Shi Wuyan felt that he might have heard wrongly,

Your own system is sin and punishment,

And along the way, he himself is also killing the chaos spirits and punishing their crimes,

to enhance their own strength, but did not think of today,

He was actually convicted of his own guilt by a violent teacher who was one of the seven sins.

This absurd feeling of hitting a rake upside down makes Shi Wuyan actually give birth to a kind of

The illusion of playing geese all day long, but being pecked by the geese,

“Tell me, what crime have I committed?”

It feels a little funny when it goes without saying it.

Ange snorted angrily,

“Just a few minutes ago, you just killed three thousand of my men,”

Isn’t it a sin to kill my last “child?” Worker”

Without saying a word,

Forget about killing the Chaos Spirits,

But when the giant ape was kicked by the time without saying a word, it did not die.

Instead, it was smashed by Ange’s relentless punch himself, and he didn’t think of it when he didn’t say anything.

Ange would force this kind of thing into his crime, without saying what he wanted to say.

Opening his mouth, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and Ange saw it,

The anger in his eyes rose even more fiercely,

He has always been proud of this “vengeance” power given by the Lord, but now he is silent,

Clearly laughing at him!

Ange’s anger had reached its limit at this point, and his body moved,

He rushed in the direction of the unspoken time! Luo Ruxuan’s heart suddenly lifted,

Only to see that with Ange’s running, the entire bridge deck is trembling with it, and every step he takes,

There will be a deep depression in the bridge deck under his feet, even the cars in front of him,

Just by being rubbed by his body slightly, the metal body directly collapsed! It turned out that Ange’s previous battle with them had not used his true strength at all!


Ange roared angrily,

Punching at the time without a word,

The muscles in his arms bulged high,

It looked even thicker than the thighs that were not spoken at the time, and at the moment of the fist,

Without saying a word, he finally stopped laughing, and the spell power appeared instantly,

With great speed against Ange’s attack, a muffled bang,

A wave of air between the two of them was even greater than before! The wind blowing,

In an instant, all the cars around them were blown to the ground, and Luo Ruxuan and Si Yu’s hair were blown and danced, and the two even felt a little unstable!

Si Yu’s expression was extremely shocked,

Even if she felt the breath that escaped from Ange’s body, she knew that

If Ange had used this kind of strength against her before, then he would never have been able to resist this punch.

Surely even the outburst of spiritual power can’t wait, it will directly disappear and die! But

This is an extremely powerful momentum,

I was actually given a steady next step by the time! And look at his expression,

It seems that you haven’t used your full strength yet?!

“In terms of strength, you are indeed stronger than the guy named Edo before you when you looked at Ange whose pupils were constantly fluttering in front of you.”

Speaking with a calm demeanor,

“But… Is there only this level of power that the Lord you revere has given you? ”

Ange was furious,

Originally, he was extremely confident in his attack, after all, before that,

He had never fallen in front of anyone in direct confrontation with strength, and he was able to take this punch without saying it.

It already made him angry,

Now to say such arrogant words again is not only an insult to him!

Or an insult to the Lord he believes in! Ange’s body began to burn up, colliding with the fist of the unspoken time,

In an instant, a layer of red light converged, enveloping his fist completely, and Si Yu’s brow twisted, and he immediately recognized it.

This is exactly the move that broke his “red screen” with one punch before, “Something is wrong! ”

Luo Ruxuan beside him also opened his mouth with a solemn face,

Because the red light did not stop fluctuating after covering Ange’s fist, but it was still gathering rapidly,

Quick as a wink

It’s already become extremely rich!

Even the color has condensed from the original bright red to an extremely thick dark red!

A cruel smile appeared on Ange’s face,

He felt the powerful power emerging from his fists, and he only felt incomparably comfortable in his heart.

This is the power that the Lord has given me, and it is God’s gift!

What do you mortal take against me?! In Ange’s burning pupils,

The silhouette of the reflection that is silent when it comes out,

He’s going to punish this blasphemous guy here on his behalf!


With a low roar from Ange,

The rubble under his feet was immediately shaken and soared, and the next moment,

The red glow on his fist, which had been condensed to the extreme, suddenly exploded! Transformed into a raging wave of flames,

Explode in front of your unspoken eyes!

In an instant, he and the two women behind him were all devoured! The surging waves of flames have not stopped,

They are intertwined and rotated with each other,

Wrap up countless cars in its range and gallop ahead!

In an instant, they melted the railing behind them and rushed out of the bridge deck of the Haiyuan Bridge!

Ange shook off the remnants of the flames on his fist,

He glanced contemptuously in the direction of the unspoken moment, “This is the end of blasphemy!” ”

This blow almost converged,

Nearly 90% of the anger power in his body, even the hardest metal in the world, would melt in an instant in the furious flames!

Ange expected to be unable to survive this offensive at all times.

And he was ready to leave here,

“It’s just a pity that there is no way to know how he found out…”

Just as he was about to turn around and leave,

A faint voice sounded behind Ange’s back, interrupting what he hadn’t finished speaking.

“Is this the power of your anger?”

Ange looked shocked,

Turn around violently,

Only to see that the “bursting” fist flame he had just swung was gradually dissipating, and in the flames,

A figure is gradually appearing, standing with two fingers erect and placed in front of him,

The bridge deck and bridges around him had been burned black, but his body was as clean as ever,

And behind the silent time,

And there was a tapered area.

It is not affected by the burning of the flames in the slightest,

And Si Yu and Luo Ruxuan were standing in that open space with a sluggish face.

They had seen Ange’s huge waves of flames coming towards them,

The two daughters had been injured a little before, and could not avoid this huge wave.

They all thought they must be dead.

However, I did not expect that at the moment when the huge waves struck,

Unexpectedly, the extremely magical self separated from the front of the unspoken body, and the flames blew their hair,

But it didn’t hurt them in the slightest!

“How the hell did you do that?”

Si Yu immediately asked,

His eyes overflowed with shock and curiosity, “It’s the Enchantment! ”

The answer to her was not to say anything, but to grit her teeth,

He was now looking at it with great anger without saying a word,

“Holtlis once told me that you have a special kind of enchantment in you.”

“I could resist a lot of attacks, I didn’t believe it before,”

As Ange spoke,

A faint black qi had begun to rise from his body,

“I thought he was just trying to make excuses to delay time because he couldn’t solve you,”

“Now it seems that this kind of enchantment of yours is indeed extremely troublesome…”

The black qi is getting bigger and bigger,

The whole person of Ange has been enclosed in it, and only his angry words are heard,

From the black qi that could not see the figure,

“But the Lord is the supreme being!”

“The power He has given me is also the strongest in the world!”

“In the face of absolute power, no boundary can resist!”

As the last words fall,

The black gas dissipated,

However, in front of several people, Ange’s figure was missing, and Si Yu’s because he had been wearing an eye mask for many years.

Her perceptual ability has become extremely strong, and her charming face flashes with shock,

She suddenly looked up and held out a finger, “There! ”

Luo Ruxuan is only one level,

Naturally, there was no trace of Ange, and now look at it by sound,

Only to see on the sling of the Haiyuan Bridge,

At this moment, there is a huge ape, pulling a sling with one hand.

Hang your whole body on it,” and he entered the state of “first darkness”! ”

Luo Ruxuan immediately exclaimed,

The great ape was covered with black hair, although it was no longer a human face.

But the faint look of anger on its face, and the huge size of more than three meters tall,

Let Luo Ruxuan recognize it at a glance,

It was exactly Angie, who had just disappeared before their eyes! Ange looked condescendingly at the people below, and a proud look appeared on his face,

Only to see his figure move slightly,

He swung to a main cable of the Haiyuan Bridge, and then he reached out and grasped a sling below, and then slammed it.

After a tooth-aching creak,

A metal sling several meters thick broke in response! The corners of Ang’s mouth appeared a proud color,

Swing your hand hard,

The stout sling sling slammed in the direction of the unspoken moment! And his movements did not stop there.

As soon as the figure flickered, it appeared next to another sling, breaking it in an instant.

Continue to push in the direction that is not spoken, followed by the third root,

Fourth root, fifth root!

There were ten thick slings, which were torn off the bridge by Ange and smashed towards the time without a word! The weight of the sling is extremely heavy, if it is hit,

Don’t say it’s human flesh and blood,

Even cars are crushed into thin sheets in an instant! Ange exhaled a breath of turbidity,

Continuously tearing so many slings, let him also be a little tired,

If it weren’t for the fact that he was forced into the Initial Dark Form, his strength and speed had been greatly improved, and he wouldn’t even be able to tear these slings.

But the next moment, his breathing was stagnant, only to see Shi stood there without saying a word, and there was no movement, just a gentle movement of his fingers,

The falling momentum of the entire ten slings immediately stopped! It was as if it had encountered an extremely turbulent repulsive force, and in an instant,

At a faster speed,

Roar in the direction of Ange at full speed!

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