“Elder Lin!”

Su Ruquan had also arrived at this time,

Holtlis did not care about the sudden appearance of Su Ruquan, he looked at Lin Xinzhi with an expression of disbelief,

“You must know that there is a saying in this world that there are people outside the people, and there is a day outside the heavens that Holtlis walked towards Lin Xinzhi.”

“Since you took the initiative to send you to the door, then I will get rid of you by the hand, his tone is very indifferent.”

It was like telling a trivial matter, and Elder Lin suddenly became angry.


The voice just dropped,

The huge spiritual power in his body instantly emerged, covering Holtlis in an instant.

Holtlis looked at the changing scenery around him, and appeared in front of him,

The illusory figure who was swinging his fist at himself, there was no fear on his face,

“It turned out to be a sea of sand… The illusion is like sand, unpredictable, and the illusion is like the sea, which cannot be separated. ”


Holtlis seemed to sense something, but there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, “It actually turned into an entity.”

I haven’t finished talking,

A black shadow shot out from behind him,

Instantly defeat the phantom that is about to attack you! Lin Xinzhi’s face changed,

The mental strength soared again,

The solid ground beneath Hollis’s feet instantly turned into a sheet of quicksand!

Surrounding gravel branches,

All of a sudden, they were all sucked into the quicksand!

But Holtlis seemed to be still standing on the ground, unaffected by the quicksand,

“Between virtual and real, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, there are many distracting thoughts, and it will never fall into the sea of sand…”

Hotlis murmured,

“I didn’t expect your strength to go one step further, Lin Xinzhi.”

Speaking of which,

His tone changed sharply, and he became extremely arrogant,

“But… In front of me, it is still a mirror flower and a water moon, and it is unbearable to be ten cups! ”

Didn’t see any action from Holtlis,

An ordinary dead tree not far in front of him snapped from it, and at the same time,

The scene around Hhotlis also shook like a wave of water,

Quick as a wink

He went back to the previous room again, “How did you find out?!” ”

Lin Xinzhi’s face was miserable, and a wisp of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The dead tree just now was the lifeblood of the sand sea, and it was broken by Hollys,

The sea of sand naturally shattered,

And he was also repulsed by this.

“Lin Xinzhi, you are really old…”

Holtlis paced toward Lin Xinzhi,

“You’ve done enough for the Sixteenth Guard over the years, let me… Let’s give you one last ride! ”


The sudden sound of gunshots rang out,

A blue flash of light shot towards Holtholis! Because it’s so fast,

Holtlis had no time to dodge,

A hole was immediately shot out of the chest, but there was no blood flowing from the edge of the wound, but it instantly congealed into ice.

And constantly spreading towards Holtholis’s whole body! Su Ruquan held a pistol the size of a palm,

The muzzle of the gun was smoking, and her eyes were very cold,

“You’re so proud, Hollis!”

The blue laser just now was just shot by Su Ruquan, after she condensed her spiritual power extremely,

The special pistol that was injected into the hand,

She can shoot a laser that is enough to make people freeze instantly, just when she takes advantage of Holtlis’s attention,

When all of it is placed on Lin Xinzhi,

He used all his strength to fire a shot when he was not ready, but the next moment,

Su Ruquan’s pupils shrank suddenly,

“I remember your name is Su Ruquan, I have read your information, it is indeed a very good move,”

Holtlis’s tone,

It’s like commenting on a student’s work,

“If you become a special class, you may still be a little bit of a threat to me, but now…”

Holtlis’s body shook slightly, and the ice in his chest immediately stopped spreading and instantly fell off the wound, “Doesn’t work?!” ”

Su Ruquan was shocked!

“Well, I’ve seen your efforts, and now I can die with peace of mind.”

Holtlis let out a sneering laugh with a mocking streak, deliberately aggravating his pace,

to make a bigger sound,

Let them feel the panic more realistically,

Because he loves to see the fear of others before they die. Lin Xinzhi roared lowly,

It seems that they want to launch an attack,

But as soon as the extraordinary power of the body emerged, it suddenly fell silent again,

The breath of the whole person became vacuous, as if the sea of sand had been broken,

Causing him to be injured extremely badly, Lin Xinzhi bent down and coughed a few times, coughing up a pool of blood on the ground, and then,

He suddenly let out a loud laugh and looked at Holtholis,

“What if you kill us?!”

“The Angie Sect Master who has killed you without saying a word is now heading towards Ishizhao Port!”

“You know him, he will soon suppress all the disasters in the table world, and then he will come to you!”

Holtlis’s footsteps stopped and whispered to himself, “So fast? ”

Having said that,

He carefully looked at Lin Xinzhi’s expression, but the other party’s wrinkled face was all filled with anger towards himself, and there was no panic.

There was not a trace of lying, and Holtlis looked moved,

Immediately instead of walking towards the two people, he turned around and lifted his box, and then reached out and stroked it, in the air around him,

Immediately a narrow crack in the space appeared, “Even if you are lucky to escape today, you will be able to escape the disaster.” ”

He looked at Lin Xinzhi with an indignant face,”

And the stunned Su Ruquan,

“Then enjoy the little time you have left.”


Su Ruquan immediately rebuked,

She was about to shoot at Holtlis again, knowing that her attack would not work,

But she wanted to do her best to delay the other party’s action, even if it was to buy a little more time for her teammates who were fighting in the watch world!

But the moment she shoots,

Her wrist holding the gun suddenly seemed to be stabbed by something, causing the blue laser that shot out to deflect its position.

Hit the wall on the other side! And at this time,

The figure of Holtlis has disappeared with the closure of the crack,

Wait a moment,

After seeing that Holtlis’s breath could no longer be perceived,

Su Ruquan looked at Lin Xinzhi beside her in disbelief, because she had just clearly felt,

The last one to stab his wrist was not Hotlis,

Instead, it was the spiritual power released from Lin Xinzhi’s body! But as she looked over,

But my heart was even more surprised,

Because now Lin Xinzhi has straightened his back,

Although the corners of his mouth still had the blood of the previous one, his breath had recovered a lot,

It’s not as vacuous as it was just now.

And the look of anger on his face has disappeared, resurfaced,

Yes, as before in the monitoring room,

The restrained look I saw!

“Elder Lin, are you a second inning?”

Su Ruquan’s expression was a little strange, she wanted to ask Lin Xinzhi,

Did you just act in front of me?! Although saying this is somewhat disrespectful to Elder Lin, after all, the general has not asked about the world for many years.

The entire Sixteen Guards were handled by Elder Lin in one hand, but how could Su Ruquan not be confused by the completely different performance now and just now?

Lin Xinzhi seemed to see through Su Ruquan’s thoughts,

“You guessed it, I was just acting, and even asking him to take away the seal was my hostility.”

Lin Xinzhi’s voice is not loud,

But it was Su Ruquan’s heart that set off terrifying waves! She felt like she was completely confused,

Completely unclear what was going on, Lin Xinzhi smiled faintly,

“Most of the forces of the Sixteenth Guard were dispatched, and Holtholis, bent on taking the wreckage, would certainly not pass up this opportunity,”

“So I sent some of the staff from the headquarters to the watch world to avoid being brutally killed by Holtlis.”

Su Ruquan asked again,

“Since you know he’s back, why don’t you leave with him?”

Lin Xinzhi shook his head,

“Holtlis is a suspicious person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals,”

“If he finds out that not only is there no ambush in the headquarters, but there is no one there,”

“Then he will definitely have some doubts and change his original plan, which will be detrimental to us.”

“Therefore, only some of the people were transferred, and the sealers of the two parts of the wreckage were changed by Rending.”

“Only in this way can the arrogant Holtlis think that everything is under his control,”

Su Ruquan asked again,

“I still can’t understand why I finally let him take away the seal,”

“Wouldn’t that revive the demons?” Wouldn’t it be better if we just transferred these things? ”

Lin Xinzhi smiled mildly,

“If someone were worried about your diamond, would you keep him staring in the dark, or would you pretend to let him take it?”

“And then give him a slap when he’s happiest and thinks he’s about to get rich?”

Su Ruquan replied without thinking, “Of course, it will let him take it…”

She reacted violently,

“You’re luring the snake out of the hole!”

Su Ruquan’s eyes appeared with endless admiration, and she bowed her hand to Lin Xinzhi.

“Elder Lin is really powerful, not only deceived Hollis, but also set a trap for him, when he is really resourceful and thinks about the long term!”

“But it just feels a little…”

The next words,

Su Ruquan was a little speechless, although there was no problem with this plan, it always made her feel strange,

The person who made the plan seemed to be worse than the thief, but Lin Xinzhi laughed.

“It feels a bit of a joke about people, right, I think so too!”

Su Ruquan Yilin,

“Didn’t you make this plan?”

She saw Lin Xinzhi smile and looked at her without saying a word,

Su Ruquan suddenly thought of the sachet before, and immediately lost his voice.

“It’s all a silent arrangement?!”

“The brain engaged in research is indeed turning fast!”

Lin Xinzhi smiled and replied,

“Everything was calculated by the boy, and the so-called seal was also deliberately done by him to make Holtlis let down his guard.”

“Even if I finally told that lie, Holtlis would be in a hurry to leave, and he calculated,”

Lin Xinzhi sighed,

“I don’t like scheming, but I’m good at scheming, this boy… I can’t see through it! ”

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