Listen to the deafening sirens,

The faces of all the people in the field immediately changed dramatically, “What’s going on?!” ”

“Why are the sirens going off so much at the same time?!”

“Is it the old dog bastards who are doing something again?!”

“The sky is stained red with red siren lights!” How many disasters have occurred at the same time this time!!! ”

The crowd was buzzing,

Everyone became extremely panicked,

This was the first time they had encountered this situation since they entered the Sixteenth Guard, and at this time,

A few cracking noises suddenly sounded from above their heads, and the crowd immediately looked at them,

Only to see that the general, Elder Lin, and the captain and vice captain on the stage had already come to them.

Standing on the side of the silent body,

At this time, all the captains and vice captains of the Sixteenth Guard gathered here, looking solemnly at the communicator in his hand.

“This is the Table World Kaihara Bridge! A large number of beast chaos spirits have appeared nearby! ”

“They blocked the entire bridge, and at least hundreds of ordinary humans were besieged on the bridge!”

“And the number of Chaos Spirits is still exploding, and now it has reached at least a thousand!” Request immediate support from the headquarters!!! ”

A rapid and panicked voice sounded in the messenger, and after a silent response, he hung up the communication.

The next second, another voice sounded in the communicator,

“This is the business center of the watch world! There are a lot of criminals in the subway station! ”

“Their eyes are red, and black gas is emanating from them!”

“Suspected to be the Evolver of the Old Hiji!” The people in our division are at war with each other,”

“However, the other side has a large number of people, and the minimum combat power known so far is the second-level Chaos Spirit!”

“Up to now, the number of casualties between us and the ordinary people has reached at least hundreds!”

“Their combat power is really too strong!” We can’t hold on! Request immediate support from the headquarters!!! ”


Another panicked voice came from the communicator.

“This is the Nambu Branch of the Table World Kaihara City! I just received a report from someone.”

“A cruise ship that went out to sea from Ishizhao Port in ten minutes was taken hostage! The cruise ship is full of high-level people from the world of Haiyuan City.”

“We were alerted as soon as we received the report, but all the boats sent out were about to approach the cruise ship,”

“Cut in half by unknown forces!” All five rescue ships are like this! ”

“This incident is suspected to be the work of a high-level Chaos Spirit, and I request the immediate support of the headquarters!!”

There is no intention of concealing the alarm,

So at this moment all the people around are holding their breath.

Nervously listening to the call for help in the communicator,

“This is the West District of Haiyuan City, and a large number of Chaos Spirit invasions have been discovered!” Request Support”

“This is the eastern district of Haiyuan City, and there is a crime incident that belongs to the same day as the old days, please help the staff to help you!”

“This is the grazing area of the Inner World, and for some reason, a large number of Order Spirits that are grazing have suddenly rioted on a large scale!”

“Dozens of herders have been killed and injured! Request support from the headquarters! ”

Countless sirens sounded one after another, and it took two minutes and twenty-seven seconds,

It took no time to listen to all the communications,

And the people present are looking at each other without saying a word, and their hearts are full of endless shock,

It’s really like the time goes without saying, riot!

An outright riot!

How could I know the plans of the old company in advance?! It’s like a demon!

This thought came to the minds of all at the same time,

But then the mood became extremely low, and the panic in my heart spontaneously appeared.

Even make some people’s legs tremble uncontrollably! They heard all the communications completely, and in their minds,

Almost no disaster event has ever been so huge as this one!

Haiyuan Bridge in the northern district, the commercial center subway station in the first ring area, the Shizhao Port in the southern district, and the western and eastern districts,

It can be said that the entire table world of Kaiwon City at the same time, a large-scale disaster event occurred!

Even the grazing areas of the Inner World have rioted with the Spirit of Order,

That’s a docile and orderly spirit that even ordinary people can graze as long as they wear protective clothing!

Countless people wailed in their hearts,

In their view, what is happening now is beyond the scope of disaster events,

It is an annihilation event that will destroy the entire city of Kaiwon! Not to mention,

Right at the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters where they were,

There had just been a riot orchestrated by the evildoers of the old days, and if it hadn’t been for the fact that they had seen through their plans,

Let several captains prepare in advance,

Then kill those traitors with lightning speed, and the situation will be even more difficult now!

At this moment,

It’s not just those ordinary Sixteenth Guard members who are dead hearted,

Even some captains and vice captains inevitably felt a little desperate in their hearts if the information just now was true.

Then there are at least thousands or even tens of thousands of chaos spirits in the whole world now!

And all the fighting forces in the entire Sixteen Guards add up to only one or two thousand people, two thousand to ten thousand?

How are they going to fight this battle?! And in the subway station of the commercial center,

There are also an unknown number of evolutionaries who are at least level two!

Even some of the vice-captains in the Sixteen Guards did not reach the level of the second level! Who can beat it?!

Not to mention that they simply don’t know.

Are the few remaining special priests of the old division lurking somewhere now, just waiting for their rescue to arrive?

Just jump out of some dark corner, stab them in the back, and sweep everyone away!

This battle between the Sixteen Guards and the old Hiji,

Not only is there a huge disparity in the number of combat forces at the middle and low levels, but even the number of high-level strong people is so big that they can hardly see any hope.

In the face of this almost desperate situation,

Even Elder Lin’s face looked a little dark at this time, although he had not said anything before listening,

It is very likely that the old Japanese division will launch their final general attack today, but they did not expect that this offensive would be so fierce!

Even more than the great war of fifty-two years ago! Night listening to the moon felt the heavy atmosphere of the field that was about to overflow with water, and her face was extremely solemn,

Subconsciously set his eyes on the side of the body of Shi Wuyi…

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