The ten slings came with great ferocity,

Although Angie can tear them off,

But it was simply unable to resist hard, and Ange’s heart rose in horror at the same time, and its feet were forced,

Pedal on the main cable of the bridge and jump to the sling on the other side,

Dangerously and dangerously avoided the slings that attacked, but just as he was gasping for breath,

But he heard a familiar voice ringing in his ear,

“Why do you always like to jump so high?” This made me very dislike Ah Ange suddenly surprised.”

Subconsciously looking back, only to see that without saying a word, I don’t know when, the figure has come to mid-air, and at the moment I am looking at him indifferently,

Ange instinctively punched Shi Wuyi’s face, but his wrist was grabbed by Shi Wuyi, and an extremely strong pain suddenly came from it! It’s like the next second.

His wrist was about to be broken without saying a word! Ange’s expression suddenly became extremely painful and frightened, and he could not understand it anyway.

Why did Shi Bu say why there was such a powerful force, even after he entered the initial dark state, he could not resist the power of Shi Wu,

It seems to sense Ange’s surprise, and he opens his mouth without saying a word,

“In terms of strength alone, you are indeed the strongest person I have ever seen besides me,”

“But you can never beat me in strength, because your strength is too rough and not “fine” enough.”

Even after saying so many words,

Quietly staying in mid-air, as if stepping on hard ground,

This is another kind of feeling that Shi Buyan has generated in the course of his special training for the captains of the Sixteenth Guard,

The “power of stopping” is the ability to make everything that is close to you extremely slow.

Although it is still in motion in essence,

But it manifests itself as if it had stopped.

This is an ability to interfere with atomic-level matter, since it has been refined to this extent,

Then the level of matter of air molecules smaller than atoms, of course, is also in the process of unspoken manipulation,

He with great finesse,

Stop the air molecules near your feet,

and the distance between them,

the ability to apply to unlimited shrinkage,

Let them condense to the point where you can step on them without falling,

And this is also in the original world,

Gojo Goku can step on the air and the water surface for a reason, although the principle has always been known before the time is not said,

But for this level of power utilization,

It has not been able to use it skillfully until recently, Ange looked at the unspoken indifference,

Want to break free,

But there is no way to escape from the shackles of the unspoken,

Only to see that a dark red spell gradually appeared on the fist that did not say anything, although he had not yet shot,

But Ange’s heart was already rising with extreme panic,

“Since you want to know so much how I got Si Yu into that state.”

“I’m going to teach you what is really power.”

“I just hope you still have the life to understand.”

As the unspoken voice falls,

His right fist slammed into Ange’s abdomen, and the moment his fist hit his body,

The unspoken physical power suddenly exploded, and almost at the same time,

The spell on the fist also exploded! Two powerful outbursts in no particular order, the chain reaction caused, let the silent fist above,

In an instant, a series of throbbing black lightning bolts exploded! This is the control of power.

Extremely fine black flash!

An incomparable aura of terror emanated from it, and Ange’s face just appeared with endless horror, and he felt his abdomen.

There was a sharp pain that I had never suffered in my life! The next moment,

His whole body bounced directly with great force, falling obliquely from the sling,

It slammed into the main tower below!

Suddenly, the main tower was knocked open into a huge crater, making the entire Haiyuan Bridge begin to tremble!

Without saying a word, he fell to the ground, and Si Yu immediately ran forward,

Although she was also frightened by the punch that Shi Buyan had just thrown, her eyes were full of joy,

“It’s amazing! I didn’t expect that the guy entered the initial dark state, or was killed by your punch! ”

Shi WuXian looked at Si Yu and laughed softly,

And then shook his head slightly,

“You underestimate him, he’s not dead yet.”

Si Yu’s happy look suddenly froze on his face,

Eyebrows froze and Shi Wuyi looked towards the main tower with Shi Wuyi, and he said,

In the dust fog at the crater, there was a sound of stones turning over, and the next moment,

A tall voice gradually revealed, and a low cry emanated from Luo Ruxuan’s mouth on the side, only to see that Ange was extremely embarrassed at this moment,

A huge opening appeared in his abdomen, almost making half of his body disappear, and crimson blood kept flowing from the wound, merging into a puddle of blood at Ange’s feet.

His breath is extremely weak,

The face is miserable as if it is about to die, this is the power of the silent punch?!

Luo Ruxuan’s heart was extremely shocked,

I can’t help but think of it again, I didn’t receive the training and counseling that I didn’t say before,

This made her regret again, and Ange looked up with difficulty, looking at it without saying a word,

A look of disbelief appeared on his face, wanting to say something,

But he could only keep making a “ho-ho-ho” sound from his mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the direction of the unspoken time,


A mad laugh emanated from his mouth,

The violent laughter made his blood flow more intensely, but he didn’t care at all.

“What is he doing?”

Luo Ruxuan’s brow wrinkled deeply, and then,

Then he saw a huge amount of black qi emerge from Ange’s wound, filling his opening completely,

The next moment, Luo Ruxuan’s pupils shrunk,

Only to see that with the condensation of black qi, Ange’s wound had stopped bleeding,

And there are even countless sprouts growing on it! He’s recovering!

Luo Ruxuan was shocked in his heart, so he wanted to remind him not to say anything,

But the look on his face when he saw it was still indifferent,

It seems that there is no half a worry,

Then he put his heart down again, and Ange’s recovery speed was extremely fast, almost only a few seconds later,

The wound that had almost destroyed half of his body grew flesh and blood again,

And at the same time,

Once again, his shape changed drastically,

The height of more than three meters has shrunk to the height of a normal human, and the black body hair of the ape on the body has faded.

Only a little bit of chest remains,

The muscles behind it become stronger,

The grimace on it even revealed a strange smile, snapping!

The tail flapped on the ground,

Directly slapped a crack in the ground, has fully restored the human face,

Ange, who only had some animal characteristics left, had a smile on his face,

“Without saying a word, you should feel honored, this is the first time I have shown this form in front of others.”

Si Yu finally couldn’t help but let out an exclamation, “Quasi-Dark Form! ”

She found Ange in front of her,

Almost exactly the same as before! But Ange smiled indifferently,

“No, it’s not called that name, it’s First Dark Second Order!”

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