Ange was horrified,

The figure couldn’t help but slowly retreat, but his gaze,

But it was dead looking at the spotless time without saying a word, behind him,

It was a huge crater that almost destroyed both sides of the bridge deck, and it was the traces of his burning tiger,


There is also a deep ravine on the ground that was hit by the main cable, all of this,

All are telling Ange,

His attack did not fail,

But why didn’t his all-out attack work?! Even Houghtlis can’t be hurt at all! At this point,

Ange has absolute self-confidence, but why now,

Completely unaffected?!

Can’t even make his clothes a little wrinkled!? This made Anger unacceptable!

Is he really that strong?!

Suddenly, Ange seemed to remember something, and his steps back stopped,

Out of his body came a white sphere, which was exactly what Fth had been in the church before,

To show the sincerity of the judge, give him a magic weapon! Without saying a word,

His gaze fell on the sphere that emitted a white shimmer, and he was somewhat curious,

“What is this?”

Ange’s expression became distorted,

Since he could not be defeated in strength, he would be completely sealed!

“This is a magic sealer, and it is also… Your cage! ”

With the words full of anger exiting,

The magic seal in Ange’s hand,

Immediately dispersed into streams of light, shooting out of his hands,

In an instant, come to the unspoken surroundings,

Transform into a huge white sphere and instantly wrap the time into it! But Ange did not relax,

Still extremely vigilant looking at the magic sealing device, because this white-haired teenager,

It really gave him too many surprises,

Even if he was now sealed into the magic weapon, Ange still did not dare to have the slightest carelessness, and sure enough, the next moment,

Just listening to a dull crashing sound, Ange’s face changed, thump, thump!!!

The constant dull blows of the connection, coming from the inside uninterruptedly,

Let the whole sphere shake violently,

However, on the surface of the magic sealing device, it is still intact, and there is no trace of damage.

A hint of joy finally rose on Ange’s face,

Although the Western angels are very annoying, but it is really good to give something,

Even if the power was far superior to his, he could not escape the fate of being sealed now!

Luo Ruxuan’s look had changed drastically at this moment, and she looked at Ange fiercely, “What did you do to him?!” ”

Si Yu on the side did not speak, holding the short sword that condensed the extraordinary power, and stabbed at the huge white sphere!


The short sword was directly catapulted,

And the sphere is not damaged at all! Si Yu looked at Ange coldly,

“There’s no spiritual breath on it, so what the hell is that?!”

Ange looked at the angry expression of the second daughter, but her heart was extremely happy.

Before, when they looked at the image without saying a word, it was like looking at the omnipotent God,

Even more devout than when he worshipped the Lord, which made Ange extremely unhappy,

However, due to the strength of Shi Wuyi, he did not dare to show it at all before, and now Shi Wuyan was locked up in the sealing magic weapon.

He could finally express his chest, because now he was the strongest man here!

“Twenty-four hours,”

Ange grinned at the corners of his mouth, “What are you talking about?! ”

Luo Ruxuan asked sharply, and Ange picked up his eyebrows,

“Rest assured, his life will not be in danger, but… Will be sealed in it for twenty-four hours! ”

Luo Ruxuan and Si Yu’s expressions changed at the same time, “Impossible! Don’t say anything about him…”

“Didn’t you hear his crash just now?!”

Ange suddenly roared,

Interrupting their words, the expression of the second daughter suddenly stagnated,

They did hear the muffled sound that had just come from inside the magic sealer,

But they don’t want to believe it.

When he suppressed the furious priest, he would be sealed by such a strange thing!

“Since he can’t come out, I’ll break it from the outside!”

Luo Ruxuan’s hand flashed with cold light, and he was about to hold the dagger to stab the white sphere

“Don’t waste your effort,”

Ange let out a sneer,

Looking at the magic sealing device that has been motionless,

“Didn’t you realize that you had given up without saying anything?”

Inside the magic sealer, Shi Wuyi frowned,

As the streamer flies toward itself,

Shi Wuyan did not feel the dangerous atmosphere, so he did not dodge, but he did not expect that when those streamers came to his side,

It turned into a ball of light and blocked itself, and immediately realized that

This was the sealing artifact that the old Hiji didn’t know where it came from, so he immediately punched at the wall of the ball in front of him.

But the strange thing is,

When he hit the wall of the ball that didn’t seem to be so thick, it shook at great speed.

And the strength of his own fist was also instantly disintegrated, dissolving into the entire sphere,

When the spell poured out,

The fist instantly turned into a shadow, and all of them landed on the barrier in front of him, but then, without saying a word, he found that the sphere was just like just now,

In the rapid tremor, the power he quickly dissolved all his fists was not small,

It is better than the degree of Edo, but it still has no effect,

Shi Wuyan originally wanted to use the black flash if it was effective, but now it seems that there is no need,

This magic sealing device should be able to dissolve the power that bombards it in a vibrating way,

Then there is only one other solution, the unspoken eyes suddenly burst into light, he is now using the ability of six eyes,

Observe this seal carefully,

In general, the enchantment or sealing thing,

There will be a weak point in one place, even if it is indestructible in other places,

But as long as the power is fully concentrated on that weak point, then the seal can be broken,

But with the silent observation, his brow frowned slightly,

Because he found this strange white sphere, in the perspective of the six eyes, the distribution of energy was extremely even,

The breath of each place in the whole sphere is exactly the same, that is,

The magic sealing weapon in Ange’s mouth is an inseparable whole, and there is no so-called weak point at all!

Moreover, the breath contained in it is not the same as the extraordinary power and spiritual power, but it is another force,

However, in this case of complete powerlessness, Shi Wuyan did not have a little decline in his heart,

Instead, he continued to observe through the six eyes while calmly thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

He found that when he had thrown his fist before, when the ball was vibrating,

The breath that came from it was not intense, but a very gentle force, somewhat like the feeling of a soft and rigid feeling,

With this in mind,

Shi WuXian suddenly remembered the situation when he had just channeled the spell into Si Yu’s body.

Without saying a word, he walked to the front of the ball of light, and then carefully controlled the spell power in his body.

Extremely gently escaped, wrapped around his palm, and then,

Without saying a word, he gently pressed his palm to the wall of the ball of light, and Ange took a step,

Slowly approaching Luo Ruxuan and Si Yu,

Almost a punch shattered his entire body without saying a word, if it weren’t for the time of entering the first dark second order,

The huge spiritual power that emerged repaired himself, then he was completely dead! But even if it is restored as before, Ange cannot forget,

The intense pain of tearing the heart and lungs at that time! Right now

He wanted to return all the pain he had suffered from the time to the time to Luo Ruxuan and Si Yu!

Looking at the second daughter who was retreating vigilantly, Ange felt that his heart was extremely comfortable, but suddenly,

He found something wrong, only to see the expression of the second daughter change at the same time, and he looked behind him with a happy face, “Don’t say anything!” ”

Ange sneered dismissively,

“Want to lie to me? Give up on the idea. ”

“But the next moment,”

But he heard the familiar voice, faintly ringing behind him,

“Is it really a funny thing,” Ange’s expression suddenly became extremely frightened.

He turned violently,

I saw that I was standing there quietly without saying a word,

And the white sphere made of the magic weapon has disappeared, how is it possible?!

Ange’s heart was unbelievable,

He just obviously couldn’t break the sealed magic weapon! Wouldn’t it seal for twenty-four hours?! Why did it come out after only a few minutes?!

“Although you are an old priest whose sins are unforgivable, I am still very grateful to you.”

“Let me have a new understanding of this form that the devil has given you, and to the group of guys in the West.”

Standing in the same place without saying a word, his hands were crossed together, but Ange was shocked in his heart,

How did he know that the magic seal was from the West?!

“In order to repay your all-out efforts, I will also let you see another ability of mine.”

A strong palpitation suddenly surged in Ange’s heart, and he could feel it,

On the left and right sides of the unspoken,

At the same time, there was an extremely frightening suction and repulsive force,

“You should be honored because this is also the first time I’ve used it in front of other people.”

Ange looked at the white broken hair that was constantly shaking slightly because of the surge of breath, and did not say a word,

Suddenly feeling a strong fear,

He had always considered himself to be the best in the world, even the head of the old division, Hollis,

As long as you are in the state of the first dark and second order, you can not fall into the downwind, therefore,

He had never had a fear of Holtlis from the bottom of his heart,

But now,

Looking at the energy that continues to gather in front of him with the movements and words that are silent, even if the moves have not yet taken shape,

But the power that escapes from it,

It has already caused Anger to have a fear that he has never had before, a kind of staying here again,

You’ll be bombarded to the point of fear of scum! This sense of horror,

Let Ange dare not have the slightest hesitation,

He immediately turned around and ran towards the distance! But in this very moment,

Behind him, without saying a word, he read out the last few words,

“Virtual – “Russ”!”

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