Originally, because of Dong Jiaojiao’s words before,

The crowd of some commotion in the field suddenly fell silent,

Everyone’s eyes are wide open when they don’t say anything, and when they don’t say anything, they first reach out their hands to stop it.

Lu Chengqi and Xiao Yueqing, who had already gotten up at the same time and walked in their own direction, immediately took two steps forward with calm faces.

Came to the very edge of the stands,

So that the audience can see more clearly, and then,

With the drumming of his breath,

The very special spell force in his body appeared on the surface of his body and immediately expanded.

Dark red energy instantly and unabashedly soared into the sky! That breath is very different from the supernatural power,

At this moment, it is extremely conspicuous in the eyes of everyone! The crowd was first captured by this great force.

The irrepressible instinct of fear made them take a few steps backwards, and then,

A sound of inhaling cool air sounded in the middle of the field,

“Red? Is he really an evolutionary lurking in the Sixteen Guards?! ”

“Why is that?! Is that girl telling the truth?! ”

“Appearance and behavior can deceive people, but this represents the red spiritual power of the Chaos Spirit will not deceive people!”

“Damn Chaos Spirits, go and die!”

“If Dong Jiaojiao hadn’t stood up today with the determination to die, we wouldn’t have known how long we would have been deceived by this bastard!”

“Roll down from the stands, you old scum!”

Voices of exclamation and swearing began to sound in different places in the field, although there were only a few people at first.

But this malevolent sound is like a virus, and in the instant it appears, it quickly surged towards the surroundings, quickly covering the square.

The quiet crowd instantly became chaotic,

Some of the members of the Sixteen Guards who had been constantly supporting the screams and did not say their names,

At this moment began to waver,

They don’t want to believe this fact.

But under such obvious evidence, they simply cannot find a reason to argue, these neutral people,

They were also pushed and shoved by the angry crowd, constantly rushing towards the stand where the time was silent.

Storm the security line made up of members of the patrol guard! Dadada,

Several footsteps sounded at the side of the silent body,

Xiao Yueqing, Lu Chengqi and He Xunjiu had already walked to the side of Shi Wuyi, and even Ling Siye had come here.

They don’t know what’s going on today.

But under this public opinion,

But they still stood firmly at the side of Shi Wu, and they did not say a word,


Just standing there,

It is already the best support for the right time!

“Without saying a word, what are you going to do next?”

The voices of Elder Lin and Ye Tingyue sounded in the hearts of Shi Wuyi, this was during their courtyard meeting two days ago,

The plan that has been decided, at this ceremony,

Shi Wuyi will be happy with Elder Lin,

Let them build a spiritual chain through Lin Lao’s spiritual power, which is convenient for barrier-free communication at any time.

Without saying a word, he looked at the crowd under the stage that was easily instigated by incitement words,

A hint of indifference flashed in his eyes,

“It seems that the current life is still too comfortable, so that the overall quality of the sixteen guards does not look very good,”

“After this incident, I suggest that all the sixteen guards be re-examined psychologically.”

“For example, it is very good to put them all in purgatory and hone their minds for a few days.”

Shi Wuyi opened his mouth in the spiritual chain,

He is not a good man in the universal sense, looking at the words and deeds of those people at this moment,

Although sin does not lead to death,

But it also made a hint of disgust rise in his heart, and Lin Xinzhi and Ye Tingyue were stagnant at the same time.

They all know where purgatory is, and if they throw people in,

If you don’t get it right, you’ll be driven crazy!

But now the performance of the people in the field is indeed disappointing them, just when Elder Lin is ready to open his mouth to persuade without speaking,

Another voice suddenly erupted from the crowd,

“Fart! The vice captain could not be the old man! ”

“At that time, in the nest, as long as he arrived a little late, we would all be eaten by those damn miscellaneous pieces!”

“If it weren’t for the fact that it didn’t happen in the first place, how could that disaster have ended completely?”

“Those of you who have not fought with Vice Captain Shi are not qualified to question him at all!”

“Although Vice Captain Shi behaves uniquely on weekdays, we all know that he is not a good man!”

“Have you forgotten who killed the remnants of the old days?” You ungrateful fellows! ”

Among these people who support the unspoken at the time,

There is the leader of the patrol guard who was rescued at Yanqiu Mountain, and there are also the members of the spirit hunting team who were saved by Shi Wuxian in front of the Battle of the Nest and the abandoned factory.

There are also the members of the internal affairs team who are in the same group as Yang Fantao,

And some of the Sixteen Guardsmen who had been in contact with Shi Wuzi, their faces showed more intense anger than others, or grief or resolutely stood in front of the cordon.

With your own body,

Blocking these already crazy players, but their number is still too small,

When he was about to be overwhelmed by the crazy crowd, a faint voice sounded above the stands,

“All spirits carry spiritual power to a greater or lesser extent, even if they are not used as an attack,”

“This kind of spiritual power is also a toxin with a certain degree of harm to ordinary people, and it is equally harmful to those who are transcendent and Xinzai.”

Shi WuXian looked at the crowd in the audience indifferently,

Although he does not release any ability to the audience at the moment,

But his calm tone calmed the chaotic crowd a little.

“Now that you say this, so what?!”

Someone questioned aloud, “If I say that what is in my body is not spiritual power, no one will believe it.” ”

A faint smile appeared on the lips of the unspoken time,

“Since you like evidence so much, I’ll just let you see it.”


He turned his head to look at Dong Jiaojiao beside him,

Dong Jiaojiao had been secretly observing the unspoken reaction before, and saw that he saw the crowd of riots without any fear.

I was already shocked in my heart,

Now I am a little hairy by this indifferent smile of the time, and my body begins to shrink back unceasingly,

But when he saw the silent hand, he moved slightly,

A powerful gravitational force appeared in front of him, and the whole person instantly came to the front of the silent body, and the next moment,

Without saying a word, the spell force in his body flowed down Dong Jiaojiao’s arm, pouring into it one after another!

“Killed!!! The old days are going to kill people!!! ”

Dong Jiaojiao’s heart was horrified at this moment,

The mouth kept screaming madly,

“What are you going to do?! Let her go! ”

“When you inject spiritual power directly into the body of an extraordinary person, you are simply murdering.”

“It’s crazy! Without saying a word, in broad daylight, are you going to kill people in public!!! ”

Someone in the audience screamed and reprimanded,

But with the continuous influx of the unspoken spell, the voice under the field gradually calmed down,

Shock began to appear in their eyes, because they found that

After being injected into the body by that red energy,

Dong Jiaojiao not only did not have any symptoms of poisoning discomfort, but some of the previous dull skin began to become rosy.

Even her “scream” became more neutral! At this time,”

The doubts in the audience have completely subsided,

All the people looked at the stage with a shocked face, and when they didn’t say whether what was in their bodies was poison,

And an antidote?!…

Dong Jiaojiao also gradually discovered that something was wrong at this time, and her shouting stopped.

Looking at the shocked look of the people in the audience looking at themselves, and then looking at the time with a playful smile, the other party’s look,

As if she had known that things would become like this, her look became flustered,

“Don’t believe her, this is…”

“All right…”

When he interrupted her without saying a word,

When the spell power enters the body of the transcendent person without any effect, it is actually realized that it has been realized for a long time.

Because the “buttons” and “elevators” that can only be used with extraordinary power are not said to be injected with spell power before,

The discovery is also usable, and in the first two days,

Shi Wuyan in order to confirm the effect of mantra on the extraordinary,

Even at night, a very small amount of mantra force was injected into Lu Chengqi’s body, which was originally prepared to quickly locate and squeeze out of the body through the observation power of the six eyes as soon as there was something wrong.

It turned out that Lu Chengqi did not have any discomfort.

On the contrary, all aspects of the body have improved slightly, which makes Shi Wuyi feel a little surprised.

It also gave birth to this scene today,

Looking at Dong Jiaojiao still wanted to say something, Shi Wuyi’s head was slightly back,

“Ruquan, you’re in trouble.”

As his voice fell,

A woman wearing a white doctor’s coat with rimless glasses and a cigarette in her mouth,

Came from the captain’s seat on the side,

This is the captain of the 10th Guard Medical Ambulance Team of the Sixteenth Guard, Su Ru

Is a thirty-one-year-old spiritual first-class extraordinary…

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