The man’s back instantly oozed fine cold sweat,

Extremely shocked and frightened,

He knew that Luo Ruxuan, as a first-level supernatural in the physical arts department, had always been known for his body skills and speed.

But I didn’t expect it to be so fast!

After the dagger killed a dozen of them,

But because of the extremely fast speed, there was not a single trace of blood sticking! The man looked at the corpses of his colleagues in the field,

And Tang Wanwan, who walked in front of her, knew that the trend had gone at this time,

No longer holding any hidden hope for his identity, he swallowed hard,

“Our plan was absolutely not leaked, how on earth did you know?”

“It’s not something you should know!”

Tang Wanwan shouted,

But the afterglow of her eyes was looking towards the position on the stage, and her mind at the moment was also with a hint of shock.

Just before the appointment ceremony began, before she took the stage,

Elder Lin told her what might happen today through the spiritual chain, and asked her to obey the unspoken arrangements for the next time.

But she didn’t expect that.

Shi Wuyan actually saw through the other party’s actions and informed her before the poisonous insect swarm was released, let alone thought of it,

Except for her,

Yan Muqing and Luo Ruxuan also obeyed his commands! Tang Wanwan was a little frightened,

Before that, she did not believe that the old Japanese division dared to launch an attack on the headquarters of the sixteenth guard when all the staff arrived.

But what happened at this moment made her have to believe,

And the one who had never met before, without saying a word, would know his abilities clearly! Under his black blindfold,

How to see through people’s hearts hidden in the dark?! The man keenly noticed Tang Wanwan’s afterglow change,

And he followed her gaze,

Seeing that Shi Wuyan was looking at himself with a smile, the man suddenly remembered that before these captains acted, those two instructions were issued by Shi Wuyi!

The man’s heart suddenly set off a terrifying wave, is all these things,

Are they all self-evident plans?

The reason why their poisonous insect swarm was just released was quickly suppressed by the two captains.

The teammates were killed one by one by Luo Ruxuan,

I myself am also controlled here,

All this stuff is commanded in secret?! But how did he know his side?

Will you execute the plan at headquarters today?! The silent figure flashes,

From the stage to the front of the man in an instant, the surrounding has been surrounded,

The crowd of people who spat at the man immediately stopped,

“How did you know about our plans and deployment?!”

The man’s eyes rolled round,

When he looked at the person standing in front of him, he did not say a word, and when he did not say a word, he smiled softly,

“Now it’s not you asking me, it’s me asking you, understand?”

The man’s face showed a fierce color,

“Think again! I know I can’t live anymore, anyway, it’s all dead, it’s better to have a backbone than to die! ”

When not to say a word of laughter,

Then he looked at Su Ruquan, who came with him, and Su Ruquan took out a needle from the doctor’s coat.

It was filled with half a tube of red liquid left and right, and she gently pushed it,

Then a liquid was left from the position of the pillow needle, and the man smelled the smell scattered in the air,

The face suddenly changed,

At the same time, when he saw it, he smiled and said,

“What I have in my body is not spiritual power, but what is inside is the true spiritual power extracted from the chaotic spirits.”

“As a pure transcendent, you should know what the consequences of this kind of thing entering the body will be, right?”

The man’s expression changed several times,

After all, it did not suppress the fear in the depths of the heart,

“What do you want to ask? I’ll tell you everything I know! ”

Without saying a word,

“Is this your backbone?”

The man bowed his head and did not speak,

Although Shi Buyan knew the answer in his heart, he still asked,

“When I saw you, I knew that you did not have any spiritual breath in your body, and that you were pure transcendents.”

“So, I’m curious, what did you choose to betray the Sixteenth Guard for?”

The man was silent for a moment,

Then a burst of laughter came from his mouth, and his eyes became resentful.

“Why?! The purpose of our joining the Sixteen Guardians is to get its huge rewards! ”

“As long as you join the Sixteen Guards and become an extraordinary, you can get tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands a month, which is something we can’t believe in the watch world!”

“But in the Sixteen Guards, I had to risk dealing with disasters in order to get paid, and it was too tiring.”

“Anyway, it’s all for money, so I might as well join the old Japanese division, not only don’t have to restrain myself at all, but I can give more!”

“And as long as today’s events are successful, I will be able to completely join the glorious evolutionary of the old days of Seichiren!”

The man’s look became mad,

But the emotional he did not find at all, as he spoke,

A thick black gas emanated from his body, and the faces of the people who were watching changed their faces.

They knew that this black qi was the evil thought after it had been eroded by the old Hiji, and the eyes of the man were full of contempt and resentment.

Before that, because of Dong Jiaojiao’s words, there were some scattered people’s hearts,

At this time, they are united again,

A smile flashed on Shi Wu’s face that no one could detect, which was the purpose of his leaving the man to ask this question.

The outside must first be at home, and the great war is coming,

Once the people’s hearts are broken, then the offensive against the old Japanese division will definitely be greatly reduced.

And the best way to unite people’s hearts at this time is to erect a common and powerful enemy for them.

Let them throw all their resentment on the old days. Luo Ruxuan did not say a word when he saw it,

Then he asked the man,

“What else do you have for today, besides that?”

The man smiled,

“Having said all this, I might as well tell you, Hotlis… Big…… People…”

Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly widened,

Hands desperately covering his neck, just between breaths,

His whole head exploded! Without saying a word,

Release gravity to gather all the blood that bursts out, so that they don’t splash everywhere,

He looked indifferently at the headless male corpse that had fallen in front of him, “It seems that it has been planted again.” ”

“Unfortunately, he is dead, and I don’t know what the evil people of the old days will do next.”

Luo Ruxuan sighed and looked a little sorry.

“It doesn’t matter, even if he says it, it is very likely that it is also a false plan.”

“The old Hiji’s people wouldn’t be stupid enough to tell him the real plan and tell him about this level of servants.”

“Then next…”

Luo Ruxuan said doubtfully,

“They specifically chose the day of today’s appointment ceremony, one to disturb people’s hearts, and the other to release poisonous insects to try to weaken our inherent power,”

The tone of the silence seems very calm,

“If they had followed their original plan, the field would have been filled with trepidation and endless suspicion,”

“And there are also many people who have toxins in their bodies, and their combat strength has been greatly reduced.”

“Although we have stopped this situation now, they are not aware of the change that is happening in the field now, and they should still think that we have been recruited.”

“If I were them, then the third step should be taken at this moment.”


Tang Wanwan stepped forward, “Riot. ”

Say these two words without saying a word. And just as his voice fell,

As if to confirm his judgment, a sharp and sharp alarm suddenly sounded! then

Second sound! Third sound! Suddenly

Countless sirens connected and resounded throughout the plaza!

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