
A young man cursed in a low voice, in their previous plan,

Originally, Dong Jiaojiao should have made a demagogic speech on the stage, and they scattered under the stage to advise Dong Jiaojiao.

inciting a crowd,

This is bound to make people’s hearts unstable,

Moreover, they could not kill Dong Jiaojiao directly when she did not finish speaking.

That will not only not stop their divisive plan, but will make people more suspicious of the identity of the unspoken time, the effect that has just begun is still good.

With the cooperation of both parties,

It has made a large part of the crowd turn to the side that does not say when questioning and when Dong Jiaojiao points out the red breath in her body,

This sense of atmosphere has reached its peak, but it is calculated,

But it didn’t count at all.

Shi Wuyan actually directly injected the breath in his body into Dong Jiaojiao’s body and used spiritual power to poison the extraordinary.

Coupled with the personal verification of Su Ruquan, the captain of the medical rescue team of the Sixteenth Guard, the statement that there was spiritual power in the body was completely broken.

Listening to the sound of the “Captain Shi” constantly cheering in the field, the young man was simply angry!

But then a sinister sneer appeared on his face, worthy of Lord Holtlis of the old days,

I had anticipated this scene before and formulated a Plan B for them!

He looked through the gap between the crowds,

Without a trace, he looked at another man not far away, and at the moment when the two sides looked at each other,

A cold light flashed in their eyes, and then,

He put his hand into his arms,

Pull out a small glass jar, and then open it violently, and in a flash,

A black thing rose from the inside, and the young man sneered with a twisted face,

“Time goes without saying, even if you attach great importance to today’s ceremony,”

“Specially appointed personnel were arranged to inspect the headquarters gate, and metal detector doors were also arranged to detect bombs.”

“But you must not have thought that all this had already been expected by Lord Holtholis!”

Only to see that with his movements, in the vast square,

There are a dozen clumps of black things,

Take off from all the different locations of the crowd at the same time!

“What is this?!”

Someone let out an exclamation,

He wanted to reach out and touch the black mist,

But at the moment when his fingers were about to touch, the mist suddenly emitted a strong humming sound, and then it was like a living creature.

Spread out at breakneck speed and pounce straight into the crowd! The young man saw the situation,

The look becomes pleasant and distorted,

Because he released a special chaotic spirit with a strong toxin, although they were only some low-level mosquito bees that were less than level four,

But under the transformation of Holtlis, at the cost of sacrificing their lives, they were given a special toxin,

As long as it enters the human body, it will immediately put people into a state of powerlessness for three hours.

Seeing because of the appearance of poisonous insects,

And the crowd of people who looked frightened and chaotic, the young man laughed madly, just the next moment,

And his laughter came to an abrupt end,

Because he heard Shi Wuyi on the stage and said softly, “Let’s do it.” ”

The next moment,

Accompanied by a dull stumbling sound,

A strong breath suddenly erupted on the stage,

A visible cyclone suddenly appeared above the man’s head,

All the poisonous insects in his area did not even come and pounce on the crowd

It was pulled in the direction of the grandstand by the powerful suction force of the cyclone!

A squealing voice sounded, “Great whirlwind! ”

With the voice,

A woman with almond hair suddenly jumped up from the stage, and her palm with a black fist sleeve was pulled forward.

The sphere that had gathered countless poisonous insects was held in her arms, and the crowd in front of her suddenly dispersed.

Only to see the woman jump high in mid-air, with a tiptoe up and head down posture, rapidly rotating her body,

Even this rotational force will attract the surrounding air,

Around her body, a wind tornado was visible to the naked eye! Boom,

The woman fell to the ground,

The ground was suddenly smashed out of a deep crater, and the poisonous insect sphere she had embraced before,

Also in this huge rotation and fall, the body was all squeezed out,

Turned into a corpse clinging to the surface of that deep pit!

“Captain Tang!”

Someone in the crowd exclaimed,

But I saw the woman brush her shoulder-length short hair, and looked at the person who spoke with displeasure,

“You are our field team, and if you shout at a small thing, you will simply lose face in front of other teams!”

“After this mission, all of you will have doubled your workout intensity in the future!”

She is the captain of the 15th Guard Field Team of the 16th Guard, Tang Wanwan, a twenty-seven-year-old first-class supernatural of the Department of Physical Arts.

“This old woman is still like this, grumpy and grumpy.”

Looking at Tang Wanwan’s performance,

On the stage came the voice of another young woman, her left hand propped on one side of her cheek,

The right hand is slightly lazily raised slightly,

In her hand at the moment, she was holding a short stick of pure black about thirty centimeters, and the short rod was raised with her wrist.

In front of her in front of her in the air outlined a very neat circle, and then she clicked twice out of thin air on the lower left side of the circle.

Thin lips slightly opened, “Skunk Speed! ”

“Royal Swallow Wind!”

The next moment,

With the dazzling blue light that blooms above the circle,

A silver-gray scythe and a blue-and-white swallow emerged out of the circle!

Then the skunk turned into a shadow,

With great speed, he rushed towards the poisonous insects chasing the crowd, and his sharp claws crossed each time,

Will wipe out dozens of poisonous insects!

And the royal swallow flew above the remaining poisonous insect swarms in the field, and its palm-sized wings fanned in the air.

However, it set off a fierce wind that was completely disproportionate to its body, blowing all the poisonous insect swarms under it in the direction of the sickle! The claws of the skunk bring up a trail of shadows,

Quickly slaughter thousands of poisonous insect swarms! The young woman raised the short rod again,

A little bit in the air and then a stroke down, “Close.” ”

The scythe and the royal swallow turned into a puff of white smoke and dissipated in the field.

She looked at Tang Wanwan under the field and laughed softly,

“See, what is elegance?”

“Yan Muqing, don’t think that you are only twenty-three years old, and the old lady will not dare to beat you!”

Yan Muqing snapped his own black snarl,

Looking angrily at the woman sitting on the stage,

Yan Muqing, a special powerful person of the summoning system,

Also the captain of the fourteenth back technology development team in the sixteenth guard, she is a chronic sub-woman who likes elegance,

So every time I see Tang Wanwan, who has a grumpy personality,

Her poisonous tongue attribute will make her can’t help but target the other party twice. And the man who released the poisonous insect swarm under the stage,

At this moment, he was in no mood to appreciate the two beautiful women’s mouths, and he watched for less than a minute,

The scene of the situation being reversed again, and the color of panic appeared on the face,

“Why are they moving so fast, as if they were prepared, his body is hidden in the crowd,”

He began to retreat silently, trying to sneak away from the scene in the chaos, but he had just taken two steps back.

I heard the silent voice on the stage again, “Just leave one.” ”

A dark shadow flashed out from behind him,

Then there was a riot in different parts of the crowd, which was where his allies were.

Just when he didn’t know why, he only heard a pop,

Not far ahead of him,

After a black shadow flashed in front of a woman, she immediately fell to the ground,

The woman’s expression was frightened and desperately covered her throat, but the blood was tears flowing from between her fingers, and she seemed to want to say something.

The mouth keeps opening and closing,

But the deep wound in her throat made it impossible for her to speak, and the next moment,

As soon as her hands were loose, she died completely!

The young man finally understood what had just happened,

Someone cut their throats with great speed,

Let them not make any sound until they die! The man’s look was horrified,

No longer able to hide his whereabouts, his body moved and he wanted to turn around,

Get out of here as fast as he can, but his footsteps have just moved,

Then he found a cold chill coming from his neck, and he immediately stopped his figure.

I didn’t dare to make the slightest movement.

“Come all coming, don’t be in such a hurry to leave the celery.”

Luo Ruxuan, dressed up,

A faint smile appeared between the eyebrows,

Holding a dagger glowing with cold light, he looked at the man…

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