“Thank you, thank you!”

“You guys are really good people!”

A man whose body trembled a little because of fear,

After being rescued, she gratefully thanked Luo Ruxuan and them,

“It’s all right, this is what our sixteenth guards should do, you should get out of here quickly.”

Luo Ruxuan politely replied, and a sudden cold flash in his eyes,

With a dagger, she slashed the throat of a cat spirit that attacked her from behind, and then,

She yelled at the team members around her, “Move faster! ”

The trapped masses on the bridge deck,

At this moment, it has been almost rescued,

The man just now was already the last survivor they had found,

The troops led by Luo Ruxuan,

Except for some people from the local Sixteenth Guard Division, almost all of them were members of her intelligence team.

The body is inherently very fast,

Coupled with Luo Ruxuan’s constant urging, just a few minutes of time,

Just kill the few Chaos Spirits on the bridge deck, and complete this rescue operation of hundreds of people,

Luo Ruxuan let out a breath,

And then I took out the flares and released them.

She glanced up at the red flares that exploded in the sky, ready to join them.

Then she subconsciously looked around again,

Except for a few bodies on the bridge deck that had died long ago, there was no trace of any other human beings.

In terms of the current results alone,

This was an excellent rescue operation, but Luo Ruxuan’s heart never relaxed, because there were too few people dead here!

Yes, too few people die!

Humans are a delicious food for the Chaos Spirits,

Watching the unresisting human being standing in front of him, but not choosing to eat him,

It’s like someone saying to my sister that I’m just holding you and definitely won’t move.

It’s all chicken talk.

And the Chaos Spirit Group of nearly three thousand giants,

All invariably repressed their own nature, in such a long time trapped on the bridge, hundreds of celebrities,

Only a few people died,

It’s really weird! Come to think of it,

Luo Ruxuan’s face suddenly changed,

She remembered that just when she looked up at the signal flare, the afterglow in the corner of her eyes seemed to see something else! Call!

A sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded from overhead, and Luo Ruxuan jumped towards the rear when he was standing,

The next moment,

Then she saw a black shadow fall in the air in front of her, falling to a car in front of her.


It was a tooth-aching creaking sound,

The roof of that car was directly squeezed by a powerful force and collapsed instantly!

Luo Ruxuan’s pupils shrank and he saw only in front of her,

Standing is a giant ape about two meters tall! At this moment, Luo Ruxuan remembered,

Just now this giant ape must be hiding on the suspension of the bridge, and the strange thing she saw,

It’s that black tail!

Luo Ruxuan looked wary and threw the dagger in front of him, “Are you manipulating the Chaos Spirit Group here?” ”

Although the other party was obviously also a chaotic spirit, Luo Ruxuan had already felt it.

The other party is at least a first-level chaos spirit, and the high-level chaos spirit has wisdom and can understand people’s words.

But the giant ape didn’t seem to hear Luo Ruxuan’s words, and its tail moved.

A small car weighing a ton is easily rolled up by it,

Then he threw it towards the back of Luo Ruxuan, and several screams suddenly sounded,

Luo Ruxuan looked back,

Only to see several trapped people and teammates hit and pressed under the heavy car,

Life and death do not know!

Luo Ruxuan’s eyes glowed with a cold light, and she looked at the moment when her mouth was cracking,

Showing a humane mocking smile in front of his own giant ape,

“Even if you can understand human speech, but animals are still animals!”

The voice has not fallen,

Her figure has turned into a remnant in place, and when it reappears,

Her whole body had already come to the giant ape’s body, and then the dagger in her hand glowed with the cold light of Sensen, and stabbed at the giant ape’s eye position! And yet at this very moment,

Luo Ruxuan saw a disdainful smile on the face of the giant ape, and her face changed.

Immediately forcibly interrupt the offensive,

Blocking your hands to your left side, almost at the same time,

The great ape’s arm hit her arm, and a powerful force suddenly came,

In an instant, Luo Ruxuan was knocked out, and Luo Ruxuan’s figure rolled twice in the air.

After unloading part of the force, she fell to the ground, and she stood up,

Rubbing his somewhat tingling arms,

Looking at the ape in front of her with a very solemn look, she just wanted to use her speed advantage to directly pierce the brain of the other party.

But I didn’t think about it,

Although this beast did not react, it was not afraid of death,

Directly gave up the defense and chose to exchange life for life!

If it had just punched it, you wouldn’t have to block it with your arm.

Let the fist hit you directly, then you will absolutely be shattered to death by the internal organs! suddenly

Luo Ruxuan’s pupils shrank again,

Only to see that the giant ape at this moment rolled its tail, directly from the ground to pick up a long sword,

Then hold it in your hand, and its posture of holding the sword is not a normal posture,

Instead, he posed as if Luo Ruxuan was holding a dagger, holding a sword in his back!

This beast is learning from itself?! Luo Ruxuan was shocked,

Immediately her heart changed her battle plan very quickly, and her figure disappeared again.

Turning into a series of shadows that surrounded the entire body of the giant ape, her movements were extremely fast and light,

Each shot target is a different position on the giant ape’s body, Luo Ruxuan’s shot purpose this time,

I don’t want to hit a fatal blow, so that my flaws are too big,

I’m afraid it will be the same as the previous result,

She took another kind of battle this time, and made many rapid shots,

You can cut off the skin of the great ape,

Let the other party cause a lot of blood loss because of too many wounds, and they will not show too many flaws,

But as Luo Ruxuan kept shooting, she felt more and more frightened.

Because as she scratched more and more scars on the giant ape, the speed of the giant ape’s sword defense became faster and faster,

The force is also getting bigger and bigger,

You can even hear the faint sound of breaking the air,

The number of wounds on the opponent’s body is not enough to be fatal, but as long as you are hit by it once,

Then it will definitely be at least a serious injury! Luo Ruxuan was a little frightened,

When I first started using the sword,

Its movements still seem a little clumsy, and now it has some power!

This beast’s ability to learn is so amazing?! Luo Ruxuan suddenly realized at this moment,

It’s definitely not an ordinary level,

It’s a Chaos Spirit that is about to touch the threshold of the Grand Grade! Whoops!

A metal collision sounded, Luo Ruxuan was careless,

The dagger was struck by the long sword wielded by the giant ape,

Immediately he was thrown out of her hand, and the huge force made Luo Ruxuan retreat one after another.

Even her tiger’s mouth shook a little cracked! The giant ape looked at Luo Ruxuan in front of him,

A triumphant smile appeared on his face,

It did not care about the bleeding wounds on its own body, and the long sword swung violently,

Directly towards Luo Ruxuan’s head! Luo Ruxuan’s face changed, and he was about to dodge,

But he heard a roaring sound, and the momentum of breaking the air roared!

A black chain appeared in front of Luo Ruxuan’s eyes,

In an instant, the giant ape’s sword-holding arm was tightly bound, allowing the long sword to hang above Luo Ruxuan’s head.

But he couldn’t drop half a point again! Luo Ruxuan looked sideways,

I saw a long-haired purple haired Si Yu standing on the railing of the bridge with one hand crossed at the waist,

Looking at himself with a smile and groaning,

“Captain Luo, your signal flares are really timely.”

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