She has been busy with rescue work and medical research on weekdays, and she can hardly see the shadow.

Even Shi Buyan today is the first time to see her, just two days ago,

In that courtyard meeting,

Elder Lin had already looked at the list of all the personnel in the management positions of the Sixteen Guards without saying a word.

And the amazing memory that goes without saying a word, although it is only a simple look,

But I also remembered the information of all the people on the list.

“It’s up to you.”

Shi WuXian smiled faintly at her,

Su Ruquan reached out and pulled the lilac hair that fell from his ear, and put away his face because he was called by name,

And the strange look revealed, two days ago,

She was originally doing research in the medical rescue team, but she was suddenly summoned by Elder Lin.

Not only did I see the general who did not show people easily,

Moreover, she was instructed to cooperate unconditionally for several days, which made her feel extremely frightened when she was confused.

“Time is not to say, it is better to hear than to see.”

She took a deep look without saying a word,

Then he walked over to Dong Jiaojiao, who had a frightened look on his face, “You… What are you doing? ”

Dong Jiaojiao began to step back down,

But he was pulled by Su Ruquan,

Then he pressed his other hand on the top of Dong Jiaojiao’s head, and the next moment,

A wisp of light blue extraordinary power flowed out of her hand and penetrated into Dong Jiaojiao’s body.

Although the latter has been struggling,

But in Su Ruquan’s hands, he couldn’t move at all, not long after,

Su Ruquan put his hand away,

Spit out a puff of smoke and look downstage,

“There are no signs of poisoning in her body, and all aspects of her body perform even better than ordinary people.”

There was a noise in the crowd, they all knew Su Ruquan,

Knowing that she is a person who never lies on medical issues, especially some people who have been treated by Su Ruquan,

At this moment, the mood is extremely excited,

“Captain Su said so, that must be true!”

“And just now you see Dong Jiaojiao’s state, she is completely alive and kicking.”

“I just said she was a liar!” You have also wronged the vice captain! ”

Listen to the noise of the audience,

Dong Jiaojiao’s face, which was originally a dead gray face, suddenly appeared a very deep color of resentment, and she rushed to the front of the stage.

Growling with all his might,

“You don’t know, there was a person with an equally amazing talent, who was a sixteen guards.”

“But in the end, he divorced us and joined the old company!”

“Although she was finally beheaded by the Admiral at the Abyss of Hell, she almost destroyed the entire Sixteen Guards!!!”

“And this woman named Ink Painting Smoke, the breath on her body is exactly the same as that of Shi Wuyi!!!”

Having said that,

She looked mad and triumphant, without saying a word, and her face showed an expression of determination to win.

Words come out,

All the people became quiet, and their looks became a little incredulous,

But before they could react, they heard a burst of laughter.

“Only the old qualified people of fifty-two years ago will know about ink painting and smoke, and I see that you are only thirty years old now, so how do you know?”

Dong Jiaojiao’s look was stagnant,

She did not expect to ask this question without saying a word, and at the moment she seemed a little underconfident,

“I’m listening to the older generation…”

Shi Wuyi interrupted her words with a soft laugh, and then the tone was frozen,

“Not to mention, the ink painting smoke was finally cut down in the extreme abyss, this is the top secret!” Before that, only a few people in this world of sixteen guards and the people of the old day would know! ”

When approaching each other without saying a word,

“Are you ready to tell me now that this is what people have heard?!”

Dong Jiaojiao’s eyes turned wildly,

Cold sweat oozed from his forehead, “I…”

Without saying a word, he spoke sharply again,

“I see that you are the one sent by the old Japanese priest to demagogue people’s minds!”

Dong Jiaojiao’s body trembled,

The defense line in her heart completely collapsed at this moment, and she screamed and screamed madly,

However, Shi Wuquan was not moved, and turned to look in the direction of Su Ruquan, who looked solemn at the moment.

She walked into Dong Jiaojiao, who had fallen into madness, and gently spat out a puff of smoke at her.

When the smoke touched Dong Jiaojiao’s face, her eyes immediately became confused and sluggish, which was Su Ruquan’s spiritual ability.

Can put people who inhale smoke into a hypnotic state!

However, the recipient needs to take the initiative to open the heart or there is a loophole in the psychological defense line.

And this is also the purpose of Shi Buyan’s just stepping forward, “Are you a member of the Sixteenth Guard Internal Affairs Team?” ”

Su Ruquan asked, “Yes.” ”

Dong Jiaojiao replied with a sluggish look,

“What is your purpose in coming here today?”

“Attend the unspoken appointment ceremony, frame him as an evolutionary, and disturb people’s minds,”

Immediately there was an uproar in the field,

The eyes of countless people showed shock, and they looked at Dong Jiaojiao on the stage with resentment.

Su Ruquan reached down and pressed down, so that the voice subsided, and then continued to slowly ask,

“Then who instructed you to do this?”

“It’s the old days…”

Speaking of which,

Dong Jiaojiao’s expression suddenly appeared a strong color of struggle, as if something was organizing her to say it.

“The ruler… Suddenly…… Special…”

Before the words were finished, Dong Jiaojiao’s face suddenly twisted,

An extremely strong black gas emanated from her body, and the next moment,

Black blood oozed from her eyes,

As soon as the whole body was crooked, it fell straight down,

Su Ruquan immediately checked it out, and then shook his head at Shi Wuyi,

“Already dead, it seems that a vicious prohibition has been planted in the body, and as soon as a certain word is said, it will be triggered immediately.”

Shi WuXian nodded,

Then I saw Elder Lin walk to the front of the stage,

“Everyone has seen how vicious the remnants of the old days are!

How versatile, I hope that everyone can reflect on their performance today. ”

Although Dong Jiaojiao’s words were not finished,

But everyone had heard her previous words and understood the real reason for this noise,

Thinking that when he was framed, he did not use force to suppress it,

On the contrary, it guides them step by step to see the truth, this kind of high human demeanor,

Let their faces appear with deep shame, and they dare not look up without saying a word.

“So now there is no objection to Shi Buyan becoming the captain of the team?”

Elder Lin asked with a smile,

The crowd immediately responded enthusiastically, shouting their unspoken names,

As if this can make your heart feel better,

At this moment, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, before that,

The reason why he strongly released the spell power in his body had another purpose,

Just to see if anyone in the field would behave strangely, and as he expected,

At that time, there were indeed several people with strange looks, and they were also the first people to question later.

And now,

Under the gaze of the six eyes hidden behind the blindfold, these people have been hidden in the noisy crowd,

He was looking twisted and groping for something on his body!

“Oh, are there any other actions besides the counter-mesh?”

Shi WuXian chuckled…

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