Time goes back to before,

Inside the World, Sixteen Guards Headquarters,

Night Listening Moon had just given orders to the captains, and at this time they had just gone to the monitoring room.

Su Ruquan, the captain of the medical rescue team, led her to the outside of the headquarters, and she crossed her waist with one hand.

Looking at the plain in front of you,

The Spirits of Order, who had become extremely manic at this moment, said, “Captain, what should I do?” ”

The subordinate next to him asked, Su Ruquan spat out a puff of smoke,

“First violently suppress, then investigate the cause.”


After the subordinates received the order,

He immediately began to act, the Spirit of Order was not like a Chaos Spirit, it had profound spiritual power,

They are all creatures without rank, if it is usual,

It will almost not cause any harm to human beings, and will only honestly stay in their own position, so even if they are third- and fourth-level transcendents,

Can also be assisted by the instrument,

Suppressing the violent Order Spirits, but some Order Spirits are in a special state and are not so easy to deal with.

Not far ahead,

There was a dragon-like order spirit as tall as a mountain, and its eyes glowed red.

He was spitting out a stream of lake water drawn from the lake and spraying it at the medical rescue team members around him, although it was only a small bite for the huge one, but for humans,

But it is like a torrent of heaven,

In an instant, all the people who tried to suppress it were washed away! Su Ruquan took a deep breath of smoke,

Then throw away the cigarette butt in your hand, and the white coat flashes,

And he came to this Spirit of Order,

A strange glow bloomed under her lenses, “Breathe! ”

An invisible force burst out from her body, instantly hitting the Spirit of Order in front of her,

Let the orderly spirit that was preparing to spray water at her suddenly froze, and the red glow in her eyes disappeared,

Then the eyes suddenly closed,

The huge body fell toward the lake,

The whole lake surface was slammed into the ripples, and Su Ruquan’s figure disappeared again,

Appeared on the other end is releasing current,

Bring the members of the team close to it in front of the violent, jumping order spirit, “Breathe! ”

This long turtle-like creature also fell down in response, and the praise of the team members just exited.

Su Ruquan appeared in another place, and a few minutes later,

Su Ruquan lit a cigarette, and his brow frowned slightly,

She didn’t kill these spirit of order, just through spiritual power,

Let them all fall into a deep sleep,

Because these spirit of order, which has been fed by the sixteen guards, all have their own uses,

Can generate electricity, help with watering, etc.,

They provide a lot of energy sources for the inner world, and they can’t be easily killed.

Can only try to let them fall into a deep sleep and lose their combat effectiveness without hurting them.

“Worthy of being the captain, really powerful!”

A team member praised,

Behind him were dozens of Order Spirits of various shapes, all of which were hypnotized by Su Ruquan.

However, Su Ruquan’s face did not have a hint of joy, because on the plain in front of her,

At this moment, there are countless Order Spirits, who are screaming madly! Just a little estimate, there must be tens of thousands!

Su Ruquan’s face was somewhat solemn,

Almost all of the energy in the world comes from the spirit of order, because of their rampage,

Now the operation of the world is almost paralyzed, although she can put them to a deep sleep,

But the number is too much, and because of their different types, the location is too scattered,

It was impossible to hypnotize them all in a short period of time, and Su Ruquan was ready to drive them away.

After letting them all gather together, and then performing the overall hypnosis,

This efficiency can be much higher,

But her plan fell through.

Because she found these orders going crazy,

will attack all the creatures they see in front of them,

So it’s simply impossible to let them all come together safely, but if not,

If you just hypnotize one by one,

So wait until she suppresses all these tens of thousands of Order Spirits, not to mention whether she will do her best,

But she’s sure,

At that time, it must have been so long that this war had been fought, and Su Ruquan once again spat out a puff of smoke.

Anxiously thinking about countermeasures, “Captain! ”

A subordinate ran from the direction of the headquarters, and Su Ruquan looked,

I saw that he was holding something in both hands, and soon,

The men ran to him breathlessly,

He handed Su Ruquan a small box, “What is this?” ”

The subordinates saw that Su Ruquan’s face was not very good-looking, and immediately replied,

“This was done by the captain himself, and I will give it to you,”

“Time to speak?”

Su Ruquan’s eyes froze,

Immediately take the box and open it,

Only to see that one of them was a sachet wrapped in a plastic bag, and the sachet showed a dark red,

Although the appearance is relatively fine,

But it can still be seen at a glance that it is a short time to rush out, and her expression is immediately cold,

“It’s a time like this, what is he doing?”

Although Su Ruquan concentrates on medical research,

But still know a man who has only met once, what it means to give a sachet to a woman,

The team members hurriedly replied,

“Captain Sue, Captain Shi said, as long as you open this bag,”

“Take out the sachet, and these spirit of order will immediately converge,” Su Ruquan immediately reacted.

It was her own mistake when she didn’t say anything, but she still didn’t quite believe it.

“Just this little sachet?”

You know,

She had personally driven her away for half a day before, and it was useless, “What about the others? ”

“When the captain has left the headquarters and gone to the table world to suppress the disaster… Su Ruquan frowned,

Looking at the order spirits who kept howling in the distance, thinking a little,

After all, she picked up the sachet with half a doubt, and now she didn’t come up with any way,

Just give it a try.

“Captain Su, Captain Shi also said,” the subordinate said cautiously,

“The threat that will arise may exceed your expectations, so you must protect yourself.”

Su Ruquan snorted coldly,

“He’s probably joking!”

Although Su Ruquan admitted that this first meeting was at the appointment ceremony,

Showing amazing strength and mind,

The time that impressed her was very powerful, but a small sachet was just a small sachet,

How could it hurt her?! Saying,

Su Ruquan directly opened the plastic bag on the outside of the sachet, “But that’s…”

Her words were not finished,

Then he found that all the previous roars had disappeared, and Su Ruquan looked up,

Only to see all the spirit of order on the plain in front of them, all dead looking in her direction,


It’s that little sachet in her hand! Su Ruquan looked at his hands in shock,

Although she still did not find any problems in it, she knew it very clearly now,

This sachet is emitting,

Some kind of breath that has a fatal attraction to the Spirit of Order! Roar!

The brief silence disappears,

Countless Order Spirits simultaneously roared up to the sky and immediately rushed towards Su Ruquan!

Their eyes revealed an extreme madness, and they even forgot to attack their own kind, really coming!

Same as he said!!!

Su Ruquan looked at the Wu Pressure Pressing towards his original spiritual group,

After being sluggish for a moment, he immediately turned around and tried to let his subordinates leave.

But I found that they had already run a long way at this moment,

“This group of guys, the trust in the unspoken is deeper than for me as the captain.”

Su Ruquan sighed,

Looking at the spiritual group rushing towards him, Su Ruquan’s face did not have a hint of fear,

Instead, joy emerged.

Because of this,

She’s able to do it as fast as she can.

Suppress all the spirits of the outrunning order,

The speed at which the world recovered from its paralysis increased countless times!

She finally understood why the Sixteen Guards,

There are so many people who worship without saying a word, that guy,

Truly omnipotent!

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