Kaihara City Watch World, North District.

Luo Ruxuan has led the team to the vicinity of the Haiyuan Bridge,

She took out the communicator to report to Elder Lin that she had arrived, but found that there was only a rustling sound in the communicator, and a trace of essence flashed under her black-frame lenses.

“It seems that the spy has already started operations at headquarters, and the communication equipment has been destroyed,”

Si Yu on the side opened his mouth and answered,

“I don’t know who that person is, but I should have been caught without saying a word.”

After signaling her men behind her to stop advancing, she continued,

“I’m curious that even you, the captain of the intelligence team, didn’t even notice it, so would he like to detect that fine existence?”

“Yeah, I’d like to know, I’ll have to ask him when this war is over,”

Luo Ruxuan said softly,

In her heart, she also admired Shi Shu Shu,

When the traitors were creating chaos in the square before, she who specialized in intelligence did not even find out in advance.

After waiting until the time was to tell her without saying a word, she realized it later,

In addition to the shock in her heart at that time, she also felt a little ashamed,

Luo Ruxuan turned his mind back to the current battlefield,

“Since the communication equipment is broken, we cannot wait for the command of the headquarters and can only rely on ourselves.”

Si Yu nodded,

“Then it’s up to you to direct me, I’ve been managing prisoners in purgatory and I’m not fit to do this kind of thing.”

Luo Ruxuan snorted,

Then his face became solemn, and he seriously looked at the situation in front of him.

They stopped now in the middle of a grove, a few hundred meters in front of the line.

It is the Haiyuan Bridge, which is more than 3,000 meters long and spans the great river,

And near the bridge are countless chaotic spirits,

After communicating with the members of the Sixteenth Guard Division in charge of this area, Luo Ruxuan now learned that the information was,

Although it is not known the specific number of people trapped on the bridge, it is seen from the situation of the stopped vehicles.

There are probably hundreds of people stuck in the way, even if they stay here.

You can faintly hear the cries for help and cries coming from the bridge, and the chaotic spirits visible near the bridge,

There are at least hundreds,

Coupled with the unknown number of Chaos Spirits on the bridge deck, the number of enemies may be nearly a thousand!

And the team they lead,

But a hundred or so people,

If you attack them directly, although you can indeed defeat them,

But it may endanger the lives of the people trapped on the bridge, and now the situation on all sides is tight,

This will also make them delay a lot of time here, Luo Ruxuan thought for a moment,

“Captain Division, the Chaos Spirit outside the bridge should be the most, and there should be less on the bridge deck,”

“Our current location is in the south, and the Haiyuan Bridge is in the north,”

“You led some of the people to go out first and lure the chaotic spirits near the bridge to the east,”

“Then I led the rest of the team to the bridge to rescue the besiegers.”

“Once the operation is successful, I will fire a signal flare, and when you see it, evacuate immediately and go south to meet us.”

Si Yu nodded,

Although she knew that her actions would be much more dangerous, but did not say anything,

Without any hesitation, he agreed to come down, because compared to the first-level Luo Ruxuan,

The safety factor of her performing this task is obviously higher,

And now the most important thing is to rescue innocent people from the hands of the Chaos Spirits, “Captain Division.”

Si Yu just got up, but was stopped by Luo Ruxuan,

Only to see Luo Ruxuan’s look extremely serious,

“According to common sense, low-level chaotic spirits cannot be intelligent,”

“They are now blocking humans on bridges, trapped and not killed, which is extremely abnormal,”

“I guess there must be higher-level Chaos Spirits here, and even the priests of the Old Day Division are manipulating them behind the scenes,”

“Captain Division, you must be heartwarming.”

Si Yu was a little surprised,

In the Sixteen Guards, she has been stationed in Purgatory,

Luo Ruxuan is the Haiyuan TV station in the table world almost all the time, collecting and processing various intelligence.

This is the first time that the two people have carried out the action together, and they did not expect that Luo Ruxuan would even care about her.

This made Si Yu have some good feelings for Luo Ruxuan,

“Rest assured, Captain Lowe, I’m not necessarily slower than you.”

Si Yu revealed a feminine smile,

Then he led the team out of the woods,

She first led the team members to move hundreds of meters to the east, some distance from Luo Ruxuan’s position.

Only then ordered a member of the team behind him,

Shoot at the Chaos Spirits in front of you,

Fired a shot at the nearest wolf-like Chaos Spirit, Bang!

A wolf chaos spirit closest to them fell to the ground,

The deafening gunfire immediately attracted the attention of the Chaos Spirit Group, the Chaos Spirit Group on the outermost side of the bridge,

Start moving toward where they are, “Drive again! ”

Si Yu frowned, and continued to order, after several shots,

With the fall of several chaotic spirits,

The commotion caused by this time made the chaotic spirits close to the bridge also begin to rush towards them.

“Captain, all the Chaos Spirits outside the bridge have come!”

Some team members shouted loudly, but Si Yu’s brow was still tightly frowned,

“Go first and evacuate to the east!”

Words aside,

Her body glowed with light blue transcendent power,

As soon as the figure flashed, it came directly to the sling of the bridge hundreds of meters away, and the next moment,

Her lips tightened, though she wore a purple blindfold,

But you can feel it through the breath, on the bridge deck below her,

At this moment, there are at least a thousand or more chaotic spirits! This is actually the place where the Chaos Spirit gathers the most!

If she had just left directly with the Chaos Spirit on the outside of the bridge, then Luo Ruxuan, who came in later,

The rescue operation must encounter great resistance, and Si Yu originally wanted to come here.

Killing a part of the Chaos Spirit at a very fast speed is more convenient for Luo Ruxuan’s rescue later,

But now it seems,

This scheme is no longer feasible, although as currently seen,

All of them were some third- and fourth-level low-level chaos spirits, but if the outside chaos spirits were added together, the number would reach a terrifying nearly three thousand giants!

Even if she and Luo Ruxuan, who was a special grade, joined forces, she could not resist such a huge number.

Because even if they can kill hundreds or thousands, they will eventually be exhausted.

And swallowed up by the spiritual tide,

It’s just that Si Yu’s face at this moment has no fear, facing the chaotic spirit group below,

She didn’t have any hesitation,

The extraordinary power in his body suddenly exploded! This breath for the Chaos Spirit,

Although it is not as deadly as the unspoken spell, it has a fatal attraction,

But it was also an instant that attracted the attention of most of the chaotic spirits, and one after another roared roars sounded,

Feeling their sudden restless breath, the corners of Si Yu’s mouth cocked,

“If you want to eat me, follow me!”

Having said that,

The figure flashed again,

appeared on the plain outside the Kaiwon Bridge, at this time,

Luo Ruxuan, who was hiding in the woods, looked very nervous, and when she just saw Si Yu enter the bridge, her heart was fiercely lifted.

“Is this woman crazy?” Didn’t you say that it was good to lure away the Chaos Spirit? What does she want to do?! ”

Just when she was planning to lead her men to support despite the previously arranged plan,

But suddenly I felt a faint vibration coming from the ground,

Then I saw Si Yu’s purple figure appear outside the bridge again, running rapidly towards the east.

And behind her,

There was a billowing smoke and dust, Luo Ruxuan stared at it, his face changed suddenly, only to see in the smoke,

It was a black oppressive chaotic spirit group! Just a coarse filtration estimate,

At least a thousand or more!

The ground shaking caused by their running in unison even reached Luo Ruxuan hundreds of meters away! Luo Ruxuan immediately couldn’t help but exclaim in a low voice, “This woman really doesn’t want to die!” ”

And then she reacted again,

The group of chaotic spirits that Si Yu had led away were exactly the ones who had originally stayed on the bridge! Other words

Her previous judgment was wrong,

If it were not for Si Yu’s sudden move to enter it, then they who immediately entered it,

They will encounter more than a thousand chaotic spirits unexpectedly! Luo Ruxuan’s heart beat wildly,

The next moment,

She bit her lip tightly, and the pain that came from it,

Let her heart be forcibly calmed, above the battlefield,

The biggest taboo is panic,

Now what she needs most is calm, and she knows very well in her heart that Si Yu is doing this for the purpose of this.

Just to lure away some more Chaos Spirits on the bridge, so that their next rescue operation,

It’s smoother.

Luo Ruxuan no longer had any hesitation, after taking a deep breath,

Immediately got up and shook towards the Haiyuan Bridge,

“All of them, immediately launch a rescue operation, it is bound to rescue all trapped people!”

There were now only scattered chaotic spirits left there, Luo Ruxuan clenched his silver teeth,

She must not let Si Yubai risk his life!

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