After a few moments,

Su Ruquan came to the front of his subordinates who had already run a long way, “When the general captain is gone, what about the general and Elder Lin?” ”

“The general has also left, and Elder Lin is still at the headquarters.”

Su Ruquan sighed,



“Okay, it’s pretty much done here, and I’ll leave it to you.”


After Su Ruquan’s figure disappeared, his subordinates looked forward, and his pupils instantly contracted.

Only to see the vast and boundless plain in front of him, the spirit of order that had overwhelmed the earth before,

has fallen to the ground,

Fell into a deep sleep! In purgatory,

Lin Xinzhi was looking intently at the monitoring screen in front of him, although the energy of the world was paralyzed,

And the monitoring settings of the patrol guard were also destroyed, but Purgatory was in the Sixteen Guards,

It is a very special place, not only holding a large number of prisoners,

And it seals the remains of demons and angels,

Therefore, it has a separate energy system and monitoring equipment, just in case of accidents,

You can keep the whole purgatory working normally, bang bang bang,

There was a knock at the door, and Lin Xinzhi turned his head to look,

“Captain Sue, here you are.”

Su Ruquan put his hand in his white coat and walked over with a cigarette in his mouth, “The Spirit of Order has been suppressed?” ”

See Lin Xinzhi inquiring,

Su Ruquan nodded,

“Well, they’ve all been hypnotized, and when they wake up, they should be back to their original state,”

Her face was a little solemn,

“Elder Lin, after I examined them, I found that they seemed to have been forcibly infused with spiritual power, which triggered the overall outburst,”

Su Ruquan spat out a puff of smoke,

“But thanks to the sachet that the captain sent by the captain, otherwise,”

“I want to hypnotize so many Spirits of Order in its entirety, it may take an entire day,”

Seeing that there was no look of surprise on Lin Xinzhi’s face, Su Ruquan immediately understood,

When it comes to sending sachets, Lin Xinzhi is aware,

Then he asked Lin Xinzhi incomprehensibly,

“Elder Lin, is there something wonderful about that sachet that can actually attract all the spirits of the Order who have gone berserk?”

Lin Xinzhi smiled and replied,

“At the previous appointment ceremony, you didn’t say anything about the energy injected into that Dong Jiaojiao’s body.”

“Well, it’s a dark red energy I’ve never seen before, so what the hell is that?”

Lin Xinzhi shook his head,

“I don’t know why the energy in his body is different from ordinary extraordinary powers.”

“But I know that this unique breath can have a strong attraction to all spirits.”

“So before he left, he made a sachet with his own hands and injected his breath into it.”

Su Ruquan’s brow furrowed, indeed,

When those Spirits of Order came to her,

The performance is even more crazy than after they run away, even if Su Ruquan is standing in front of them,

They didn’t even look at her.

All eyes were red and looked at the sachet in her hand, even if their strength was not strong,

But tens of thousands of heads suddenly converged, if not for the unspoken reminder,

She almost accidentally got injured.

This is just a small part of the breath injected into it without saying a word, and it already has such a big attraction.

If all his own breath is released,

Isn’t that like a feast for those evil Chaos Spirits and the evildoers of the old days?!

“If you really want to know, when the war is over, you can ask him personally,”

Lin Xinzhi looked at Su Ruquan, who was in deep thought, and smiled,

“But that boy has a very strange temper, and I can’t guarantee that he won’t tell you.”

Hearing Lin Xinzhi’s laughter,

Su Ruquan was detached from contemplation,

“Elder Lin, has the traitor you mentioned before been caught now?” Su Ruquan was very curious about this matter.”

She puts herself almost all the time,

All invested in their own research, and Yan Muqing of the technology development team,

It can be said that it is the two major research demons in the Sixteen Guards, if it were not for this appointment ceremony,

She had no idea.

There will be a mixture of the treacherous agents of the old Japanese division in the headquarters,

“He has been killed by Shi Wuxian, it is Mo Jingming.”

Su Ruquan was shocked, “Is it him?! ”

She has seen Mo Jingming a few times,

It looks like a very kind look, no matter who you see, you are polite,

She had also suspected other people before, but she had not suspected Mo Jingming, this guy was hiding so deeply,

Even Elder Lin, who is good at observing words and observing colors, has been deceived, but he has still been caught by Shi Wuyi.

Su Ruquan had a little interest in this young combat team leader.

Suddenly, I wanted to take him into my research room and study his body and brain structure. At this time, Su Ruquan suddenly thought of something,

“Elder Lin, is there only so much left in our headquarters now?”

Su Ruquan is a little strange,

Just came all the way, she almost didn’t look at anyone,

If she hadn’t found the blood and screams, she would have almost thought that the old Japanese division had already invaded the headquarters.

Although it is because of the chaos in the world,

The vast majority of the people have been sent out, but they are supposed to stay at headquarters.

The non-combatants who maintain basic functioning should be more than that.

“It’s not very stable here yet, so I’ve asked them to leave headquarters for a while,”

Lin Xinzhi replied slowly, “Then why don’t you leave together, but instead come to this purgatory?” ”

Su Ruquan was even more puzzled,

Lin Xinzhi looked at Su Ruquan and smiled faintly without speaking,

His gaze fell back to the monitoring screen in front of him, and Su Ruquan looked at Lin Xinzhi’s gaze.

Only to see dozens of monitoring screens,

The situation of the entrances and each layer of the prison is presented, and everything is stable and peaceful,

I can’t see anything out of the ordinary, see Lin Xinzhi don’t say,

Su Ruquan followed with a quiet gaze….

“Xiao Fan, did you deliver food so early today?” And how come Xiao Zhou is not with you? ”

At the entrance to the first floor of purgatory, the guard looked at a man with a hat,

A young prison team member carrying a large food box, a young member named Fan Zhebai laughed,

“You forgot, Xiao Zhou, he has already followed the captain of the division to support the Kaiwon Bridge.”

“Oh yes!”

Fan Zhebai frowned,

“But the war over there seems to be a bit tight, and the commander has just given the order,”

“Let me send today’s meal to the prisoners in advance, and then rush to the support.”

The guards immediately narrowed their pupils,

Looking at Fan Zhebai warily,

“No, Captain Si is a super strongman, and I heard that Captain Luo of the intelligence team is with her.”

“Isn’t it easy to kill those chaos spirits who are not at a high level?” Why do we need to send more manpower? ”

Speaking, the guard felt more and more wrong, and quietly touched his hand to his waist, but at this time, he heard Fan Zhebai sigh,

“I thought the same thing, but I just learned that there are three chaos gardens over there!”

“And one of the special instructors of the old division is also there, and the captain of the division has fallen into a bitter battle… Alas! ”

During the conversation, Fan Zhebai raised his hand and revealed the ring he was wearing on his finger, and the guard saw the situation and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If it were not for the personal order of the division captain,

Fan Zhebai definitely didn’t know the situation over there.

And he also has a silver logo representing the identity of the Sixteen Guards.

The guard lowered his hand from the cross-gun around his waist and looked at Fan Zhebai with a smile, “You said it earlier, I thought it was the old Japanese spy, which scared me!” ”

He gave way to the passage and let Fan Zhebai carry the food box inside.

Fan Zhebai had just taken a few steps, but suddenly heard the voice of the guard coming from behind him again.

“Wait a minute!”

Fan Zhebai’s footsteps stopped, slowly turned to look, only to see the guard ask with a concerned face,

“If it’s tight over there, I’ll go with you later!”

A smile appeared on Fan Zhebai’s face,

“No, the division captain said to leave some people to take care of these prisoners, and it was very troublesome for them to run.”

“Oh, yes too!”

The guard was stunned for a moment, but smiled and waved at Fan Zhebai, signaling him to hurry up and deliver the meal.

Click, click, click

The sound of calm footsteps echoed in the purgatory, and Fan Zhebai soon came to the third level of purgatory.

He was walking in the dimly narrow aisle, when suddenly there was a roar around him

“Hey, boy! How can you be alone today! ”

“Roll over to Lao Tzu!” I want meat! Eating meat!!! ”

“Let me out, let me out!!!”

“Si Yu, when I go out, I’m going to make you look good when I’m old!!!”

In the cell fence on both sides,

Suddenly stretched out countless hands,

The chains on his body vibrated loudly,

They roared madly at Fan Zhebai, with a vicious expression that was going to eat him.

But Fan Zhebai was unmoved, and the hand carrying the food box did not tremble at all.

He lowered his head to let the brim of his hat block his view,

Walk slowly toward the innermost position of the third floor, “It’s point.” ”

Fan Zhebai walked to the door,

Take out the dish from the dedicated delivery position and put it in, and then knock on the transparent glass,

In the pitch-black cell, there was no movement coming, and Fan Zhebai struck again with increased force,

In the pitch-black room,

Suddenly, there was a sound of chains dragging,

At the same time, a face with deep eye sockets slammed into the glass and made a bang!

Ralph looked at Fan Zhebai like a madman, “What happened to the Sixteen Guards today?” ”

He greedily looked at Fan Zhebai, who was looking down at his head, and suddenly slammed the glass,

“How dare you come alone?!” Think everyone is silent? Ralph let out an angry roar,”

A withered face contorted, looking extremely terrifying.

However, Fan Zhebai was not frightened, he still stood there steadily, and the distance between him and Ralph on the other side of the glass was only one meter.

Fan Zhebai slowly raised his head,

Revealing the face covered by the brim of the hat, he looked directly at Ralph calmly, “Long time no see, Ralph.” ”

Ralph’s expression showed a hint of doubt, and he took a closer look at the prison team member, and suddenly,

What he realized,

The expression instantly became stunned and frightened!

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