“First Dark Second Order?”

Si Yu’s gaze fell on Shi Bu Yan’s body, she was Shi Wu Zhi taught,

So now listen to Ange say this,

Naturally, he wanted to ask the time without speaking, but Anger did not speak,

He also wanted to hear how Shi Wuyan explained the problem, but Shi Wuyan just shrugged his shoulders.

Replied with great calmness,

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know it’s that name.”

“Ange’s eyes narrowed,”

“Impossible! You’re lying! ”

He stared dead without saying a word,

“If you don’t know, how can an evolutionary person reach this level?!”

The expression of the unspoken voice is still calm,

“I killed all four of you before and each of them entered the state of the first darkness in front of me,”

“I felt that their spiritual operation route at that time was somewhat flawed, so I made a little improvement.”

Ange’s pupils tightened deadly, “Small improvement?! ”

His expression became indignant,

“Do you know how long it took me to get into this state?!”

“A whole decade! I can master this power!!! You call it a small improvement?!!! ”

Si Yu looked at Ange, who was extremely excited, and his expression was very dazed.

“Is this hard?”

Si Yu’s words made Ange’s expression become distorted, the way to master the first dark form,

It was when they became the priests of the old days that the Lord passed them on them through the seal of God inscribed on them,

And once you have successfully mastered the initial dark form,

The Lord will tell them about the first darkness and the second order,

But even if they know how to carry out spiritual power operation, they need to make their own strength reach a certain point.

And after mastering the first dark form, you can open the first dark second order,

In order to reach this level, Anger has been in the past ten years,

I don’t know how many humans and chaotic spirits I have absorbed, and I am practicing diligently every day.

This is enough to reach this point in the past few years, but this woman named Si Yu,

She’s just an evolutionary!

Inheriting the power of the previous Coach Thurks! Even I have to go through ten years of tempering,

Why did it take her only a few days to master this power?! It’s not fair!!!

Si Yu’s confusion made Ange burst into anger for no reason! He felt that the woman was laughing at herself!

Shi Wuyan didn’t care about Ange’s anger at all, he first looked at Ange seriously,

Then he turned his head and smiled at Si Yu,

“It’s not difficult, but the way his spiritual power works is a little different from what I taught you, and there are still flaws.”

“Plus he’s not as smart as you, that’s why he practiced for ten years to reach this level.”

The words that are not spoken are fluttering,

It sounds very natural, and the praised Si Yu is extremely happy.

But Ange’s brow furrowed suddenly, because he suddenly remembered a question,

It was under the silent teaching of Shi Yu that it took only a few days for Si Yu to master this high-level power.

Anger originally had great respect for his Lord, because everything he had given by the Lord, and in Ange’s heart,

The Lord is the supreme being, and there can be no mistake,

He’s always been incredibly convinced of this.

But now Si Yu’s living example is just in front of him,

The belief that had been firm in his heart was shaken for the first time in his life! Maybe it’s true when it goes without saying?

Maybe he really mastered a more accurate and advanced way of doing things than the Lord had taught them?

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let Si Yu in just a few days without knowing it,

Step into the level of the first dark second order!

And the punch that he just threw at his own body, the black lightning that jumped on it,

It contained a strong force that he had never seen in his life, although Ange was very reluctant to admit it,

But his heart is very clear, and he does not say anything about the understanding of power,

has reached a state of great horror, thinking of this,

A great horror suddenly arose in Ange’s heart, could it be…

The strength of the moment,

The level of the Lord has been reached?!!! This terrible thought,

Just born in his heart, it was forcibly left behind by Ange,

He tried to forcibly suppress his restless thoughts, but still subconsciously,

Speaking without saying a word to the time,

“Don’t say anything, as long as you tell me how that spiritual power works.”

“I can ask you to keep all… No! I would leave here immediately! ”

“Even the fact that you slaughtered my “child” before has been written off!”

His eyes burned with longing,

However, Shi Wuyi showed a playful expression, “Is this your attitude of asking for people?” ”

Ange a lag,

He suddenly recalled what he had said before, as long as he knelt down and begged him,

will tell yourself, “You! ”

Ange burned with anger in his chest,

As the angry priest of the old Japanese division, his status is incomparably noble,

If he were to kneel before the hour,

It was worse than killing him outright!

“If that’s the case, there’s nothing more to talk about,” Anger knew it was no longer possible.

The expression instantly became fierce, and he did not say a word when he extended his finger,

“To know and not to tell is to deceive, to destroy my body, to hurt!”

“Without saying a word, I pronounced the verdict… You’re guilty! ”

As Ange’s voice fell,

The escaped black qi on his body suddenly rose and turned into a crimson flame that soared into the sky, enveloping his entire being.

The air instantly became scorched, and Si Yu and Luo Ruxuan’s bodies,

The hot air made them sweat, making their clothes soak in an instant! This extremely high temperature,

Even the North River has been evaporated, and there is a faint rise of water vapor on the surface of the river! Ange slammed a hammer at his side,

The main tower, which he had knocked out of a pothole, collapsed with a roar,

Ange jumped,

He directly grasped the main cable above the main tower, “What is he going to do!” ”

Luo Ruxuan let out a startled cry, and the next moment,

And I saw Ange pull,

Just ripped that main cable off! Luo Ruxuan’s heart rose in horror,

That main cable weighs thousands of tons! He was directly ripped off! After entering the first dark and second order,

Has Ange’s power skyrocketed to this extent?! And at this very moment,

Luo Ruxuan’s body suddenly shook,

Almost pounced on the body that was silent when he was next to him, Luo Ruxuan realized that

As the main cable, which is the lifeline of the bridge, was torn off, making the entire bridge unstable, this is the violent shaking just now!

And the dozens of slings that were originally hanging on the main cable also fell off at this time.

All smashed towards the ground! Jumping into the air, Ange was also suddenly exerting force at this moment,

The muscles on his back bulged out a strange smiley face, only to hear him whisper,

Both hands slammed their strength, and the next moment,

The thousand-ton main cable shook an arc in the air and slammed down towards the ground!

The rumble suddenly exploded,

The moment the main cable landed on the ground,

The car below was crushed into a sheet of paper, and the bridge deck was struck out of a deep ravine.

Countless huge stones were crushed by the strong force! And Angie didn’t stop moving.

Looking at the huge main cable,

With a huge power falling in the direction of Shi Wu, Ange believed that Shi Wuyan would definitely not be able to resist such a huge force, the main cable weighing thousands of tons,

Even if it hits him, it will make him spit blood immediately!

But considering the strange bounding power of Shi Zhiyi, Ange did not dare to have the slightest carelessness.

After entering the first dark and second order,

His strength has made a further leap than before, and he wants to take advantage of the fact that he does not react without saying a word, and he will attack continuously.

Kill the other party completely!

Ange jumped to the main tower on the other side, and then took a deep breath, the flames that had been soaring into the sky on his body suddenly contracted with his inhalation, condensing towards his right fist, and when the flames were all gathered, Ange’s fist emitted an extremely hot crimson light.

“Burning Tiger!”

Just listen to a roar,

Ange slammed downwards, and the flames on his fist instantly broke away,

Transformed into a giant flame tiger that looked like substance, it pounced in the direction of the unspoken moment! When this punch is close to the bridge deck,

The high temperature on it, let those cars that are pressed into pieces of paper,

All melt out of the molten iron in an instant! Rumble!

When the main cable was hit without saying a word, the fist of the burning tiger also followed, and two huge forces followed,

At the same time, Shi Wuyan and the second daughter behind him were enveloped in it! The bridge body shook violently,

The ground was instantly blasted out of a large hole, and the aftermath of the burning tiger plunged into the North River.

In an instant, the river will rise to a burst of hot water vapor! Even the whole bridge,

It was under Ange’s two consecutive onslaughts, and he was shaken by the shock!

Less tilting, shaking stops,

Ange fell to the ground, and he listened with his ears upright,

The front is not clear where it is, and no sound is made,

Ange breathed a sigh of relief,

There was a very wild laugh in his mouth, but it was then that time,

Just listen to a deep voice,

From that gush of water vapor rang out, “Heh. ”

The stout main cable that landed on the ground suddenly bounced off the ground,

Then at a very fast speed, it catapulted in the direction of Ange, and Ange was suddenly startled and wanted to dodge,

But the speed of the main cable is really too fast, even if his current speed is not the same as before,

But it was still scraped by the edge of the main cable,

The huge force would instantly cut off a layer of flesh and blood from his arm! Ange inhaled a cool breath in pain,

But the mind is not on the wound at all, but staring at the water vapor in front of it,

Only to see the silent figure slowly out of it, he looked at Ange indifferently,

He shook his head slightly, “Still too weak,”

Without saying a word, he walked slowly toward Ange,

“Since your degree is only over, so be it.”

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