Night Listening Moon had thought that the time was not to say that since he had predicted the actions of the old Japanese division,

Then there will certainly be anticipation and corresponding planning for this situation, but it is found that he has not made the slightest move.

Instead, he looked at himself calmly, as if he was waiting for himself to make arrangements, and the eyebrows of the night listening to the moon were slightly frowned, and that’s it,

Even if the other party is meticulous and powerful, he is only a nineteen-year-old teenager after all.

In the face of this situation that can be called war, the gaze of listening to the moon at night, which is also normal to be undecided, has become firm.

There is a faint breath of conquest on the body,

While others can have no hope in this battle, she can’t,

Because she is the supreme commander of the entire Sixteen Guards,

It is also the guardian of the world in the surface of Haiyuan City for a hundred years! Her right hand was outstretched, and a faint blue light appeared on it,

The seven-foot flame with the red tassel on the tip of the gun appeared in her hand,

Night Listening Moon stomped the ground with a spear in his hand, making a dull sound

The extraordinary power on her body also suddenly burst out, and the powerful breath soared into the sky, and she watched the eyes of everyone fall on her body.

“You and I are all members of the Sixteen Guards, and it is our mission and duty to defend our homeland.”

“From the moment you stepped into the Sixteenth Guard, you have received honor and respect”

“While you represent the justice of the world, you also have an unshirkable responsibility on your shoulders!”

“Eliminating evil and eliminating evil is the duty that all of us should do,”

“Instead of choosing to back down when evil comes and innocent lives are threatened!”

Night’s eyes were sharp as arrows, scanning everyone in front of him, “The Sixteen Guards all obey orders!” ”

“Si Yu, the captain of the prison team, and Luo Ruxuan, the captain of the intelligence team, led the vice captain and his subordinates to the Haiyuan Bridge to provide support!”

“The enemy forces in the commercial and trade center are the largest, and Xiao Yueqing, captain of the first hunting team, Lu Chengqi, captain of the hunting spirit second team, Ling Siye, captain of the third hunting team, and Chai An, captain of the internal affairs team, led their respective vice captains and subordinates to the commercial and trade Chenxin subway station to support the warmth!”

“Yan Muqing, the leader of the technology development team, and Tang Wanwan, the captain of the field team, led their respective vice captains and subordinates to Shizhao Port for support!”

“Wen Chengye, the captain of the patrol and the captain of the reserve 1234 team, went to the west and east and west to provide support, respectively!”

“Su Ruquan, the leader of the medical rescue team, stayed in the world, suppressed the riots in the grazing area, and kept in touch, ready to support and rescue other teams!”

“Act now!”

As the words of the night moon fell, the captains around them looked solemn and immediately whispered a salute.


Then, as soon as the figure moves, it is ready to go,

But their footsteps only took a few steps, and then they stopped again, and they found their subordinates in the field.

At this moment, there was no half way to move with the captains, and the huge crowd was so still there without any movement.

Nightingale walked up to a man with a gun and asked in a loud voice, “Are you going to disobey?” Why not act?! ”

The man’s body trembled a little, dodging the gaze of the night moon, “Admiral, I think… Exit the Sixteen Guards. ”

“What do you say?!”

Listening to the moon at night,

The man seems to have given birth to a nameless courage,

“I want to quit the Sixteenth Guard!” You have all heard that the old offensive with this time is stronger! ”

“If I go out with Captain Tang, I will definitely be sent to death!”

“General, let me go, I’m only in my twenties, I don’t want to die!”

The man’s face looked even more frightened,

Seeing his captain Tang Wanwan walking toward him with a bad face,

His heart was so fierce that he directly began to turn around and flee in the direction of the entrance to the square! And what he said and the act of fleeing overwhelmed the psychological defense line of the rest of the people.

“I’m sorry Captain! I don’t want to die either! ”

“I’m quitting the Sixteenth Guard too!”

Countless voices rang out,

In addition to the members of the Spirit Hunting Team and the Battle Team,

Almost everyone began to flee in the direction of the entrance to the square! Listen to the moon at night,

A strong anger and disappointment rose in my heart,

Previously, it was not said that the psychological quality of the members of this year’s Sixteenth Guard was not good, and they should all carry out psychological anti-stress exercises.

In fact, she has some disapproval in her heart, thinking that it is too fussy to say things.

But at this moment, looking at such deserters who had already collapsed before they had even entered the battlefield, she was a person who did not say anything when she sighed!

Just when she was about to forcibly stop these deserters, she found that the figure next to her flashed,

The next moment,

The silent figure had appeared at the front of the deserters. Syllable!

A crisp slap sounded,

The whole fleeing crowd immediately stopped,

All eyes were on the silent body of the man who stood in front of them. Without saying a word, he looked at the man who was slapped to the ground by himself,

He covered his face with a look of horror,

“Captain Shi, let me go, I really don’t want to die!”

Shi Buyan originally did not intend to shoot before,

If the enemy comes to attack, then fight back,

Such a simple thing does not have to be arranged by him at all, so let the night listen to the moon to deploy the battle,

Shi WuXian first glanced at the deserters in front of him, and then looked at the man on the ground and laughed.

“Don’t want to die? Do you think I want to die? Or is there one of those here who wants to die? ”

The man first stagnated, and then replied in a stubborn tone,

“As long as I don’t fight them, I can survive and not die!”

A ridiculous feeling arose in my heart,

“You think that the people of the old days will give you a game of people not to offend me and I will not offend, this kind of rule that only decent servants will follow?”

“Think about what just happened before your eyes, you didn’t attack the traitors,”

“But they have taken the initiative to release the poisonous insect swarm, and they will not care about your lives at all.”

The man’s face struggled,

“But the strength of the old Hiji is so strong, we have no hope of fighting with them!” It’s sending you to death! ”

Without saying a word, he looked up at the crowd,

“The extraordinary power of the transcendent is an extremely delicious food for the Chaos Spirit,”

“If you choose not to fight at this moment, then wait until the old days invade the world.”

“As transcendents, you will inevitably become the delicacy of their mouths.”

“You can escape from here now, but in the end you can’t escape death, just sooner or later.”

“And when this world falls completely, your parents, wives, and daughters, and grandchildren will be just like you, and they will also be reduced to the rations of chaos.”

When I say this, I don’t say a word,

“But if you choose to fight now, there may be a possibility of survival.”

“Every time you kill a Chaos Spirit, you have one more point of hope in life.”

“You fight for your own life, not beg for alms from others!”

“And as long as we win this war, then your current behavior will not be mentioned,”

“You will be heroes who defend the world and be admired by future generations…”

The unspoken look seemed a little solemn,

“In this unavoidable war, only by doing our best can there be hope for life to the death.”

Without saying a word, he opened his body sideways,

Exposing the exit of the square blocked by him,

“Having said that, if you still want to quit the Sixteenth Guard and leave here, then I won’t stop you.”

However, the crowd was now as if it were stationary, standing in the same place

The man’s eyes were confused and kept muttering,

“To die… Born to Die…”

His eyes grew brighter and brighter, suddenly,

He got up from the ground, dropped his coat on the ground, and spit fiercely,

“Ma, labor and capital fought with that group of bastards!!!”

His words were like a fuse, igniting the blood of the crowd,

“Labor is a man, even if it is death, the wife who cannot labor will change the rations of the original breeders!”

“Dry dry!! Labor and capital do not believe that evil can win over righteousness?! ”

“Kill one without loss, kill two is to earn!”

“Bastards of the old days, wash your necks and wait for Grandpa to love you!”

Countless people stared and shouted, and walked towards their respective captains,

Night Listening Moon looked at the time not far away with wide eyes, and a trace of disbelief appeared in his expression,

“Just a few words, so simple to convince the deserters?” The prestige of the unspoken is higher than mine? ”

Elder Lin shook his head,

“It’s not simple, there is a big fear between life and death, and human beings shrink back in the face of death is an innate instinct.”

“General, you have been in a cage for a long time, and you don’t know the hearts of the world’s people.”

“Shi Wuxian first put himself in the same position as everyone else, close the distance, and then show the cruelty of the old days,”

“Let everyone understand that the only way to escape is death, and then throw out the safety of their families and the honor of future generations,”

“Finally, it is said that only fighting can have a glimmer of life, so that all the panic in the hearts of the people can be transformed into the motivation to survive.”

Elder Lin looked at it without saying a word,

Let out an extremely complex sigh,

“At a young age, he has such a mind and a wisdom that can see through people’s hearts, and the old man is ashamed of himself!”

Not much time,

All the personnel in the square had already gone to fight under the leadership of the captain, and Elder Lin and Ye Tingyue came to the front of the silent body,

When the night listens to the burning eyes of the moon, do not say a word,

“Even this kind of desertion situation, you have expected it before, right?”

When you don’t smile but don’t answer,

Night listening to the moon suddenly thought of something, frowning,

“Without saying a word, didn’t you say that Wang Xingwei’s painting was so detailed?” May you start now? ”

The voice just dropped,

A siren suddenly sounded again among the three people,

“Elder Lin! The monitoring room has been invaded! Suspected Evolvers! ”

The voice of Mo Jingming, deputy captain of the patrol guard, came anxiously from the communicator

“They seem to have some purpose…”

At this point, he suddenly stopped talking,

Only a quiet and rapid breathing sound was left in the communicator, as if his whereabouts had been discovered.

The next moment,

A terrible scream came, and the communication was suddenly interrupted! Elder Lin’s face was extremely anxious,

But when he found out, he was still calm,

“Without saying a word, what’s going on?”

Ye Tingyue also looked solemnly, only to see that the corners of his mouth were smiling, and he said softly,

“Aren’t you just talking about the traitors, and isn’t that the beginning of the action?”

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