Not so long ago,

Si Yuzheng and his subordinates led thousands of chaotic spirits behind them to a narrow path.

Suddenly she heard the sound of a signal bomb in the sky, so she immediately shouted,


At the same time, two metal fences several meters high were erected at both ends of the Standing Time Road, blocking all the chaotic spirits behind them.

This is the ambush they have set up here,

Although the fence could not completely resist the impact of these thousands of chaotic spirits, it could only trap them for about ten minutes.

But this time is also enough for the sixteen guards to lead the besieged masses to evacuate safely,

Seeing that the operation here had come to an end, Si Yu headed towards the bridge again, and she remembered that Luo Ruxuan had told her that there was a high-level chaotic spirit here.

Although her explosive speed is not as fast as Luo Ruxuan’s, the average speed of long-distance movement,

But it is better than Luo Ruxuan,

She was a little worried that something would happen to Luo Ruxuan, and when she was about to approach the bridge,

Si Yu suddenly sensed the battle between the giant ape on the bridge and Luo Ruxuan, and immediately accelerated again.

In an instant, he came to the top of the bridge, and when the giant ape’s sword was about to split,

Tie its arm with the chain in your hand, “Be careful, this guy has a lot of power!” ”

Luo Ruxuan had already dodged to the other side and shouted at Si Yu worriedly,

The voice has not fallen,

But he saw that the face of the giant ape appeared angry, and the muscles of his arm swelled up and pulled to the side, and he pulled Si Yu’s entire body over.

And its left fist slammed in the direction of Si Yu! But Si Yu was in front of the fist wind that came over him,

There was no look of panic on her face, only to see her body moving in the air, like a water snake twisting her waist, after a beautiful turn,

The whole person rode directly to the shoulder of the giant ape, and the great ape’s heart was shocked,

I wanted to grab Si Yu down with my hand, but Si Yu was extremely fast.

The chain in his hand wrapped around the neck of the great ape, and then when the great ape’s hand was about to catch her,

The boots stomped on the back of the giant ape,

He used his strength to avoid the palm of the giant ape’s hand and came into mid-air, and then he waved his hands, accompanied by a roaring sound,

The short swords at both ends of the chain were deeply inserted into the cement bridge deck, and the chain was instantly straightened.

Strangle the giant ape’s throat to death!

The pain of not being able to breathe made the giant ape instinctively want to roar, but it could only make a “ho-ho breath-holding sound, and it threw the sword in its hand to the ground.”

The body kept struggling, and at the same time both hands pulled into the chains,

Trying to rip it off his own neck,

The chains that jumped straight were pulled by the power of the giant ape, but the short sword at the end remained motionless.

“Your strength is indeed great, but my extraordinary power is attached to the short sword.”

“It’s not so easy to be ripped off by a fool like you who only uses brute force,” Si Yu chuckled,”

Then he walked over to the long sword that had been thrown out by the giant ape, and the boots stepped on the hilt of the sword with slight force,

The long sword rose in the air with the sound of the clanging,

Si Yu stretched out his white palm and slapped forward, and the long sword suddenly cut through the air,

Stabbed because pulling the chain,

And the heart of the great ape without the slightest defense. Just listening to the pop, the long sword entered the body, and blood instantly burst out! The giant ape’s movements then froze, and the hands that were still pulling just now also hung down weakly,

Luo Ruxuan saw the corpse of the giant ape that slammed to the ground as Si Yu withdrew the chain,

“Just died?”

Her beautiful eyes rolled round,

Just now, I had a hard fight with this beast, but I saw Si Yu swaying in front of her,

There is a hint of pride in his expression,

“Although I can feel that this guy’s strength is great, it should be almost to the special level,”

“But even if its strength is strong, the first level is only one level after all, and I am a special level.”

Luo Ruxuan was a little embarrassed,

Looking at Si Yu with a strange face,

“Although this is our first time working together, I have to say that the tone of your speech reminds me of a person.”


“Don’t you think you looked very similar to him when you first spoke?”

“Much like that?”


Listening to Luo Ruxuan’s playful tone,

Si Yu’s heart somehow rose a burst of joy, and she subconsciously turned around,

Worried about being seen by the careful Luo Ruxuan,

“The operator behind the Chaos Spirit Swarm is dead, so let’s go.”

Although Luo Ruxuan still vaguely felt that something was wrong in his heart,

But they also kept up with Si Yu’s pace, but when they had just taken a few steps,

But I heard a sudden sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind me, and the second daughter suddenly turned back,

Only to see a middle-aged man with short hair appear in front of them, the man is tall, with his hands on his chest,

He had a faint smile on his face,

“The captain of the Sixteenth Guard, the strength is really good.”

Although it sounds like praising the two,

But the man’s tone and expression are extremely proud,

Luo Ruxuan was shocked, “Who are you?!” ”

The man had obviously been hiding on the suspension rope above, but neither she nor Si Yu had noticed his presence.

This technique of concealing the breath,

It needs extremely strong strength as a support, if this man has sneaked in in the previous battle,

Then there will be a great probability of success, but look at his expression,

It seems that they are not taken seriously at all.

I don’t think I can defeat them effortlessly without sneaking attacks! Other words……

Luo Ruxuan’s look changed suddenly,

“You are one of the remaining teachers of the old division!” Are you angry or jealous?! ”

A glimmer of essence flashed in the man’s eyes,

“Oh, I’ve read your information, and you’re Luo Ruxuan, the captain of the intelligence team.”

“Sure enough, Ice is smart, and as you might guess, I’m the Fury Coach Ange,” he said.

Then he looked at the corpse of the great ape in front of him,

There is no joy or sorrow in the eyes, “And this ape that you killed is my “child.” ”

Si Yu heard the words,

The look suddenly changed,

She knew the old days,

The so-called “children” were all experimental products that had been forcibly infused with spiritual power by the priests, and the chaotic spirit that was about to break through to the special level had just been released.

It was just an experimental product! Other words

This man named Ange,

It’s the manipulator behind this!

Able to suppress the instinctive desire of thousands of chaotic spirits to eat people, and also possessed a high-level chaotic spirit close to the special level,

How terrifying is this man’s strength?! Si Yu put away the smile on his face before,

The expression became extremely dignified,

She reached out and pushed Luo Ruxuan and said sharply,

“This is a battle between special levels, you can’t play any role here, go to the headquarters and don’t say anything!”

Si Yu didn’t know why,

Originally, the general of the sixteen guards was the first person,

And he was the one who had lived with her for twenty years, and although she was not related to the general,

But the close ones are like mother and daughter, but when she encounters a strong enemy at this moment, the first person she thinks of in her heart is not the general.

But when she had only seen several faces, Luo Ruxuan was pushed by Si Yu, but she took a step forward, and she grasped the dagger in her hand tightly.

“He had seen all of our combat before, and he knew who I was when we first met,”

“I definitely don’t know where I’ve seen our information, but now I dare to appear in front of us,”

“That just goes to show one thing – his strength is definitely far superior to mine.”

“Although you are also a special class, most of them are not his opponents,”

“If I leave you here, the probability of you dying is extremely high!”

“Moreover, now that the communication equipment is broken, even if I leave, they may not be staying at the headquarters without saying anything.”


Luo Ruxuan’s beautiful face showed a hint of fierceness,

“Instead of this, it is better for us to carry the two fats of our subjects!”

Although Si Yu couldn’t see the expression on Luo Ruxuan’s face,

But she heard the determination in her tone, and Si Yu’s lips burst into a thick smile.

“Before, I didn’t say that I was alone and cut off two teachers, which made my heart itch a long time ago.”

“Today we will try to see how strong this old and old fellow teacher really is!”

Ange looked at Si Yu and Luo Ruxuan’s actions, and an interesting expression appeared on his face.

“I didn’t expect to see the sister flowers of the sixteen guards today, performing the drama of love in front of my eyes.”

He lowered his arms around him and twisted his neck,

There was a sound of joints clicking,

“Since this is the case… Let’s go down to the Nine Springs together!” ”

Talking room,

The momentum in his body suddenly exploded,

Blow the suspension ropes on the bridge loudly! And at this time,

Si Yu’s chain was already wrapped in a strong wind sound, and it was already in front of Ange’s body!

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