
Ralph subconsciously gave birth to this thought in his mind,

A few minutes earlier, Ralph had looked at Fan Zhebai, who was standing in his own right, even though his appearance was the same person who usually brought him food.

But Ralph understood that standing in front of him was another person, the old ruler of the old division, Hotlis!

That calm reveals arrogant eyes,

Ralph, even if he hadn’t seen him in twenty years, would never forget, “Hotlis! ”

Ralph exclaimed, then remembered something, turned his head and looked at the monitor in the room,

“No problem, they can’t find anything,”

The calm opening of Holtlis, who incarnated as Fan Zhebai,

Only to see a layer of ripples like water waves appear in front of the camera, Ralph realized,

Holtlis had already blocked the surveillance with means, “How did you come in, are you here to save me?!” ”

Ralph asked eagerly,

“Of course,” said Holtlis,

“In the twenty years since you were imprisoned here, I have been waiting all the time for the time to save you.”

“Finally waiting for this opportunity today, the sixteen guards have been tied up in the watch world by my calculations,”

“So, here I am.”

I don’t see what Holtlis does,

The hard metal door beside him made a loud bang and fell off from under the door frame.

Holtlis raised his hand again, and the chains and soul nails on Ralph’s body fell off!

Ralph felt the long-lost freedom, and this wonderful feeling almost made him cry with joy,

He looked at Holtholis, with great gratitude,

“Lord Holtlis, thank you! Before the Sixteenth Guard has found out, let’s get out of here! ”

At this point, the movement here caught the attention of the other prisoners, “Sleeper, how did Ralph get out?!” ”

“Hey, that guy, you let us out too!”

They shouted loudly,

Hoping that he could get out of his cell too, “Lord Holtlis, or…”

Ralph’s eyes were fierce, and he put his hand across his neck and made a gesture of silence, but Holtlis said calmly,

“It doesn’t matter, they can be used as bait to attract Lin Xinzhi’s attention, so that I can do something next,”

“What else are you going to do?”

“I’m going to the eighth floor, and the Lord has been asleep for too long… It’s time for a recovery. ”

Ralph was pleasantly surprised,

I didn’t expect that today, in addition to the day I regained my freedom, I could also witness the awakening of Zhuang!

But he’s a little hesitant.

“Lord Hollys, I’ve been locked up here for twenty years,”

“The strength has regressed a lot, and if Lin Xinzhi knew that they had come, I am afraid I would not have been able to defeat them.”

He did not dare to look at Holtlis, because he knew the consequences of disobeying Hollis’s orders,

Who knew that Holtlis was smiling mildly,

“I don’t know this person for three days, he should have come in and stayed with you for three days,”

Ralph was shocked, worthy of Lord Holtholis, even knowing such a secret thing,

And then anger appeared on his face,

“That guy not only treated me like a slave, but pretended to be a substitute in front of me, which is a crime that is unforgivable!”

Thinking of those three days of miserable time, Rael Sky was limited to the itchy seat of his teeth! Hotlis sighed,

“Yeah, he’s a very good teenager,”

“Although I sent Ange and Ivey, the time has passed.”

“With his strength, I am afraid that there is chaos in the table world now… Soon it will be suppressed by him. ”

Ralph quickly asked, “So what to do?” ”

He has a deep understanding of the unspoken power of terror, and he believes that the damn guy can do it.

“What I need you to do is take these prisoners and hold the guard of the Sixteenth Guard under control for a while.”

“As long as I take out the skeleton of God and the Lord comes to the world, then even if I don’t speak for ten hours, it is not enough to see.”

With that, Holtlis looked deeply at Ralph,

“As for if the person who came is really Lin Xinzhi, there is no need to worry,”

“He has been in the past twenty years and has become a wrinkled old man.”

He snorted disdainfully,

“And I will come to join you as soon as I have obtained the Divine Skeleton and get out of here.”

Ralph’s face changed several times, and finally he made up his mind to take it, and at this moment,

Ralph, who transformed into a blood-eyed crow, hissed madly, and Lin Xinzhi’s eyes showed pity,

“I don’t know if you can understand it, but I can tell you,”

“Holtlis is not going back here, he is already on his way to the ninth floor.”

Ralph’s hissing suddenly stopped, and a sense of deceived anger arose in his remaining mind!

He did not care about the pain in his body, and the broken beak was forcibly opened,

Immediately, a large stream of thick green venom erupted, heading towards the illusory figure in front of him

Since Holtlis has abandoned him, then he will do his best to make a way out of the way!

However, the figure does not hide,

So straight up to Ralph and clapped,

Originally, Ralph thought that this attack would be effective.

But he saw his venom, as if it had touched the air.

Directly through the palm of the shadow’s hand! How come?!

Isn’t it just capable of hitting itself like an entity?! Ralph was horrified and immediately flapped his wings,

Instinctively, I went away from the palm of my hand,

But that hand suddenly became very large, and instantly covered the top of the head of the blood-pupild crow,

Rumble! Under the cover of the palm of the hand,

Ralph was crushed into a meat paste in an instant! In the three layers of purgatory,

Su Ruquan looked at Ralph, who stood motionless in front of him, and there were countless black qi and spiritual power surging up on his body.

Although his eyes are tightly closed, his expression is changing sharply, sometimes frightened and sometimes angry,

Suddenly a pop came from Ralph’s body, Su Ruquan immediately became vigilant and stared at it,

However, he found that Ralph spat out a large mouthful of blood, and countless blood marks appeared in his entire body!

Su Ruquan’s expression froze, because she found that in her perception, Ralph’s breath had completely dissipated!

She looked at Lin Xinzhi, who also opened his eyes next to her in disbelief, “Elder Lin, he is… He’s dead?! ”

On Lin Xinzhi’s face, there was no joy in just killing a strong enemy, and his face was extremely solemn.

“I’m going to the ninth floor now, and you’re here.”

Before the words fell, his whole person had already disappeared in front of Su Ruquan,

Although they were also spiritual beings, Su Ruquan’s ability was not as good as Lin Xinzhi’s

She couldn’t cover the entire purgatory, and naturally didn’t know what Lin Xinzhi had discovered before.

She was going to obey the order, and by the way, she studied the corpse of Ralph in front of her,

After doing medical research for so many years, she has never studied the former director of the old division.

But at this moment, the footsteps of Su Ruquan, who was as strong as before, came from under her feet again, and she took a deep breath of smoke.

“If only the world were really destroyed… My research doesn’t seem to make any sense…”

Su Ruquan threw the unfinished cigarette butt on the ground, crushed it fiercely, and then ran towards the intersection below.

In the ninth floor of purgatory,

Holtlis came to a large room, and in front of him was a transparent glass box in which the angel’s feather was placed,

Holtlis reached out and touched the box, but just as he touched it, he was slammed open by a very special breath!

Holtlis took two steps backwards,

I saw that the glass box in front of me was no longer a transparent form,

The whole box was covered with a layer of dark red, and Holtlis’s expression became playful, and this smell was very familiar to him.

It was a breath of fatal attraction to all spirits in the world, a breath that came from Shi Wuyan’s body!

“Did you merge your breath into the seal of the wreckage, forming a new kind of enchantment?”

Holtlis walked over to the box,

“Because I firmly believe that no one can break my boundary, the defensive force in the whole purgatory is so thin.”

“You guessed it, Hotlis!”

Lin Xinzhi’s figure appeared at the door, and Holtlis turned around and opened his mouth calmly,

“It seems that Ralph has died at your hands.”

Lin Xinzhi looked at Holtlis’s expression,

It seems that the current situation has long been anticipated, and a burst of anger has risen in my heart for no reason.

“He is also your subordinate, and you actually used his death as a means of delaying me!”

Holtlis looked at Lin Xinzhi strangely,

“Everything we have is given by the Lord, and it is the Lord who gave him a new life, so can’t he give his life for the Lord?”

“Fallacies and heresies!”

Lin Xinzhi was angry,

“Didn’t you do this just to take the wreckage from here?”

“But I tell you, think again!”

Lin Xinzhi looked at the dark red box,

“Before the time comes, you have already injected your own energy into the seal, and it is up to you – it is absolutely impossible to break it!”

Holtlis chuckled,

“Oh you forgot… What’s in my box? ”

Lin Xinzhi’s face changed suddenly,

Shi Buyan also added his own spell power to the seal of the eighth layer of the demon’s broken finger,

Let the boundary of that place become the same as the ninth layer,

But the broken finger had already been taken out by Holtholis!

Only to see Holtlis slowly cover the surface of the dark red box again, “If you believe too much in your own strength, you will lose very badly in the end.” ”

In the bland words, Holtlis’s hand fell,

The dark red power rippled violently, but this time,

His hand didn’t bounce off!

Only to see that it was wrapped in red spiritual power, and in the instant of contact with dark red energy, the spiritual power suddenly darkened,

It turned into the same dark red as in the seal! Energy is no longer repulsive,

Holtlis smoothly put his hand into the box and gently took out the white feather,

A terrifying holy breath suddenly burst out, and the whole purgatory shook again!

Holtlis’s expression appeared solemn, and a large amount of spiritual power emerged from his hands, protecting himself.

Carefully putting the feathers into the box next to him, Lin Xinzhi’s expression was extremely shocked,

His fingers kept trembling at Hhotlis, “What did you just do?!” ”

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