Table world, trade center.

Fang Shamong, dressed in the uniform of the Sixteenth Guard,

He was holding a three- or four-year-old boy, desperately running forward, he covered the little boy’s eyes and did not let him see the surrounding scene, it was a cruel picture of countless corpses and blood covering the ground!

His body was glowing with a faint blue light, which provided him with an increase in speed and strength, and he soon came to the entrance of the trade center.

Just when Fang Shameng thought he was about to escape from this purgatory,

Suddenly in front of his eyes, a figure dressed in a black robe appeared in front of him, it was a woman with a smile on her face,

Fang Xiameng felt despair rise in his heart, looking at the red light that loomed in the other party’s eyes, he knew that this was a second-level evolutionary,

These people suddenly appeared and brutally killed all the people in the mall, and even the teammates who rushed with him were almost slaughtered.

And he is only a transcendent person who has only entered the fourth level stage for two years, and he is still holding a child who has escaped the disaster.

There is no hope of winning by half a point in front of a woman!

Just as he was about to give up the idea of fleeing and prepare to fight a wave, a gunshot suddenly came from in front of him.

The woman looked down and saw a blood hole appear in her chest! She turned around with great resentment and looked at a man with a strong face with short hair, facing her with a gun.

The woman screamed angrily, no longer caring about Fang Shameng in front of her, and rushed towards the short-haired man!

Fang Xiameng was a little stunned, the person who fired the gun was the leader of their group, the third-level supernatural of the instrument department,

On the leg of the group leader, there was a knife mark with a deep bone, and at this moment, blood was still flowing out!

“Why don’t you run?”

Roar sounded,

Fang Xiameng reacted to this, the group leader is going to take his own life and seek a way for himself to live!

His eyes instantly turned red, and he forcibly suppressed the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes, holding the child and rushing towards the gate of the trade center without turning back.

Soon, Fang Xiameng came to the sixteen guards branch mouth that was not more than a hundred meters away from the commercial and trade center.

He put down the child in his arms, and forced a smile on his face,

“Little friend, uncle will send it here, you obediently go in yourself.”

The little boy had tear marks on his face,

“Is that uncle going to save my mom now?” Mom, will she come to this place too? ”

Fang Xiameng was stunned and patted the little boy’s head,

“Well, uncle will help you find your mother now, and until your mother comes, you must stay here obediently and listen to other uncles and aunts.”


The little boy nodded his head again, then reached out and touched Fang Xiameng’s face, “Uncle, you have blood on your face, I will wipe it for you.” ”

Fang Xiameng’s nose was sour, and he subconsciously avoided it, and he gently pushed the little boy,

“Go inside, there’s a lot of bad guys out there.”

After saying that, he ran towards the location of the commercial center again, and with a bang, Fang Shameng knocked the door of the mall open.

“Team Leader!”

He shouted loudly,

The little boy’s mother will never come back, and his teammates will never come back.

He couldn’t let the only remaining group leader in his group die here! Even if he were to die, Fang Shamon would die in front of the group leader!

But his pupils shrank in an instant.

Before his eyes, the woman was dead, and his group leader was lying motionless.

“Team Leader!”

Fang Xiameng stared angrily, rushed over quickly, knelt on the ground and shook the group leader vigorously,

“You can’t beat what is strong?!” Do you know that your sister-in-law and Xiaowei are still waiting for you to go back at home?! ”

Fang Xiameng couldn’t bear it any longer, holding the body of the group leader, the twenty-something man cried like a child,


A faint voice came from his arms, and Fang Xiameng stopped crying and looked at it with surprise

Seeing that the leader of the group had already opened his eyes, he raised his hand tremblingly and punched Fang Xiameng’s chest.

“You’re special… Do you know… You shake me… It hurts…”

Although the group leader’s whole body was weak and weak, Fang Xiameng was still very happy, because at least he survived!

“Team leader, you’re so strong!”

Fang Xiameng has always admired his group leader, and every time he encounters a disaster, he rushes to the front.

And now, with the strength of the third level, he had killed a second-level evolutionary, making Fang Shameng almost regard him as his idol!

“Just lucky… Hiss! ”

The group leader wanted to laugh, but he pulled the scars on his face and inhaled a cool breath in pain.

He does have some luck this time, if he fights head-on, he is definitely not an opponent.

But at that time, the woman was facing away from him, and although the second level reacted quickly, it was only a few tens of meters away from the bullet.

And the leader of the group is also an extraordinary person in the instrument department, and the power of the gun in his hand is far stronger than that of ordinary firearms.

He took advantage of his lack of preparation to hit the woman’s heart, but later the woman still relied on the advantage of strength and almost killed him.

In the end, he desperately fought for his life, which barely killed the woman, but he was also seriously injured and fainted.

“Okay, I’ll take you out first, and when you’re well, let’s have a good drink together!”

Fang Xiameng wiped his tears, then picked up the group leader and walked toward the door.

But the group leader’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and he who was originally extremely vain in his breath did not know where the strength was generated.

Carrying the arm around Fang Xiameng’s neck, he suddenly pressed down hard! The two fell to the ground in an instant, and at the moment when they fell to the ground,

Fang Xiameng then heard a sharp whistling sound flying over his head, enemy attack!

Fang Xiameng immediately turned around,

I saw that on the stairs of the mall, there was a man in a black robe, holding a metal cylinder in his hand, and he was putting it down from his mouth.

Fang Xiameng’s cold sweat came down instantly, and he understood the sharp whistle just now,

It must be the attack launched by the evolutionary in front of you, if the captain hadn’t found out and pulled himself,

Now I don’t even know how I died!

“Xiao Fang, you go fast!”

The group leader has stood up at this moment,

But his body was trembling unceasingly, seriously injured,

It has made it extremely difficult for him to even support his body,

But he still held on to Fang Xiameng’s face, “This time I want to be with you!” ”

Fang Shameng clenched his fists,

“Lao Tzu is very good! Why did I tell you to go fast, you little calf can’t hear you?! ”

The group leader roared,

Pretend you’re in good shape,

But the muscles on his face were twitching in pain.

“It’s a lot of brotherhood, but… You want to go, have you asked me?! ”

The man in black sneered, and spiritual power emerged from his body,

Fang Xiameng’s face changed, and he immediately took two steps forward,

In front of the group leader,

He looked at the man in black with an angry face,

“Damn bastard, Lao Tzu is waiting for you below!”

He knew that the man in front of him was also a second-level evolutionary, since he would die after all.

Then let yourself be one step ahead and explore the Huangquan Road for the group leader!

The man in black snorted disdainfully, put the metal pipe to his mouth and blew hard, and a black shadow flew out in an instant.

With a sharp whistling sound, it shot straight towards Fang Shamon! A bitter smile appeared on Fang Xiameng’s face,

I regret that there are still many things I have not done in my life, but I heard a cracking sound from behind me.

A blue dot of light brushed his ear, instantly breaking the black shadow,

And pierced the head of the Man in Black! Poof!

Seeing the man’s eyes rolling down the stairs, Fang Xiameng was a little confused,

Saved yourself?!

What is that blue dot of light?!

“Ma, how did you die?”

One with a green hat,

The man with a cigarette in his mouth appeared,

He walked over to the body of the Evolver and kicked twice, and saw that the other party was completely dead.

Some muttered with dissatisfaction,

“Why can’t you fight so much? I haven’t had time to speak yet,” the man’s expression became indifferent.

Learning the tone of the man in black just now,

“You wanted to kill them, did you ask me?!”

After saying that, he also snorted coldly,

Then he spat out a puff of smoke with a pleasant face,

“It’s hard to be more handsome than that boy, but unfortunately he wasn’t there!”

Fang Xiameng looked at the uncle who suddenly appeared in front of him,

I can’t believe that this guy who looks a little obscene, just saved himself and made a move for the second-level evolutionary, he looked at the green hat on the man’s head in doubt, feeling very familiar,

Suddenly his eyes lit up, “Chai An! ”

He recognized it,

This strange uncle was none other than Chai An, the captain of the Sixteenth Guard Internal Affairs Team, who had seen him in the branch’s database!

Chai An walked over with some dissatisfaction, “No manners! Call Captain Chai! ”

Fang Xiameng was still able to take care of these things, and immediately looked at Chai An with an excited look,

“Support from headquarters has arrived?!”

They have been struggling here for so long, just to wait for the support of the headquarters.


He suddenly saw that on the second floor behind Chai An, three or four evolutionists appeared.

They are condensing red light in their hands, and they are about to attack them!

“Captain Chai, be careful!”

Fang Xiameng immediately shouted,

But he saw Chai An smash his mouth, “Rest assured, it’s okay…”

As his voice fell,

A sharp sword suddenly sounded,

Immediately, a pale blue sword qi swept over Fang Xiameng’s head, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the evolutionists on the second floor.

Their hands still hold that movement,

But a blood line gradually appeared at the waist, and the next moment,

The bodies of several people were impressively cut in two!

Fang Xia Meng looked at their corpses in astonishment, and then looked at Chai An, who was swallowing clouds and mist, and he turned sharply to look,

Only to see in the light and shadow of the scorching sun, the gate of the commercial center,

A woman with long blue hair was slowly sheathing her sword, and at her side,

And there stood a few young women with different looks.

Without exception, their bodies all faintly emitted a powerful aura! Fang Xiameng’s expression instantly became excited,

He recognized these people,

They are all captains of the Spirit Hunting Team, the strongest fighting unit of the Sixteenth Guard! Fang Xiameng’s tears suddenly burst out of his eyes,

Support from the headquarters has finally arrived!

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