” To kill people in front of so many people?! ”

There was wariness and fear in her eyes,

However, when he saw it, he reached out his hand and gently ticked it, and a microphone flew into his hand.

With a calm smile on his face, Shi Buyan handed the microphone to the girl,

“Your voice is too small so that everyone can hear it.”

“Introduce yourself to everyone first, and then say everything you have to say.”

The girl carefully took the microphone,

When I saw it, I really didn’t have any intention of doing anything to myself, just standing there smiling and looking at myself,

She just put her mind at ease, and after a cold snort,

Putting the microphone to his mouth and saying with an indignant face,

“My name is Dong Jiaojiao, I am an ordinary girl in the internal affairs team, and I am standing here today at the risk of the world, that is, I have reported an incident to the Heavenly Family.”

As she spoke, she pointed her hand hard at the side of the body without saying a word,

“You have all been deceived, this hero of your heart, in fact, his true identity is the evolutionary traitor of the old Hiji!”

The voice just dropped,

The noisy sound before the field immediately became quiet, and Dong Jiaojiao’s voice was too small before,

Not many people heard it,

But now that I have a microphone,

Her voice immediately spread throughout the room,

All the audience heard her speech clearly, pop!

I don’t know where an egg flew in, and it hit Dong Jiaojiao’s body with precision, and the viscous yolk egg white stuck to her body,

Let her let out an angry scream, and then,

More egg branches and gravel flew towards Dong Jiaojiao like snowflakes,

At the same time, there was also an angry roar in the middle of the field, “Get down!! ”

“Get out!!!”

However, the crowd found that those things they had smashed past actually stopped when they were about to approach Dong Jiaojiao, and then weakly landed on the ground in front of her.

When the time is not to put down the fingers,

It was he who stopped these objects with the gravitational force of the heavens, and saw the doubts in the eyes of the people,

He said lightly,

“Everyone calm down, the truth is never afraid of dissent, but the more debated the clearer”

“Since she said I was a traitor to the old Hiji, let’s listen to her story together.”

Although the people in the audience are still angry, but because of the unspoken frankness,

But he admired him even more. Seeing that the crowd in the audience was suddenly quiet, a hint of discoloration flashed in the eyes of the night listening moon, “A good truth is more and more discerning!” ”

When she heard the girl’s words in the audience,

I knew that the other party must be a pawn used by Holtlis to disturb people’s hearts, and originally wanted to kill her directly.

But I didn’t expect that when I didn’t say anything, I was generous enough to let the other party come up to the stage to argue with him.

Act in a bright and upright manner, and not afraid of rumors at all,

And this will not cause others to have a desire to cover up the idea, and the night listening to the moon is more and more appreciative of the time in her heart.

Dong Jiaojiao did not expect that Shi Wuyan would let her continue to speak, and also blocked the audience’s attack for her.

After her look changed several times, a sharp color flashed in her eyes,

“Have you ever thought that the speed of strength improvement is really too inhuman?”

“How long did it take you to go from level four to level three?” However, on the second day of awakening, Shi Wuxia directly killed a second-level chaotic spirit! ”

Seeing the dismissive opposition from the crowd,

Saying that she had never seen the genius feel jealous before saying these words, Dong Jiaojiao gritted her teeth and continued,

“Well, even if his speed to the second level is a genius, but what about the back?”

“He’s only nineteen years old now, he’s already at the level of the general’s strength, and every time he fights,”

“Whether it is facing a first-level chaotic spirit or a special level strongman, there is no slightest battle damage.”

“It’s a completely crushing posture, do you still think this talent is normal?”

She didn’t wait for the audience below to boo,

Speeding up the pace of speech, he continued,

“And according to the report, when the Battle of the Nest began,”

“During the day, the table world has been affected by countless disasters,”

“The unspoken strength is certainly known and can be easily solved”

“However, he still did not make an immediate shot, but in the evening, as soon as the spirit hunting team entered the nest, the Zatuan appeared.”

“Excuse me, do you think this is normal?!”

Then Dong Jiaojiao continued,

“Before that, when Shi Buyan killed the evolutionary Zhu Feiwen on the North River,”

“Obviously, his strength is far superior to the other party, but he did not kill the enemy immediately”

“On the contrary, it is like having fun, and in the end, Wang Duan Ji Bing cruelly bought Zhu Feiwen’s to pluck it up!”

“I ask you, don’t you think this kind of behavior is terrible?!”

Speaking of which,

Dong Jiaojiao’s slender eyes flashed a trace of essence,

She found that with her words,

The voices of doubt in the field have begun to gradually become smaller,

“In another disaster incident two days ago, although Shi Wuyan saved the Ling Captain of the Spirit Hunting Team Three,”

“But it is reported that the place where the two sides fought at that time was only the front of the abandoned factory.”

“But when the field staff went there, they found that the battle was over.”

“But the abandoned factory, which was not affected by the battle, was destroyed by the strangeness of the unbelief!”

“Folks, don’t you think it’s strange that he’s hiding something?!”

Seeing that the looks of the people in the audience began to change, Dong Jiaojiao said again,

“And in purgatory, Shi Buyan stayed with the former Greedy Priest of the Old Division, Ralph, for three full days,”

“The other side is a terrible existence that claims to feed on the human heart, but it has not been affected in the slightest.”

“Moreover, according to the news, the priest actually bowed down to the time without saying a word!”

“Excuse me, even so, do you really think he has nothing to do with the old Hiji?!”

There are some people in the crowd who are not determined, and they do not know too much when they do not speak,

Before it was just shouting with the people around her, now I heard Dong Jiaojiao’s words,

The mindset has begun to shift a little,

“Is the truth of the matter really as she said?” But Shi Wuyan had indeed killed countless Chaos Spirits and a few special priests of the Old Division? ”

Dong Jiaojiao looked at the looks of everyone in the audience,

The time has come for the secret path of joy in my heart,

Her face showed a strong color of indignation,

“Although Shi Buyan killed several Special-level Chaos Spirits, this was only an elaborate plan of their old division!”

“Don’t go into the tiger’s den to get the tiger? The death of those priests is exactly the name of the letter that has won our trust at the time! ”

“It is precisely because of this that Chef Unbelief was able to participate in the appointment of the Captain of the Battle Team today!”

“It’s to break into our interiors and crush us straight from within!”

Someone in the audience shouted loudly at this moment,

“You said so much, what about the evidence? Get the evidence out! ”

Dong Jiaojiao smiled,


“Everyone knows that the extraordinary power floating outside the body is blue, and the spiritual power floating outside the body is red.”

Dong Jiaojiao’s voice became strange, and then she turned sharply to face it without saying a word,

“The breath of his physical strength is red!” That’s the best proof! Shi Buyan is an evolver with spiritual powers! ”

“If you don’t believe it, let him let go of his breath and show it to the Heavenly Family!”

The pupils of the night moon suddenly froze,

The breath on the body faintly bubbled up,

At this moment, she really wanted to kill this woman directly,

Because the unusual force on Shi Wuyan’s body is indeed completely unexplainable!

But the next moment,

But her heart trembled suddenly,

Without hesitation, he chuckled softly, “Good, dead.” ”

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